Rhosaya District Settlement in Rhydar | World Anvil
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Rhosaya District

Named from the peninsula most of the district resides in, the Rhosaya, this lush and mountainous district holds some of Rhydar's most ancient ruins and cities.  
by 달 봉이
The ancient city of GlebKey, located on the Primiean/Rhosayan island of Gleb Key


Ethnic Rheyan female

Most of the district consists of ethnic Rheyans, being one of the most homogeneous districts in the Kingdom. Though, much like the capital, AnnonRose, this district holds the second largest concentration of ethnic Atlans.  


  • 80% - Ethnic Rheyan
  • 10% - Ethnic Atlan
  • 3% - Ethnic Annie
  • 2% - Ethnic Viansan
  • 2% - Ethnic Dayne
  • 1% - Ethnic Primi
  • 1% - Ethnic Korrla
  • Less than 1% - Other


The district sends representatives to Atla from the royal family of their capital, AnnonRose.  
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by Ross Tran
Atlan Tarvia Avara on her Rheyan wedding day with her pet Lilausa. Dying her hair Rhos Pink, showing her loyalty to the district


The Fayr Mountains that make up more than 50% of the district's land, giving the people who live within them natural barriers from invaders. The flat coastal areas, where most of the cities reside, are not as easily protected but their large populations as well as wealth have lead them to build and develop other means of defenses, such as walls, militaries, etc.

Industry & Trade

Its three major port cities; AnnonRose, Rhosavelle, and Duarnti, all provide the district with most of its imports. The Fayr Mountains provide the district's exports with its fertile land and rich resources making it one of the richest districts in the Kingdom.  
The beautiful port city of Duarnti surrounded by miles of Rhosaya farmland.


Most of the district consists of small towns and villages that live within the Fayr mountain range, being very much autonomous when it comes to the sanitation and building standards of the Kingdom. The cities kept under the close eye of the capital, namely Eriana and AnnonRose, are very clean and are up to date on infrastructure. Though the same can't be said about Rhosavelle and Hana. Due to the cities cramped streets and high populations it is very difficult to keep track of all the cities' waste.



The ancient city of Mohara as depicted by an Annie artist.   Said to be mostly the telling of myths and legends, as no substantial evidence has been found, the ancient city of Mohara, or Holle in Rheyan, was one of the first cities built in Rhydar, maybe in tandem with Lau (now Brynna). Though unlike Lau, there are no ruins or any scriptural evidence of this city ever existing, at least in the Lvana mountains. But while Mohara has yet to be proven to exist, it is known that ancient Rheyans, called Moharans by historians, were the first people to cross the Siara sea, finding the Northern Lands.  

Empire of Rhosaya / Rapid Expansion:

The Hannula lights, one of the only Rheyan traditions that has stayed in Primi culture. A festival celebrated in Leryn, created during its time as the Rheyan city of Hannu.   Mostly staying as a nomadic peoples in the Rhosaya mountains. The Rheyans came across ancient texts and temples, ones that would eventually be the founding of the religion of the Sisters, and these nomads saw themselves as the second coming of these people that came before, called Forebearers, and felt it was their destiny to spread across the world and share their teachings. This lead to the colonization of most of the entire peninsula, leading to the creation of cities such as Hana and Rhosavelle. This expansion didn't stop though as the Rheyans, now fully enveloping themselves into the warrior culture of the Forebearers who inhabited the temples, sailed across the Pasmana sea and conquered most of the islands and the peoples who lived there. And while some, most notably the Hannu province, disapproved of the rapid take over, the Rheyans kept a firm hand in their provinces as to keep them within some order. Establishing the first Rheyan Empire and one of Rhydar's first true monarchies.  

Rebellion and Republic:

Rebellions began sprouting up across the Empire during and after the Parsi Wars. This was the first recorded time of Remnant based weaponry being used in warfare.   During a time of instability which saw a series of rebellions, and a series of wars known as the Parsi Wars, appear the Rheyan Empire began to crumble as it could not sustain its ever increasing population while also fighting various wars around the empire. After the last emperor of Rhosaya, Emperor Rinhos III, fled for other pastors away from his failing empire a new government was made from his many servants and trusty advisors, a republic. This strangely forward-thinking idea, created out of an empire in Ruins, was the birth of one of the most stable and longest continuous governments in Rhydar. Lasting over the course of many centuries, the Republic of Rhosaya was the center of innovation and discovery for many years. But all good things come to an end.  

Primiea conflict / Modern Polaris control:

General Mivera, with her Rose flare, successfully held off may Primiea advances onto the Rhosaya mainland.   Seeing the prosperous nature of the Rhosaya Republic and fearing an overthrow of their own monarchy, the Primiea Empire, now a much more powerful force, began various attacks on the republic state. Taking many of Rhosaya's islands and even mainland coastal areas before being pushed back by a fully mobilized Rhosaya military. These conflicts which severely hurt the Rhosaya Republic, hurt the now united Dayarin Empire even more, believing they could fight a two front war against the Polaris Kingdom.   In what many Rheyan say was a framed attack by the Daynes, a bombing occurred in the Polaris Kingdom that caused the death of King Molan III, Queen Eira, and Prince Molan IV, with the only survivor being their daughter, Princess Riana. With evidence suggested that the bombing was caused by Rheyan assassins the Polaris Kingdom quickly acted leading to a two front war Rhosaya could not defend against. Atlan forces, lead by now Queen Riana, caused one of the worst conflicts in recent Rhydan memory as a million Rheyan innocents were killed and over 200,000 forces as Queen Riana made her way across the Rhosaya mainland into the capital of Rhosavelle, deposing the Republic. Creating a temporary puppet monarchy, ruled by the Mivera family, before being completely absorbed into the Polaris Kingdom. This marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new one, one of Atlan rule in Rhosaya.  
With the young Queen Riana's vicious invasion of the Rhosaya Republic, turning just 18 as her and her forces crossed the Rhy strait to invade Rhosavelle, her quick and bloody victory of the Rheyans put the Atlans full force on display, as the young Queen was gifted the nickname "Riana the Vengeful".


With the many rivers that flow from the Fayr Mountains the surrounding lands of the district are very lush. As for the islands that sit at the eastern part of the Pasmana Sea they are home to some of the most beautiful beaches in Rhydar as well as plenty of their own flora and fauna different from the mainland.  
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by Alan Xiao
The Lush Fayr Mountains with the Rhos Tree, a staple throughout the mountain range  
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by Todor Hristov
One of the many beautiful beaches that scatter the islands of east Rhosaya
Alternative Name(s)
The Red District, Rose's District, District of the Rhosaya
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization



Rheyan Piay

A Rheyan Piay can either be a long, thin, bladed sword with a chain at the bottom, or the fighting style associated with that sword. In this case it is the fighting style. The Piay fighting style compliments the sword of the same name. Consisting of two different fighting style, the chain style and the sword style, each is used for different situations but mostly for long and close range respectively.

Chain Style

The chain style consists of high jumps and swift arm swings to move the chain, which has a blade of its own at the end. This style is the harder of the two to master and is rarely used, with the chain usually being used in tandem with the sword style at close range.

Sword Style

The much more common of the two styles. The sword style of Piay consist of stiff rigged movements and hard defensive swordplay. The chain is wrapped around the wielding arm and used as a tight makeshift shield with the blade at the bottom being hooked to the bottom of an armor plate. The blade at the elbow is designed to be concealed and used to give a single, surprise, final blow. Though this is more often used than the chain style, it is only used by the Rhosy Warriors and people who can find a teacher and want to go through years of training.

Mixed Style

The modern style of Piay, simply called mixed style, is a blend of the two of these combat styles and is what was most commonly used in the Rheyan military during the Rhosaya Republic. This style, which has the sword in the weaker hand and the chain in the stronger hand, has the chain swung at the enemy to keep then a safe distance, or risked being sliced, before being stabbed with the long blade of the Piay sword that was longer than most Rhydan swords. Advanced skills could be learned, such as advanced swings and implementing some hopes and acrobatics in, but this was only ever used for the special forces within Rheyan cities.

Rheyan Aveas

Rheyan swordswoman with her PrimRose lamp used to ignite her two Piay

Aveas, meaning duel fires in Rheyan, is the second most popular and current modern fighting style of the Rheyan forces. Due to the rarity of Remnant before the modern Atlan era, this style of fighting was rarely used as it required PrimRose Remnant. The style requires the use of two unchained Piay swords and a lamp of PrimRose Remnant. The style consists of igniting the blades with the PrimRose remnant, usually by engraving Swyns onto the blades, and burning or scaring the enemies. Beyond that the style becomes a variant of the Piay Sword Style with mostly defensive stances and movements to tire out the enemy before using a swift final blow.


Rheyan-Ezan Connections

The Rheyans are known for their Remnant infused instruments, which create some of the most beautiful tunes in Atla.

Before the days of the Polaris Kingdom and the Rhosaya Republic, the ancient Rheyan civilization of Mohara is said to have sailed around Moara and to the Northern Lands, specifically the Old Republic of Eza. This is said to be where they got the ideas of democracy and republic. They are also said to have learned how to harness Remnant, a material that was still new to them, and fuse it into objects. Although Remnant doesn't exist within the Northern Lands, there are ancient magics that they use that helped them teach the Rheyans about Remnant. It is said this is where Rheyans got the idea to fuse Remnant into instruments specifically, as the Ezans are known for this.


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