
"Your blood is as filthy as your forefathers!" Ircena spat. Crops that she had spent the last year tending to lay smoldering in the field in front of her, as blackened as the hope she had had for lasting peace. Her wives and husband who, thankfully, had survived the initial assault were now on the roof of their home and the grain silo, shooting down the fleeing elledŷnnë.   They had all moved out here to escape the realities of life in the Dominion and the threat of war that loomed ever so darkly over their heads. They had hoped that it wouldn't come to this. It had been years since the white-lips attacked last this far north. Fools they had been to think that maybe the war wouldn't follow them from their old home.   Ircena tightened her grip on the crossbow she carried as she glared at the grinning commander of the green-eyed scum that had attacked her farm. "Filthy?" said the elledynnë commander, peeling back his lips in a condescending grin. "Me? Darling, you've lived among the pigs for so long you've forgotten what clean looks like," he said, brushing off a speck of soot that had landed on his polished pauldrons. He spoke Tretalleri with the halting diction of one not well-versed. That he knew the language at all was strange, but if he had hoped it would grant him some sort of clemency, hearing her mother tongue bastardized on the elledynnë commander's tongue only stoked Ircena's hatred.   A crossbow bolt between the eyes was the only response that Ircena could think to make. She understood now. And as she looked over at her lovers, they knew as well. So long as they were high elves, there would be no end to the war. So long as one of the fuckers lived, her people would have no peace.  De'Qyrë Kharra (The Maiden of War) by Luanna a'Csendra

Basic Information


Tretâllë are humanoid beings with one head, two arms, and two legs. Comparatively speaking, they have lighter bones than the average human being, mimicking the honeycomb structure of birds, but not quite to the same extent. Their musculature, as well, is stronger per gram in comparison to the average human or dwarf, allowing them to maintain a comparable level of strength to their human counterparts despite having less mass.   Tretâllë stand head and shoulders taller than most species on their world of Sekhar. As such, they appear to be imposing to some of the shorter races despite being slender and lanky on average. Few tretâllë achieve any measure of bulk, and most, in fact, cannot. Even the most enthusiastic tretalleri athlete has a body that is at most lean and tight in comparison to other races. Despite this, their apparent delicateness belies an innate strength that is on par with IstErián (humans) and IstErinin (dwarves).

Ecology and Habitats

Although the tretâllë prefer to live in temperate, wooded areas, they are equally well adapted to most other environments. They find the cold somewhat difficult to deal with but are able to manage. Knowledge of survival skills is important to the tretâllë as historically they had to live in one of the most inhospitable regions of their home continent: the Desolation

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tretâllë are omnivores. Having historically suffered from a relative scarcity of resources, tretâllë tend to make do with what is available, especially when it comes to sustenance. Though having cultural roots with the druids of old, the tretâllë do not maintain the druids' reticence with regard to the consumption of meat and in fact view it as an important staple of their diet, consuming it whenever it is available. For this reason, hunting is a cornerstone of tretalleri culture, and historically, tretalleri hunters preferred to use the spear over other hunting implements such as the bow.   With the advent of sophisticated agricultural techniques melding the best of technology and magic, as well as significant improvements in storage techniques that allow food to be stored for a virtually indefinite amount of time without spoilage using a mix of blood magic and druidic magic, tretalleri attitudes toward food have begun to change. Though they are still primarily omnivores, tretâllë have begun to adopt a more plant-based diet hearkening back to their druidic roots, with meat serving as an occasional luxury.   Despite these advancements, however, hunting remains a popular past-time, though it is no longer considered a necessity. Young children enrolled into the mandatory youth military training of the Dominion, in particular, cut their teeth during their early years learning the art of the hunt, a vital part of learning their heritage as well as important survival skills. That is not to say that hunting is done carelessly or callously as the tretâllë are quite mindful of their environment and the impact that they have on it.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Tretalleri faces are generally longer compared to humans. They have prominent cheekbones and angular jaws, which tend to be at a shallower angle on females compared to males. Their eyebrows are long, thin, and typically taper to a point. They do not have broad foreheads, and all tretâllë have a widow's peak at the center of their hairline.   Tretalleri noses are often hooked, and their lips are typically thin. Like their elfin cousins in the elledynnë and the urkal, they are possessed of tapered pointy ears. Male ears tend to be rounder than female ears and stick out further from the head. Female ears, on the other hand, tend to be shorter, but sharper and often curve toward the head, sometimes even lying flat against the skull.   There is very little variation in eye color among the tretâllë. Steel grey is the most common color, followed by gold, and then green. There are accounts of tretalleri individuals with crimson eyes in folklore, mythology, and oral tradition, but there are no historical accounts to corroborate them, nor does there exist biological evidence. If, this were indeed the case, however, crimson would be the rarest eye color for tretâllë, with violet coming in as a close second.   Similarly, tretâllë do not have diversity in hair color, with most having silvery-white hair though hair color can range from pale grey to platinum.   Tretâllë possess distinct biological facial markings in the form of two bands of slightly darker skin. For females, these bands extend from the temple to the corners of the eye, while for males, these bands extend all the way to the collarbone.   Those bearing bands different from their biological sex are considered their equivalent of transgender individuals. These people are embraced, rather than shunned, as they are viewed to bridge the gap between the two sexes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Tretâllë live on all of the known continents in the present day, but their homeland, and therefore the highest concentration of their population, is in Di'Termalttë

Average Intelligence

100-120 IQ

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Tretâllë have eyes that are well-adjusted to both dim and bright light, a fact that the predecessors of the elledŷnnë used to their advantage when putting the ancestors of the tretâllë to work in their mines for precious metals and precious stones.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tretâllë believe that names possess power over a person. Not in the sense that should another person discover their true name that person would have some measure of control over them, but more in the sense that names continue to carry their historical significance around with them, and the attitudes and beliefs of a person who carried a name in the distant past may inform the attitudes and beliefs of a person who carries that name in the present.   As such there are three names that are important to a tretalleri individual: their given name, their chosen name, and their House name. A given name is rather self-explanatory as it is the name given to an individual by their parents. At the age of majority, 27, tretâllë may, if they wish, take on another name. This name becomes their "chosen" name which takes priority over their given name. For most, their given name suffices, but there are those who might not agree with the history of their given name and decide to take on another one that they believe is more apt for their ambitions and their beliefs.   Although they have family names associated with their immediate relatives, tretâllë tend not to use these for anything other than official documentation. To the tretâllë, Houses, which are collections of families descended from a common female ancestor, the matriarch, bear far greater social significance. Thus, they use their family names to identify themselves from others who might have the same chosen name.   The prefix a' means "of the House—" (e.g. Ifanarien a'Callan means Ifanarien of the House Callan)   Male First Names: Arnen, Arra, Bilnë, Brinë, Beýn, Cirwen, Cirrë, Cilmë, Kilnen, Kilyen, Kreýdë, Miernë, Morë, Tharnë, Tyennë, Vrist, Wreýn, Zavyrr   Female First Names: Annara, Aleý, Brena, Blymë, Farna, Faellë, Irinna, Ircena, Jinara, Kaan, Mirnen, Qaennë, Searrë, Varna, Wirna, Zanyra   House Names: a'Callan, a'Devytorë, a'Diren, a'Dovyndë, a'Lira, a'Nara, a'Noren, a'Rolmë, a'Tirtyrë, a'Zo-Hanyll

Major Organizations

The Dominion — The Dominion is the greatest empire that the world of Sekhar has seen in recorded history. Born from humble roots as a collection of kingdoms of freed slaves, it grew far beyond the sum of its parts and spread across much of the known world, diplomatically assimilating states that aspired to the stability that the Dominion offered, and conquering those who would not bend to its divine mandate of unifying the world.   Averrë Nenn — The Church and Faith of the Nine. Di'Averrë Nenn is a faith of two distinct pantheons: the upper pantheon containing the Nine primary gods of the faith, and the lower pantheon containing minor deities and the gods of other religions. It is the cornerstone of the Dominion and the official faith of the empire. Although belief and observance of the faith is not mandatory.

Beauty Ideals

The pinnacle of beauty is in the realization that no such thing exists
— Seýna a'Kassarë, philosopher
  The ancient enemies of the tretâllë, the elledŷnnë and their predecessors, valued physical beauty far and above all other things. It was this belief that initially set the ancestors of the tretâllë apart from their elfin brethren and consequently led to their enslavement beneath the Shrouded Peaks.   As a result, on a cultural level, the tretâllë are not too keen on the pursuit of physical beauty. While they certainly do not eschew it, and are capable of appreciating a good-looking individual when one comes along, it is not a physical characteristic that they give too much value to.   Instead, strength, skill, and sharpness of wit are far more valuable to the tretâllë, moreso than the fairness of one's skin or the symmetry and pleasantness of one's face. Confidence, as well, plays a big part in the way that they judge each other, as they believe that the ability to be comfortable with one's own body is an important value.

Gender Ideals

There is plenty of debate that surrounds the topic of whether the tretâllë are a patriarchal or matriarchal society. Those that argue for the former need only point to the fact that the position of Imperator is reserved solely for those of the male gender. Those on the other side, however, contend that the fact that one of the highest courts in the land has seats exclusively for women, and all Houses are ruled, de facto, by a matriarch in whom the House's line of descent is rooted.   Women are, traditionally, revered in tretalleri society. Mothers, especially, occupy a privileged position in social circles and in politics. Tretalleri women are expected not to simply be the caretakers of the home, attending to its day-to-day upkeep, but its protectors. The ideal woman is strong, able to take on a man should it be necessary. She is level-headed, practical, and steadfast. She is able to make quick decisions should the circumstances demand it, but she is also able to discern when a situation may warrant a closer look. She is gentle and tender when nurturing is necessary, but firm and unyielding when discipline is.   The ideal man is resourceful and inquisitive. He is expected to know where to find things, and if not, how to find out. He is the provider and the innovator. He is expected to be fast not just on his feet, but with his wit. He is patient and warm, a good listener, a crying shoulder, and a comforting presence. And yet he can be grim when duty demands it. He is a warrior, disciplined and law-abiding, unafraid to do what he must for hearth and home.   Men and traditionally "masculine" roles are not undervalued in tretalleri society but instead considered complementary to "feminine" roles. One of the cornerstones of the Faith of the Nine is the understanding that men and women are different but equal, neither one subservient to the other, but instead both working together and at times against each other toward a certain goal.

Courtship Ideals

Contrary to the humans, the Tretâllë lack a cultural expectation for men to approach women in whom they are interested although women tend to approach men moreso than the other way around.   A profession of romantic interest is traditionally expressed with the offering of a trinket, typically hand-crafted, often rendered in the shape of something with significance to the relationship between the two individuals. Antler is a popular material, though sometimes the hard wood of the anmig tree is used. In some regions, especially near the border with the Desolation, a difficult-to-cultivate flower, the llylara, is grown and used as an alternative. Such professions, however, are expected to be polite and cordial. A mean-spirited rejection is viewed as the mark of an unsavory character.   Should both parties consent to continue the courtship, they will tend to spend a lot of time with one another, be it in public or behind closed doors. It is not uncommon for partners to be intimate even at this early stage in the relationship, as the tretâllë have no compunctions against pre-marital sex or casual sex for that matter.   Similarly, the tretâllë have no prejudice against having multiple romantic involvements. Although it is considered repellent to have more than one courtship ongoing at a time, it is not uncommon to find individuals courting those in an established relationship and vice versa. These courtships are a lot more complicated as they involve multiple people, but this is necessary as any existing relationships wouldn't even begin to think of welcoming another person into the fold if there weren't emotional bonds between all members of the prospective relationship.   Traditionally, courtships are expected to last at least a year before any commitments are made. The tretâllë, with their long lives and their capacity for long-term thinking ensures that they aren't given to whirlwind romances. That is not to say that they cannot feel the tumultuous emotions associated with these types of romances, but that they are more likely to show restraint to ensure that the relationship can be a lasting one.

Relationship Ideals

As with most romantic relationships, the ideal tretalleri relationship is one that is filled with love, respect, and communication. The ideal tretalleri relationship is also one that is built not on a foundation of physical attraction or carnal passion, but rather, is one based on deep emotional bonds between the parties involved. That is not to say that a relationship that involves a lot of mutual lust is inferior, simply that the tretâllë believe that the healthiest relationships are ones that are fundamentally based on companionship rather than sex.

Common Etiquette Rules

Tretâllë, though they value discipline, find the idea of strict social protocols in day-to-day life rather tiresome and save their fastidiousness for more professional situations. As with every society, however, there are certain unspoken rules. For example, when an elder is speaking, it is expected that they will be listened to, but at the same time, it is expected that no one take longer than is necessary to get to their point.   It is considered rude to sit on the left side of a stranger when there is space to sit on the right side, and the reverse applies when sitting next to a friend. Commenting on a stranger's appearance is construed as rude in public, regardless of the relationship between the two parties, and regardless of the intent. Doing so with a friend in private, however, is considered acceptable.   It is considered rather inappropriate to display weapons prominently, though it is expected that any weaponry larger than a dagger be visible on one's person. It is also considered quite rude to show off one's weapons without being asked, and doubly so to ask to handle another person's weapon. It is, however, considered good manners to allow another person to look at one's weapon when asked.

Common Dress Code

Tretâllë have few qualms about walking around shirtless in public, though it is considered rather rude to gawk. Public nudity is not such a big deal either, particularly in the homeland where there are fewer individuals of other races that could raise a stink about it. In most rural communities, it is not uncommon to see field workers go about in the nude on a particularly hot day.   This stems from the fact that early on in the history of the tretâllë, and the Dominion itself, there were very few sources of textiles readily available in Di'Termalttë. The hardy plants of the region were not conducive to the creation of decent cloth, and they would not be cultivated into a workable condition until much later. Similarly, woolly animals were rare. As a result, most early tretalleri clothing was fashioned from hides or leathers, which tended to get stifling under a hot sun. Field workers were known to doff their clothing to work on hot days, hence the saying expression "to bare one's back to the sun," meaning to work hard.   In private, or in more professional settings, being clothed is expected, but the tretâllë express a deep cultural disdain for any clothing that appears gaudy and ostentatious. Something with an understated elegance or a simple sort of beauty is well appreciated, but they believe that to overly-decorate oneself without due cause is to, without justification, elevate oneself above others, which is considered wildly unacceptable.   This is reflected even in the full regalia of officers in the military, who are distinguished by badges and their helms rather than by the armor that they wear. Officials higher up in the military hierarchy also bear lances that mark their station, but dress with little more decoration than the standard foot soldier. Even the garments of state worn by Di'Adeýla Cilanannë himself, compared to the regalia of other leaders in his empire, are rather understated. Were it not for the ivory crown that rests upon his brow.   Individuals of authority, both military and governmental, are marked by raven feathers in different configurations. As such, it is legally forbidden for any individual to dress in similar fashions, but the use of raven feathers in clothing in general is not frowned upon as long as the clothing they are being incorporated into is respectable for raven feathers carry a religious significance to the Dominion.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Di'Lignetallë — Bone Trees, as they are known in the common tongue, are one of the most important and most prominent ways that the tretâllë memorialize their dead. Fragments of bone taken from the left pinky finger of a family member are placed within the trees. Sap from the incisions they are placed in harden around the fragments and set them in place, and over the years, the tree grows over the bones, integrating them into the plant's biology.   All the members of a particular House are interred in such a fashion in a single tree in the House's ancestral residence. As such, Di'Lignetâllë are inextricably linked to the memory not just of the individuals that they memorialized, but also the history of the House itself.   Di'Vellakôrvë — More properly, Di'Vêlla Kôrvë, The Flights of Ravens, are the customary duels that occur between individuals in certain relationships that occur on De'Jommë Kôrvë, the Day of Ravens. Some are small private affairs, but others are a public spectacle. Blood can be shed in these duels, but killing is outright forbidden.   Vellakôrvë serve as a means for an individual to measure the strength and skill of their prospective partners through ritual combat. At times, a courtship might hinge on the outcome of a vellakorvë. Usually this means that the party doing the pursuing must defeat the party being pursued for the courtship to continue. In more modern days, the vellakôrvë have fallen somewhat out of fashion with regard to relationships, but in larger cities, they remain a cornerstone of the festivities on the Day of Ravens.

Common Taboos

De'Mada Khazarë — The result of a cultural aversion to the practice and Dominion propaganda, most tretâllë find the notion of wielding arcane magic to be unthinkable. This is reflected in Dominion law, which expressly forbids tretalleri citizens from the practice of arcane magic and permits the practice for other races if and only if their arcanists agree to be registered and carry around proof of said registration at all times.   The arcane taboo stems from the belief that arcane magic was the weapon used to oppress the ancestors of the tretâllë, arcane magic that bound them to the feet of the Shrouded Peaks to toil away in the mines of the predecessors of the elledŷnnë. It certainly hasn't helped that the Silvered Realm has continued to use arcane magic in its oppression of its conquered realms, and in the war that rages between it and the Dominion.   Khatavesë — The act of making Hollow. Necromancy. The tretâllë hold that their patron god, the Stranger, is the god that mediates the veil between life and death. Those that seek to extend their lives through foul means that run contrary to the laws of nature and the will of the Stranger are abominations that deserve no less than to be struck down where they stand.   Bartallë — Sullying, corrupting, perverting, defiling a corpse, bones of the deceased, or any structure or object intended to memorialize those who have passed on from this life into the embrace of the Stranger. Although nothing could quite compare in abhorrence to raising the bodies of the unwilling dead to serve some nefarious purpose, to the Tretâllë, spitting on the memory of the dead, especially its physical manifestations, is a close second. Such acts are considered heinous crimes, punished severely within the Dominion.

Historical Figures

Llyrileýwa, the Prophetess — High Priestess of the Druidic Circle, born during the time of the Aene, the Great Elves of the East and one of the few immortals of her time, is a figure who features prominently in the early history of the tretâllë as a people distinct from the Aenevë. The creation of proto-Tretalleri, the language that formed the foundation for modern Tretalleri, is attributed to her. As are the secrets of smithing the first weapons made of star-steel, and the gift of blood magic.   She was one of the few open advocates of the ancestors of the tretâllë during their centuries of bondage under the predecessors of the elledŷnnë, and the only one whose voice couldn't be silenced due to her position of influence. However, as it became clear that the political clout of the Druidic Circle was waning, she turned to more desperate measures and helped arrange for the revolt and eventual freedom of the ancestors of the tretâllë, acting as a conduit between them and the Pale God, the patron of the Druidic Circle.   She also played an important role in the establishment of the Dominion, by wielding her near-mythical influence on the tretâllë to bring territories peacefully under the control of Cilritanë a'Detvida and his empire which was still in its infancy.   Cilritanë a'Detvida, the First Imperator — The last king of the Kingship of the Bone Trees, and the first ruler of the Dominion, Cilritanë a'Detvida was the first to discover, recognize, and utilize the vast amount of influence that the Ivory Throne could grant the person who sits upon it. Embarking upon an aggressive two-pronged military and diplomatic campaign, he annexed all of the Kingship of the Bone Trees' surrounding territories to forge the heart of what would, in later years, come to be known as the Dominion.   He was also the first to formalize the disparate faiths of the conquered provinces into a single cohesive structure that placed the god of his people, the Stranger, prominently on top of the pantheon. He is also known as the first bearer of the Stranger's divine mandate of unification, and his known relationship with the prophetess Llyrileýwa is believed to be proof of this.

Common Myths and Legends

Trisan, the Redeemed — Trisan is a figure in tretalleri folk legend who predates the Dominion. Modern scholars agree that the surviving accounts of Trisan are the combination of a number of local folk heroes, their individual legends wrapped up in the story of Trisan. Nevertheless, he is a popular figure in fiction, and typically used as a model for responsibility, duty, and courage. He is known for a number of adventures, but is best known for the story that set him on the road to heroism, involving a perceived betrayal so powerful it rent a soul in two.   Di'Lignë Cilanannë, the Tree King — A mythical pre-Dominion tretalleri king whose authority was endowed upon him by Kilyeldyr, the legendary sword of kings, imbued with druidic magics and said to seek out only the worthiest, purest, and wisest of rulers. His true name, and the name of his kingdom is unknown and likely forgotten to the passage of time. It is said that Di'Lignë Cilanannë carved out a unified territory that would only be rivaled by the Dominion many, many years after the kingdom's fall.   Di'Pithrelignë — Another legend with pre-Dominion origins, Di'Pithrelignë is a one-of-a-kind tree said to exist in the heart of the Desolation. Its trunk and branches are said to be made of bright metal, with leaves made of platinum that gleamed white in the sun.   Di'Andarra — A mythical bird of such bright plumage that it was allegedly mistaken for the rising sun whenever it flew overhead. Its feathers are made of delicate gold, except for its tail, which is made out of nine large different-colored feathers said to be so vibrant as to put all the world's jewels to shame. It is also said that Di'Andarra, when it nested among the branches of Di'Pithrelignë, its home, sang a mournful, haunting melody so sweet that it could put any man to sleep. In the myths, as well, it is said that the song Di'Andarra sings when it is joyful was filled with such miraculous warmth that it could ward away any and all illnesses, even curses inflicted by the gods.   The intertwined legends of Di'Pithrelignë and Di'Andarra are believed to be the oldest extant folklore. The emphasis of the stories on the outward beauty of the bird and the tree are uncharacteristic of tretalleri stories from after the diaspora. It is believed that the myths were developed either during the enslavement of the ancestors of the tretâllë, or was borrowed from an even earlier aeneveri myth.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Di'Elledŷnnë — We have nothing but pity for them. Their ancestors may have oppressed ours in the distant past, but their own brethren continue to oppress them for being not beautiful enough. Whatever that means. We hate the values that their kingdom, the Silvered Realm, stands for, but the elledŷnnë themselves are as much victims as they are the perpetrators, so we cannot judge them as a race, even though we wish we could for it would be so much easier.   Sylvari — They are old friends. The oldest of friends to the Dominion. They were the first to come into the fold, and have been invaluable allies since. We find their ability to change shape and form somewhat off-putting. It must be strange to be so mercurial. But without their assistance and their unique ability to infiltrate other races, the Dominion would have never gotten as far as it has to this day.   Arventiri — The first humans that we encountered. They are hardy, as to be expected of a desert people, and headstrong. They resist the strong hand of authority, just like they resist the repeated attempts of their homeland to drive them out with harsh storms and relentless sunlight. They are a very rebellious type, a recalcitrant child as far as the Dominion is concerned. We have to give it to them: they are resourceful, they are principled, and they are brave. If only they weren't so hardheaded.   Lowborn Centhiri — The lizardfolk, as the arventiri like to call them. We find this moniker rather offensive, though the lowborn do not seem to take it too personally. We also think calling them lowborn is somewhat rude, but they insist that they own the identity and do not wish to forget that they were once oppressed. They are kindred spirits, though sometimes we wish they would not be so apathetic to happenings in the world outside of their little communes.   Khathari — Oh to be as free as a khathari. They flit about from place to place, never resting too long, avoiding routine like it is a plague. They are certainly fickle, and their attention transient, but you can't say that they don't make good merchants. They have a knack for making the best out of what they have, and as they say, if you're ever to be stuck in chains, the best help you can ask for is a cat.   Veldrani — They are slow, methodical, despite the strength that is evident in their lumbering forms. They are also rather somber, a trait that we appreciate among the shorter-lived races but rarely find. They seem somewhat guilty, as a race, of the genocide that they helped to perpetrate, and while we must admit that we can understand why they feel the way that they do, we cannot help but imagine that had it been us in their position, and the elledŷnnë against whom we perpetrated genocide, we would be happier. Of course, the Stranger will not abide that, but then again, there's a reason the elledŷnnë haven't been exterminated yet.   A'Drekh — The A'Drekh. What can we say about the A'Drekh. Never have we encountered a people so diverse and so mysterious. Their magic makes us wary, for they are near as talented at the manipulation of arcane energies as the elledŷnnë but they seem more interested in creating colorful displays of fire with their art than anything else. Their dogged thirst for knowledge is to be appreciated, for sure, but one wonders about this business about Ascension into true dragonhood. We find it highly unlikely that such a thing is even physically possible.   Highborn Centhiri — Yet another empire so absorbed with furthering its own interests that it has to stomp all over those it deems "different." Their empire deserved what it got, shattered and broken against a coalition of all those they ever enslaved. Such a shame that they aren't still around as we would like to cross blades with them. The tragedy that befell their people, however, is truly sad. We cannot imagine the pain that they inflicted upon the other races to bring tensions to such a devastating end, but it feels as though the loss of an entire people to centuries of hatred is just so senseless.   IstUrkal — Cousins to the west! We had thought that the only elves were those who resided in the east, but it seems this is not the case. They are a fine and noble people. We very much agree with their mandates to protect nature. They may be a tad eccentric and territorial, but knowing their history we cannot blame them. It is, however, just such a shame that they have an undeserved reputation for mischief among the IstEri, the races of Man.   IstErián — The humans of the west. Not nearly as impressive as their arventiri cousins. They have all the hallmarks of humanity. Short lives. Shorter tempers. A fire that burns brightly in their veins, conviction that can rally the members of their race to a cause without evidence. The only reason they've not managed to get anything truly monumental done is that they seem to prefer spending their time and limited resources squabbling with one another.   IstErillen — The gnomes. A fine example of a race that rose from what was essentially slavery and now occupy a position equal to their former masters. Would that all of us could live in such harmony with our once-slavers. Their inquisitiveness, curiosity, and inventiveness are all valuable assets to the Dominion.   IstErinin — The dwarves. What do we say about the dwarves. They are uptight. They are puritanical. Their concept of public decency is bordering on the insane. Their insistence on keeping every inch of flesh covered, and keeping couples, who clearly share a romantic attraction to one another, apart in the name of purity grinds the nerves. The other races call us strict and dogmatic. We dread to think what they would call the dwarves.   IstEristur — A noble race of fighters, warriors, leaders, and guides. The orcs are an example to us all. They were able to rise above their savagery, their history of infighting and general unpleasantness, to build a society that relies on mutual cooperation, that listens to the wisdom of their elders, and thinks before it makes any rash decisions. No doubt IldRenn would be a much different place if they had not managed to pull themselves out of their vicious cycle of violence.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
350-400 Years
Average Height
6-8 feet
Average Weight
140-198 lbs
Average Physique
The average tretâllë is considered tall and lanky. Even the most athletic tretallë is considered to have a lean and tight musculature rather than stocky or bulky.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The tretâllë are rather pale, and their skin ranges from alabaster to pale ivory. More often than not, tretalleri skin color is somewhat light grey, the color of fresh, undisturbed wood ash. Because of their natural lack of melanin, tretalleri children are prone to sunburn in direct sunlight, but adults eventually overcome this sensitivity.
Related Ethnicities


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