Remnant neonphage Military Insurrection and Outbreaks

Military Insurrection and Outbreaks



After the Murder and assassination of Green Party members and the United States president, the National Guard, US Army, US Marines and US Space Marines began conducting offensive operations against Loyalist US Formations, Middle America is hit the worse with groups of US Soldiers killing each other in the streets.    US Forces also used a series of weapons and robotic warfare against each other, plunging the US into a Bloodbath with itself. Canadian and Mexican Special Forces deploys to aid the Rebels against the Neo-Democratic Regime.  
"We swore an Oath to Uphold the United States Constitution. If SCOTUS and Congress won't do it, then we will do it by Force. Insidious Forces has ensnared our country and if we do not stop them now, it could take decades to stop them later. Millions could die, the fate our Nation depends on the American people to support us in this time." 
In Addition to American Forces splitting and fracturing, there were various Necro Virus Containment breaches with infected raging across middle America and throughout Texas. Cities like Albuquerque, Dallas and Kansas City were some of the worst hit with populations getting reduced by millions within weeks of initial outbreaks.    US Infrastructure in these areas began to break down and collapse, causing Supreme President Henry House to authorise the bombing of multiple American cities to contain outbreaks.    Meanwhile in places like Louisana are split three ways, Between House's Faction, Christian Nationalists and Pro-Democracy insurrectionists resulting in complete chaos raging across the nation.

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