Remnant neonphage 51 Star Spangled Flag

51 Star Spangled Flag

Political event


The 51-Star Design is approved by Congress and implemented and 50 Star flags are removed across all government and military facilities and replaced with the new design. Sometimes by force, as Red States attempted to fly only the 50-Star flag but were mandated by Federal Courts to represent the United States or else.   The 50-Star Flag is appropriated by Far-right groups as a symbol of Rebellion, similar to how the Betsy Ross Flag was appropriated.   
"The New Star Spangled Banner marks a Turning Point. As of right now, this flag is simply just a national flag but it can mean more then that. I may not be President anymore but I trust my young collegue and friend, John Abrams to represent the true spirit of America. Democracy Folks, It's non-negotiable." - Former President, Winston Hill 
"The Truth is, Meghan, America is at the crossroads. We can cower and shudder before God or we can storm past him and put our flag upon the throne of Heaven. America is unstoppable, it is exceptional and it is a Democracy. This New Flag is a vital step in throwing off the shackles of the past and showing our enemies our Power and our might." - CEO, Henry House on Fox News
The Move had a mixed reception with Republicans en masse dissenting against the 'unpatriotic falg' and that they don't 'claim it' as the national flag with #NotMyFlag being a popular hashtag. However, they were wrong, it was the their Flag and the Government made no half measures to remind everyone that.

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