Session 1 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 1

General Summary

The party awoke with serious headaches on the cold floor of an unfamiliar common room. Then it dawned on them - it was New Years Day, 650 AR and they were in the inn in the outer bailey of Castle deBelame. They got up, looked around and sheepishly reintroduced themselves to each other as no one could remember who was who. A few amusing tales of the night before were spun.   At this stage a guard from the castle came in and posted a notice on the bar. It read that the Warden of Black Marsh was offering a reward for the bringing of Holg the Marauder and his bandits to justice. After much discussion in the common room and a hearty breakfast, the group agreed to join up and go after the brigands.   They set off into the snow covered hills, following the trail of the last group to attack a nearby farm. After a few encounters with some kobold members of the bandit gang, they reached Holg's mountain hideout. They entered, and fought their way to his room, slaying him in an epic fight. They returned to the castle with his head to seek their reward. Warden Graham of Black Marsh thanked them and paid them well.   Soon word of their success had spread around the castle and they were approached by a priest of the Order of the Book who introduced himself as Father Kieran. He said he was travelling to Mount Macarack Abbey and was after some guards. The group agreed to help him and a price was settled upon.   The party set out north into the mountains, having a close encounter with a group of very hungry wolves. If the the winter had been harsh in Albion it had been even harder here. The next day, up in the mountains proper now they came across a massive battle. Orcs and barbarians were involved in a great skirmish in a dell.   Tor Bladesong immediately charged down the hillside and joined the battle. Fighting for the orcs! The others, a bit confused, approached more cautiously, but once Fortuna had determined the orcs were not evil, the party aided their new friend, Tor. The orcs narrowly won victory due to our heroes interference. They spent the night camping with the orcs and learnt that they were from the Skullcrusher tribe, who are allies to Tor's Clan Bladesong. The barbarians they were fighting were from the Fireaxe clan and are Tor's sworn enemies. The next day they moved on towards the abbey, eventually encountering a patrol of mounted knights in full armour. These were the famous Knights of the Sun and they escorted the party to the Abbey where they took up lodgings.   At the abbey Flek visited the library to research into the mysterious tattoo he has born since birth. Fortuna spoke at length with Sir Caelon about the Knights, perhaps interested in one day becoming one herself. The rest of the group rested and relaxed for a few days, with Tor challenging all comers to tests of strength and combat. He was soundly beaten by a novice knight, enforcing the reputation the Knights have. He swore to come back and beat the knight at a later date. About midway through the week an anxious villager arrived at the abbey from a nearby mining community. He told the monks of the abbey that his village had been hit by a mysterious plague and that the men had not returned from the mine in two weeks. The Knights had no men to spare as attacks from the barbarians were on the increase, so the party volunteered to go and investigate...   Forward: Session 2
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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