Gorgon Species in Relativity | World Anvil


Gorgons are a Zartriite species who were genetically engineered by the Solar Triad.   Gorgons are born completely bald, and their hair does not begin to grow until they are four years old. When it does, it first appears as smooth strands thick as noodles, which react to the gorgon's emotions. Around the age of eight, these strands start to develop eyes and toothless mouths.   Over the next few years they grow thicker, and fangs develop. It's not until the pre-teen or early teenage years that the fangs become venomous. Most gorgons choose at this point to employ a gorgon hairdresser; in Zartri Valley, and most countries after the existence of Zartriites became public, it is a legal requirement.   An old myth exists that a gorgon's hair has a mind and will of its own. While some gorgons have claimed that their hair is out of their control, psychologists hypothesise that in some cases a gorgon's hair acts on desires that the gorgon themself has, but have been repressed.   As far as anyone can tell, a gorgon's hair is not alive, but animated, as an extension/reflection of the gorgon's own self. In some cases, it reacts without all of the gorgon's inhibitions. It's common for teenagers who have not gained much control over their hair to hide it under a hat, wig or scarf, to prevent embarrassment.


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