Remnant neonphage House vs SCOTUS

House vs SCOTUS

Civil action


House knew full well that SCOTUS would not rule fairly in a case filed against themselves but did so anyway. He argued that the Supreme Court had not been ruling based on the Constitution but on their own religious and Conservative Values.   Stating that SCOTUS had been more focused on attacking Civil Rights, Undermining Policy, Forwarding Political Agendas, Attacking Abortion rights and rolling back the Legal clock to the 1800s that they were no longer serving the needs of the people and that if they do not change their attitude soon, Congress would and should expel them.   He requested that Republican Judges retire and allow newer faces to gain office. Online House used his huge Social media majority to signal to boost these talking points and get it on the front headlines of every newspaper he could.   Releasing public statements about it and raising a huge stink. Unsurprisingly, the case failed via dismissal but House counted on Misinformation and misguided notions to make the whole thing seem unfair and targeted, thus souring American Opinions of SCOTUS even more.   SCOTUS now had an approval rating of 8% among Centrists and Democrats and has a 78% approval rating for Republicans. Everything was going according to plan.  
"This wasn't just me reaching out to SCOTUS, this was me echoing the thoughts and feelings of Millions of Americans. What did SCOTUS do? They dismissed it! They dismissed you, my dear Americans. How much longer will we suffer this?" - CEO Henry House

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