Alo Island Geographic Location in Reluria | World Anvil
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Alo Island

Let me tell you, Alo Island is the place to go for adventure. I know, Saf Island is bigger and better known, but all those "tours" are same old same old. Can only go through so many mazes and fight the same old monsters. No milady, you want something fresh and fun, well on Alo Island we've got a haunted prison. Proper ghosts and specters and make no mistake, real danger. You looking to test your skills, Alo is the place. Of course we have plenty of amenities too. Best pineapples in the Islands and some of the most spectacular views from the shrine to ol' Emid. Now, I've been running tours out there for years, and I can see by the twinkle in your eye, you are interested. So how about I sign you and loverboy up a bit of real fun?
- Welna Oakeneye , proprietor of Tours of Adventure Tours


Southern most of the Iri Islands with a dormant volcano as well as an old prison fortress built during the attempted occupation by the ancient Tyrian Empire. The island is white sands on the northern side around the harbor of Jortan. But rocky cliffs dominate the southern side. Lush jungles and vegetation cover most of the island. The highest peaks near the volcano are homes to the enormous Iri sea eagles.


Alo island is the only island to have been conquered in the history of the Kingdom of Iri. The Tyrian Empire established a fortress/prison on the island and used it as a base of operations during their incursion. After ten years the empire was repulsed. The locals continued to use the fortress for a few decades after that, keeping the stronghold fortified in case the Tyrians or Guildsman got a similar idea again.    Over time the fortress was abandoned and left to molder. It is now a popular tourist attraction and stories of its haunted aspect has recently been drawing the wealthy ghost slayers to the island.   The Shrine to Emid is condsidered one of the oldest in the known world. Views from the shrine are spectacular, but the Temple to Kor in Jortan is where most locals go to worship.


The main harbor of Alo Island is Jortan. Surrounded by white sand beaches the town is made of wood, with peaked roofs on many buildings. A stone fortress lies on a rocky outcropping near the harbor with sturdy stone walls and towers. The port can handle large vessels but only three at a time. It caters mostly to smaller island hopping vessels coming from the bigger Iri islands.    Travelers to Alo island often come for exploring the natural wonders of the island, including impressive view from the cliffs, the waterfalls in the southeast, the ancient temple of Emid and of course the haunted prison. Resorts range from bed and breakfasts to comfortable accommodations in Jortan for those guests who don't want to get their gloves dirty.   Popular spots in the town include:  
  • Cracked Coconut Tavern - Known for its tropical fruit liquors and rude parrots
  • Dom's Den - Need a place to say, but lacking the coin. Dom is the place.
  • Marvelous Mermaid - Comfortable accommodations that won't break the bank
  • Ras Top Best Sundries - Gear and sundries for all needs
  • Temple of Kor - Build of mahogany and housing worship for Kor and his sisters
  • Tours of Adventure Tours - Adventurers, this is where you want to go first!
  • Wanderers' Rest inn - Need a bit of luxurious living on Alo, this is the place.
  • Yovik's Adventurers Kit - Armor and weapons need an upgrade, Yovik's got you covered.
Alternative Name(s)
Jail Island, Aloysis Island
Location under
Owning Organization
Trading Contact - Sovos - Anubine with a toothpick. Usually at the Cracked Coconut

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