Half Elf Species in Realm of the Blind God | World Anvil
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Half Elf

"... The sons and daughters of Felagon were blessed with the lineages of both Man and Elf, but inherited a belonging to neither"
- Excerpt from "A History of Sikalia," published 5739 2E.
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Sikalians are the half-breed offspring of a Shantil and a Human. They can easily combine the Arcane and the Divine due to this shared ancestry. Sikalians are typically born in a nation that is not their own, either being Human or Shantil-dominant. Despite this, Sikalians form an excellent bridge between the two races due to their understanding of both groups. The Sikalians also have nations of their own on the edges of the settled world. These nations, such as Sikalia or Breisaidh, develop their own cultures separate from the Shantil or Humans.

Human and Shantil Lineages

The bloodline of a Sikalian is typically an even split between Shantil and Human ancestry. However, there are some notable exceptions to this that tend to occur in Sikalian-dominated regions. Those who have slightly more of one race's ancestry will tend to exhibit more and more of that race's features. Those with a 60/40 split might find Arcana or Religion slightly more intuitive. Those with a 90/10 split can be difficult to distinguish from actual members of that species, and might not even know they are Sikalian.

Natural Adventurers, Scholars, and Diplomats.

Sikalians make excellent adventurers, scholars, and diplomats. Their longer lifespan allows them to practice skills and build an understanding of topics like lost civilizations that enable them to delve into certain topics like lost civilizations. Their innate understanding of both the Arcane and the Divine also makes them able to become well-practiced in either or both fields. Sikalians also tend to be fluent in Elvish and Common, making them able to communicate effectively with both Humans and Shantil.

Of Two Worlds and None

"The Sikalian community of Lendow cannot be trusted. The likelihood that there are spies for Paltian among them is too high to ignore."
- Missive from Tymon Roznowski to King Lubomir of Sonara, 5989 2E.
While the Sikalians can claim kinship with both Humans and Elves, they are not fully trusted by either group. In Shantil-controlled areas, they are seen as Humans, in Human-controlled areas, they are seen as Shantil. Many Sikalians have taken to Sikalian-dominated regions or communities, but this does not help change the "otherness" they are perceived with. Even Sikalians with a mostly Human lineage will be perceived as different from other Humans, despite the differences being minimal.  

Creating a Sikalian Character

  • Your Lineage: Who do you identify with the most? Your Human lineage, your Elvish lineage, or do you identify with one of the separate Half-Elf groups?
  • Other Considerations: If you chose to identify with your Human or Elvish lineage, make sure to look on the Human or Elvish page for further considerations.

Sikalian Cultures

This section is dedicated to the cultures that exist separately from Human or Shantil cultures.
  • Breisaidhan: Breisaidhan is a small group of villages in southwestern Huvaria that lives under the control of Meshtat. They tend to be more welcoming of other species than their Sikalfronterian brethren.
  • Dekesharan: Dekeshar is an island between Tillenia and Ultemac. It is a port city and is a popular stop for merchants both legal and illegal. Dekeshar is a technologically advanced nation with a diverse population. The island is defended by the notorious "Birdmen of Dekeshar," a mix of Harpies and Half-Elves who specialize in gliders to quickly board ships or drop bombs. Dekesharans tend to have the most wanderlust out of any Sikalian group.
  • Durthenian: Durthenia was formerly part of the Scion Empire before it seceded millennia ago. The Humans here came to live with Elves who deserted the Paltian navy, forming a diverse pirate republic in the vast swamps of Durthenia. Unassailable from either Scion or Paltian, Durthenians often board merchant vessels and sell their illegal goods to Paltian or Scionian smugglers. They are xenophilic and community-oriented people, caring more about how one can serve their fellow countrymen than other qualities like religion or race.
  • Sikalfronteran: Sikalfronter or "Sikalia" is the largest nation of Half-Elves in Isan. Sikalians are xenophobic toward other groups and tend to kill Humans who trespass in their woods. Sikalfronter has the longest history out of any Half-Elven nation and was founded during the second millennium by Sea Elven mariners. Sikalfronter is divided into different clans that war against each other on a small scale but are more than willing to unite against a Huvarian or Einaran invasion of their homeland. 

Sikalian Names

Breisaidhan and Sikalfronteran Names

Male Name Examples: Cathal, Eoin, Fionn, Ronan, Sean, Mannannann
Female Name Examples: Aoife, Eimear, Mairead, Niamh, Orla, Saoirse,
Last Name Examples: Breathnach, Conchobhair, Dubhghaill, Murchadha, Suilleabhain
Making Your Own Name: Breisaidhan and Sikalfronteran names are based on Irish Gaelic names.  

Dekesharan Names

Male Name Examples: Emmanuel, Fabian, Isaac, Lucian, Pierre, Veran
Female Name Examples: Alissandre, Douceline, Felise, Isaura, Savina, Tristana,
Last Name Examples: Astruc, Cazalet, Gasquet, Lafargue, Pujol, Vidal
Making Your Own Name: Dekesharan names are based on Occitan names.  

Durthenian Names

See Scionian Names or High/Sea Elven names:
Genetic Ancestor(s)
100 years
Average Height
Average Weight
150 lbs

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