Necrosa Character in Renedge | World Anvil



A godslayer golem woman who serves as a recurring villainess. She is known to be working on an interplanetary scale, and she's capable of cybernetically enhancing other beings in dramatic and powerful ways.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Necrosa is known to have multiple bodies of varying power levels. The limits of this ability are unknown, but she has been seen in at most six places at a time so far. Current evidence points to all bodies being equally her, sharing memories and consciousness and lacking a single "true body" that could serve as a weak point. She seems to have to spend physical resources to build the bodies, so her enemies may be able to whittle her down.   Necrosa is known to be a hideously dangerous physical and magical combatant, but exactly how powerful a given body is and what precise capabilities it has varies widely. Even the form of the bodies can vary; while most can be mistaken for a human, one that was destroyed on Shisui in 23 ARL was some sort of giant centipede-taur.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Necrosa's primary residence is not on Renedge, and going back 800 or 900 years, she hadn’t even heard of Renedge. Her base of operations was Solus, but after it was thoroughly bombarded, it’s unclear what her current base of operations is.   She’s been seen:
  • on Solace, around the Spire, its capital city, trying to reach surviving contacts after the bombardment meant to kill her.
  • around Argerus, primarily contracting mercenaries, as is the location’s primary purpose.
  • on Arpatia, making contact with other wizards. Arpatia is Sith’s homeworld.
  • in Sindel’s Arena, which is an intersection between the material and (ethereal?) planes. She has a 60% win rate in rank 11. Note that Blythe Derguil is rank 9 (though without the soul magic), while Sith is rank 8. Necrosa seems to be gathering funding here.
  • in various places in the astral plane, searching for more dead gods to dig up/drain.
  • Personality Characteristics


    Necrosa is trying to make an army of herself and drain all the power from all the gods so that she is the only being with power in the universe. She seems uninterested in Corruption, though she has been using related information to drain dead gods for power, among other things.


    Contacts & Relations

    There is a tiefling by the name of Tienbert who Necrosa has hit up for information on the histories of dead gods. Tienbert is also a contact of the god of knowledge Ionan.


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