United States Marine Corps Military Formation in Remnant Neonphage | World Anvil

United States Marine Corps


The Age old Military Force of the Untied States of America and has been a Iconic force since 1775 during the Revolutionary war to augment revolutionary Navies and since has been involved in every single War and since 2030 has fragmented into various groups of marines.  The Marines are seen as inherently expendable by Neo America and any not under the government's control as crayon eating incompetent fools.   Little do they realize, the USMC is one of the worlds few remaining hyper capable fighting forces and is still running hundreds of operations every year to one day see the restoration of their Republic.

Separate Versions



The Remnants of the former US Army, much like their Pre War predecessors, they are classically under supplied and unconsidered but still manage to get the job done and have chosen to disobey the Government citing their right to Rebel and no longer obey the presidency.  
Source: Marines engaging with US Imperial Guardsmen in Virginia  


The Neo United States Marine Corps is a dated formation in the Neo Military and works to defend places like Panama and few pacific islands, mostly suffering decreased funding and commitments. Their goal to defend the still legal citizens of America and don't always comply with their orders.  
Source: NUSMC Marine in a Dated Haz-Suit, often wears standard fatigues and Kevlar over the suit for twice the Protection.



Long gone is the days of recorded recruitment rates, organized record keeping and proper tracking. The USMC has an unknown number of members, though it is often thought to be higher then the 2020's Era given the sheer size of their operations and the numbers they can deploy.    The NUSMC is recorded to have around 20,421 Members which is the lowest numbers that the any Marine Corp has ever had to contend with in the Modern Era and it can be felt, as they are massively dwarfed by most other militaries.


USMC Equipment:

As covered a little, the Marines uses a lot of Pre and during war equipment, from the Iconic m4A1 to the M2 Abrams Tank and a few Light Mechs with multiple gun platforms. The Marines have pretty classical Pre-war armour, with Kevlar vests and NVG's that were revolutionary and new at the time but are behind current tech levels, that said the marines have better experience and use of their equipment then most armies.   

NUSMC Equipment:

Better Equipped then their Brothers and Sisters in the USMC, they are still 2 decades behind then the Imperial Guard and use mostly Upgraded versions of Pre-War and During War Equipment. Using modern APC's and tanks and what not.


USMC Weapons

Using Iconic guns, many Marines loot and scavenge for equipment to keep themselves going, Even using Local guns like the Ak, PKM, RPK and more like the Fn Fal, Steyrs and AWPs. In the Past it was possible to depend on a constant feed of supply from American factoies and standardization was the norm however in the years since, the USMC simply uses what works and asks questions later.  


They use a lot more modern and up to date weapons that is produced by Maxwell and also use some models from the Hotoka Corporation, very dependent on National Supply lines and thus dependent off Neo America.



Some Iconic and Common Vehicles  

Oshkosh M-ATV

Pretty common troop transport and combat armored car, it replaced the Humvee due to it's higher durability, better stability with later variants being modified to have most emplacement guns mountable onto it from the KORD MG to Plas-Shredder M67. It is capable of traversing all terrains with some versions getting customized booster rockets, enabling the M-ATV to scale otherwise impassable Obstracles.  

Bradley, BFV

A very Common Sight, used more then quite literally any tank, this version of Bradley originates from WW3 Era Britain and over the years the USMC has fully Adopted the BFV-2 which comes with replaceable treads, Titanium Armour, APC, the ability to mount larger guns and all of them come with powerful booster rockets and AI systems. It is dated by todays standards but is by no means, in adequate vehicle and fills the same role as a tank, with tanks being more rare in the USMC these days.  

M1128 MGS Stryker

A classical Vehicle from the Pre War Era and is used mainly for Anti vehicle purposes, serving as a highly mobile precision damage vehicle, given new power nuclear engines and very durable wheels, the Styker of today is used to quickly cripple enemy Mechs, Aircraft, tanks, vehicles, whatever that is needed to be stopped. Modified to have a modular turret, allowing some stykers to have shorter, longer or EM assisted cannons that might be more optimized for certain types of vehicles.  

F22 Raptor-M

The Marines never received many F35's and after the war it was hard to acquire too many of them, meaning most Marines use modified F22's, 16's and 18's. F22 being the iconic one, having since received some updates such as new engines and thrusters capable of going into high orbit, new Missiles that are twice as fast as well as mountable laser turrets that can make shooting down enemy bandits much easier.  

M2 Abrams

Designed by Maxwell in the Pre-War Era, it was a iconic American WW3 Tank, M1 Abrams prior was updating but eventually had massive weight problems and financial issues saw Maxwell Buying out the vehicle. The M2 Abrams didn't change the design too much in many areas except switching out to entirely new frame that better distributes weight and fine tuned all of their systems for high performance, WW3 models getting updated to Nuclear Engines freeing up space for ammo as Nuclear engines were compact and only required small but effective power packs to keep running.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
References of Remnant Variants of US Marines, they often have more dated equipment, many still using the Iconic M4A1, M16's, M14's with some formations adopting Ak47's, FN Fal's and other fire arms. They often use classical vehicles from the WW3 era as well as makeshift military vehicles to continue their operations and continue their fight for the US constitution and Democracy.   Even as Post Collapse countries join the Marines and build their own groups within the Marines that are representing their own countries.


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