Remnant neonphage Human Dignity Act (2026)

Human Dignity Act (2026)

Political event


President John Abrams signs the Human Dignity Act, 2026. The Act drastically lowers the requirements for immigration, and totally decriminalises illegal immigration. Completely restructures ICE into Immigration Oversight authorities rather than as an organisation made to stop immigration.    It also heavily criminalised Discrimination Policies which resulted in the arrest of dozens of Republican Officials. New Infrastructure for Education and job seeking would be established for immigrants drastically skyrocketing US Immigration, solidifying Democrat Leads.   This Act would remain in effect until President Gwen Feather later ends the executive Order supporting the act and eventually congress would nullify it citing national security concerns.   Surprisingly, however, House instructed the Cabal to defeat his own Ally, Gwen, and preserve the act with one extra modification. All Male Immigrants are expected to sign up for the Draft to get access for their families to America.    By 2027, the Act was restored with new conditions added. Significantly boosting America's reserve manpower year over year until 2030, when House himself finally put an end to the Act when it no longer served his purposes.   The act saw at minimum 56 Million new US Citizens added to the country and altering the racial demographics of more Red Leaning states and defeating the gerrymandering the Republicans had set up. The Act also saw the Humanitarian Crisis at the Southern US Border on Mexico get many years of reprieve and greatly reduced the strain on Central American countries for years.

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