Earth Geographic Location in Relativity | World Anvil


Earth, officially named as such by its largest indigenous sapient species humans, is the third planet in the Martian System. It is unique in the known universe for its invention of time travel technology, which although quickly outlawed, still had a huge impact on its own history and that of other parts of the universe.   Earth is home to many indigenous sapients, many of whom were created through genetic engineering (classified as Zartriite species). Its "natural" indigenous sapients are humans and Oaschi. Until 2066 (Gregorian Calendar), the creation of the zombies, humans officially considered themselves to be the only sapients on their planet; until 2074, that they became fully aware not just of other Zartriites and the Oaschi, but opened diplomatic relations with other planets.   Earth was officially designated a Non-Integrated Planet until 2074 by the Interplanetary Alliance, at which point it was reclassified as an Integrated Planet. In the same year, the rank of First Ambassador of Earth was created and appointed to.


Earth is one of the most geographically diverse planets in the known universe, and the most geographically diverse in the Martian System.

Fauna & Flora

Full alphabetical list of Earth's indigenous sapient species:
  • Cyclops
  • Dryad
  • Dulshee (female: banshee; male: dullahan)
  • Elf
  • Gorgon
  • Harpy
  • Huldra
  • Human
  • Jötunn
  • Merperson
  • Monopod
  • Oaschi
  • Ogre
  • Selkie
  • Siren
  • Sphinx
  • Sylph
  • Vampire
  • Werewolf
  • Zombie
  The non-sapient species indigenous to Earth are far too many to list. Earth is just as diverse in its indigenous life forms than it is geographically, being home to some of almost every classification of creature and plant. As well as its natural life forms, it is also home to the genetically-engineered Zartrizoas, the precursors to the Zartriites, who like the Zartriites were created based on Earth mythology.   It could be debated whether zartri species can be called indigenous, given not just that their genesis was artificial, but also that their genetic ancestors come from planets other than Earth--their creators, the Solar Triad, used equipment and DNA samples from an abandoned Niglaone vessel. However, since the Solar Trial were human and the zartri species were created on Earth, they are officially classified as indigenous to Earth.

Natural Resources

One feature which makes Earth so unique is the magic mineral zarkyst, one of the most powerful of all known magic minerals. It was zarkyst which powered the time machines prior to their destruction, and it was also used in creating the Zartriite and Zartrizoa species. Zarkyst is the only magic mineral known to be able to affect time, which makes it so desirable. However the knowledge of how to use it in such a way is little-known.


The Interplanetary Alliance has strict laws about tourism on Non-Integrated Planets--while not completely outlawed, it is extremely difficult to obtain permission. As such, Earth was rarely visited by off-world tourists until the beginning of the twenty-second century, once it had been reclassified as an Integrated Planet and the Public War had come to an end. However, Earth laid down its own tourism laws in order to protect their fragile environment.

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