Mitlac Conflict Military Conflict in Rivendom | World Anvil

Mitlac Conflict

The Mitlac Conflict was a brief military altercation that took place on the outskirts of the Rasp in the Vault Supernal following the unexpected arrival of a realmhusk nearby, after which the conflict was named.

The Conflict


A military unit from the remote Shardscape plane of Xolmah, was given orders to explore a realm discovered by adventurers through a mysterious doorway in an old Xolmahya ruin, unaware that the portal led to a dying realm. Though the presence of the Xolmahya soldiers briefly revitalized the realm, the outcome of their extended mission was inevitable. A few days after their arrival, the realm collapsed into the Vault Supernal.   As the presence of the soldiers had strengthened the existence of the area around their camp, it was this section of the realm that remained most intact when the dust had settled. A twist of fate saw that the realmhusk had arrived no more than two hours from the Rasp by foot and after gathering their bearings, the soldiers set off toward the town.   The language barrier proved an immediate difficulty as neither side could understand the other. Initial relations were amenable. A few more charitable citizens gave the soldiers food and water, but all gave them a wide berth as they explored the town. Tensions rose when the soldiers entered the town square and declared their intentions of claiming the territory for Xolmah by planting a standard and waving their weapons.   The inhabitants of the Rasp did not take kindly to the perceived provocation and attacked the soldiers in an attempt to drive them out of town. Before either side could come to blows, however, the people of the Rasp broke ranks and fled. Shortly thereafter, a swell of Quietus passed over the city, incapacitating most of the soldiers while also killing a handful of them in its wake.

The Engagement

Following the dispersal of the Quietus, the inhabitants of the Rasp emerged from their hiding places and confronted the soldiers yet again. Those that had not been incapacitated aggressively accused the townspeople of using black magic and brandished their weapons.   A brief skirmish ensued where both sides sustained a handful of casualties before the hostilities were successfully ceased by the intervention of the Nāgya. Though the Nāgya had been strongly advocating for level-headedness and diplomacy throughout the incident, the joining of battle necessitated more forceful intervention. As the drastic course of action necessitated the combined abilities of the Nāgya, the response was delayed.   The Nāgya Ontāgul ("First Teacher" in Sutsumāk) took command of the situation. At his orders, the wounded were attended to and the dead were moved to more respectful accommodations. The Ontāgul and the Nāgya elders took aside the commanders of the Xolmahya unit in an attempt to establish amicable relations between the two sides. The language barrier proved difficult to overcome but a temporary cessation of hostilities was agreed to while the Nāgya sought to find a way to contact the Xolmahya government. In the end, the Xolmahya soldiers were ordered to return from their assignment and were escorted by the Ontāgul and the elders to Yronroost.
Conflict Type


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Aug 3, 2022 13:10 by Molly Marjorie

Despite being an SFF setting, this is very realistic--explorers coming to colonize a land (and people) with whom they don't share a language (I think I've heard that one once or twice). I like how much of the leadership involved diplomacy and trying to break down the aforementioned language barriers.

Check out Natural Magic : a coming of age fantasy novel, because life is hard enough when you're fourteen, even without saving the world. Or listen to it in podcast form .