Remnant neonphage UN 2023 Summit

UN 2023 Summit

Political event


The UN Met in New York for the Summit to address the growing problems across the world with issues of instability in Africa, the Failed Response to The War for Ukraine and the growing Climate Crisis in the hopes of reigniting enthusiasm and optimism. The Meeting was a disaster with the African Union criticizing the lack of response about Ukraine.   Poland and various other Eastern European countries also complained. In regards to the Climate issues, there was a general failure to come to a consensus over anything. Former mistakes and bad blood boiled to the surface with the US failing to lead in the talks due to the Capitol Siege destroying their legitimacy in 2021.   By the end of the talks, multiple deals were either cancelled or halted indefinitely with many countries backing out of the Paris Climate Accords. The Meeting truly blew up when the issue of Ukraine and Taiwan was blown up, with Russian and American officials actually wrestling and fighting each other in the chambers.

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