Elf Species in Realm of the Blind God | World Anvil
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"We rode the gale of the crackling storm
We called the sounds of thunder
We called the burning lightning bolts
Until the land was sundered."
  • Songs of the War of the Shadow, Original Author Unknown.
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    The Shantil are a species that arrived in Halaran during the Second Millennium from their homeworld of Trudiverie (or Arcadia as it is also known). The original aim of the Shantil was to extract all of the resources of Halaran and return to their homeworld. This original aim was interrupted when they became tied up in the War of the Shadow, and ended up siding with the Second Divine Alliance against Malek, being crucial to ending his reign. This came at great cost, as the Shantil lost the Arcadian Waystone, the only way for them to return to their homeworld. Because of this, many Shantil came to accept their new place in this world.

    Alien and Familiar

    The Shantil originally came from the world of Trudiverie. They are believed to be related to Humans, possibly being the form they took in another Calpa. Because of this similarity, Humans and Shantil can, and have, produced a hybrid race known as the "Sikalians."
      Despite their similarity to Humanity, the Shantil are gifted with an innate understanding of the Arcane, similar to how Humans have an innate understanding of the Divine. The exact reasons behind this are unknown, although legends remain that Trudiverie was much closer to the Quintessence than Halaran is, making Arcane magic far more powerful there than Divine. Because of the high magical energy of their homeworld, many Shantil originally had resistance to harmful magical effects. While remaining in their population, this ability has faded over the years and is not present in all members.
      The Shantil, due to their acclimation to a high-magic environment, find the relatively low-magic world of Halaran to be somewhat hostile. During the settlement of Halaran, the Shantil's average life expectancy dropped from being functionally immortal to only about six centuries long. It is possible to increase one's lifespan with regular exposure to Luminium for the rest of one's life, but the expense of this material and the fact that one needs to dedicate so much time to stay around it makes it impractical for the vast majority of Shantil. The Pheonix Emperor of Paltian, for example, is 2,398 years old and must spend about eight hours a day on his Luminium throne to continue living.

    Perfection in All Things

    Due to the relatively long lifespan of the Shantil, they often become perfected masters of the various tasks they do. Shantil magic teachers often emphasize the precise hand motions, the exact intonation, and the specific portions of material for casting spells. Because of this focus on precision that the Shantil drive into their students, it might take twice or thrice as long to learn as Humans do. Despite this increase in time, Shantil mages are respected and feared when confronted because they rarely make mistakes in their art. Shantil view the teachers of other species as mediocre and negligent in their art.   Because of their focus on practice and perfection, the Shantil prefer the use of bows in battle instead of mass firearms like their Human counterparts do. A bow might take years to train to be battle-ready, but half a decade to a Shantil is equivalent to about seven months for a Human. This allows the Shantil to trade range for rate of fire, which when combined with their high accuracy, makes them deadly on the battlefield   The Shantil also make fine artisans. The years of dedication they can put into their craft, whether it be cooking, smithing, or carpentry, allow their quality to far surpass most things other species can make. Shantil craftspeople can equal the craftsmen of the Brevenni, however, the Brevenni have a far more instinctual understanding of their craft allowing them to outnumber the Shantil masters.

    The Four Companies

    When the Shantil first left their world of Trudiverie, they were unified, but also separated into three distinct companies. These companies, the Asarti (High Elves), the Asgari (Wood Elves), Athashan (Sea Elves), and the Duirchal (Dark Elves) became the different lineages of Shantil that we see today. Before coming to Halaran, the Shantil of the different companies somehow modified themselves to deal with the specific niche they were expected to fill during the Conquest of Halaran:

    Asarti (High Elves / Gold Elves)

    The Asarti were spellcasters and weapon designers/manufacturers. They typically have the best understanding of the Arcane, although many of their designs before the Great Collapse were lost. One example of this was the Arcadian Waystone, which was lost after the death of Malek. The loss of this item condemned the Shantil to their marooning on Halaran. Many of the Asarti weapons and spells are some of the best in the world, but they are pale imitations of what they once created. In the modern-day, the Asarti lead the Paltian Empire, a political entity that has quickly annexed parts of Isan's mainland. This empire now threatens the once-unquestionable Human hegemony on the continent.

    Asgari (Wood Elves)

    The Asgari manipulated living creatures to create weapons of war. Asgari were also responsible for genetically modifying all of the Shantil to be able to adapt to Halaran's relatively hostile environment. This plan, while partially completed, was not finished before the Great Collapse leading to the average life expectancy we see today. The Asgari also created conditions like vampirism to help with the war, inventions that escaped their control and still plague Halaran to this day. The majority of monstrosities that can be encountered in Isan were created as war beasts by the Shantil. The Shantil also created the Dryad and Harpy races. In the modern-day, the Asgari live within the rainforest of Kanwinnic, another one of their artificial creations. Kanwinnic is split between the Paltian Empire and the Free Asgari Tribes. In recent years, Grayskins have taken the island of Attar in the north and parts of the mainland.

    Athashan (Sea Elves)

    The Athashan were the only Shantil who could survive in the Starry Realms without protective gear. Athashan of the third millennium were immune to the dangerous environmental effects and did not need to breathe at all to survive. This allowed them to pilot the great ships that brought their species to Halaran while the other companies stayed in environment-controlled sections of the ships. While these adaptations still exist in the Athashan population, it is not a trait every one of them has. The modern-day Athashan live on city-sized boats called "Arks," many of which survived the Great Collapse. Most Athashan use these arks as resupply or waystations for their relatively smaller ships. Athashan tend to live most if not all of their lives on the open sea, making their living with commerce mainly. The Athashan are famous for their bargaining abilities, and many an arrogant merchant has lost his shirt over dealing with them. Despite this, the Athashan are the only source many people can get certain rare goods from.

    Duirchal (Dark Elves)

    The Duirchal were a splinter faction from the greater Asgari Company. The Duirchal believed that modifying the biology of Elves was acceptable, but that modifying other races and species for their purposes was wrong. Following the Great Collapse, the Duirchal destroyed the Asgari's collected research on biological manipulation and slaughtered those who had extensive knowledge of Asgari science. This was done all in one day in a coordinated effort known to the Duirchal as "the Day of Cleansing" and the Asgari as "the Kinslaying." After this event, the Duirchal fled to the Underdark to avoid reprisal. In the Underdark, they used their knowledge of biological manipulation to better adapt to the large cave networks. To do this they added traits found in the spiders who lived in the Kanwinnic Underdark to their own genetic makeup. In the modern day, the Duirchal live primarily under Huvaria, Tarragon, Chevel, Jangai, and the Oathbound Coast. They've fought Dwarves for centuries over scarce resources and because the Duirchal redevelop abandoned holds to suit their needs. Beneath the Oathbound Coast lies Ohgair, the greatest of the Duirchal cities. Ohgair is a hub for Oathbound adventurers, and while the Oathbound are a diverse group, the Duirchal make up a sizable portion for their lower population numbers.

    Arrogance and Cruelty

    "...There are no words in your tongue that could describe our hatred for them, Human. Murderers, slavers, and marauders are just a handful of their well-earned titles. They have no mercy, no honor, they believe that the entire world is theirs by right and that the other races are just roadblocks. The people of Paltian claim that these are individuals exiled long ago, but when has the word of a Shantil ever held much weight?"
    - Words of General Bitor of Hatorand to a Chevelian general, circa 6099 2E.
    The Shantil are a proud people, and many would say far too proud. Many societies of Shantil still teach that they are the best society in the world and deserve dominion over all of Halaran. Even more moderate societies like Paltian teach that Shantil culture is superior to all others. Because of this instilling of blind nationalism in many Shantil, even the best of them can come off as bigoted by other people. The society that is least bigoted are typically the Athashan, who are exposed to other cultures on a regular basis. Despite this, even the Athashan find it acceptable to overcharge for their goods, since they believe the other species do not put their money to good use, wasting it all on their mediocre creations. The Oathbound also come into contact with other cultures often, although they often that their oath is more important than the dignity of other species and tend to adopt a "the ends justify the means" mentality.

    Societies that believe other races deserve little or no rights are not uncommon among the Shantil, unfortunately. The Free Asgari and the Exiled are two societies based on the exploitation and deaths of "lesser beings." The Free Asgari will unflinchingly kill any Human or Yatiri found within their rainforest, and will go to even further lengths to kill Sikalians, as they view their existence as abominations. The Exiled are a civilization of marauders that live along the southwestern coast of Ilunabaren. They live off of raiding coastal Lurrashen settlements and raiders. While other groups of Shantil extend their life by exposure to Luminium, the Exiled have found a way to extend their own life by sacrificing humanoids. The Exiled unexpectedly attack Grayskin settlements, using their people for these rituals, before quickly retreating back to their island homes. The Exiled view "lesser species" as nothing more than fuel for their own lifespans, and often are seen as the epitome of cruelty both by other Shantil and other species.

    Creating a Shantil Character

    • Your Company: The company you belong to is extremely important since it typically determines where you come from geographically. High Elves typically live on Paltian and the various colonies in Paltian Sonara. Wood Elves typically live in Kanwinnic. Sea Elves can be found just about anywhere there is open sea. High Elves tend to be wealthier than Wood Elves, and Sea Elves can range anywhere from living on a wealthy merchant ship to living on an impoverished island slum in the southern seas.
    • Your View of Other Species: How do you view other species? Do you think the Shantil are the rightful masters of all of Halaran? Do you believe the propaganda you have been fed since childhood? Have you risen above the circumstances of your birth and are trying to be better?

    Shantil Cultures

    Subcultures tend to be divided by whether or not they live under the Paltian Empire. The Paltian Empire is centered around the Asarti, although it has every other type of Shantil within its dominion.


    • High Rangers (Asgari): Asgari that live within the boundaries of the Paltian Empire. They make excellent woodsmen and help defend the empire's borders against the occasional raid from the Free Asgari. They do not live in tribal confederations like their northern relatives, although both groups place importance on the Elder Trees.
    • Bluejackets (Athashan): Athashan that live under the banner of the Paltian Empire. These Sea Elves lives almost exclusively on Arks, the great steel ships that brought the Elves from their homeworld of Arcadia. Bluejackets make up the bulk of the Paltian Empire's naval force, and can be found exploring or trading in every ocean across the world.


    • Cave Drow (Dark Elves): These are the Drow who live in the vast cave networks of the Underdark or along the great roads built by the Dwarves. Cave Drow typically live semi-nomadically, practicing slash-and-burn agriculture in the vast mushroom forests. Cave Drow usually travel with packs of giant spiders, who give them silk and help them hunt. Cave Drow have a mixed pantheon with Eleyna, goddess of travelers, and Fiadan, goddess of spiders, holding the most importance.
    • Free Asgari (Wood Elves): Asgari that live north of the Paltian Empire's border. They are xenophobic against Humans, Sikalians, and Yatiri and tend to kill anyone of these groups on sight. Free Asgari tend to the Elder Trees of the region, a creation of the Old Asgari for the purposes of storing information. When drinking the sap of these trees, Asgari can receive visions or advice from the tree. Because of this, these trees are believed to be at least partially sentient. Free Asgari live in large tribes or tribal confederations that tend to war amongst themselves but have rarely been united by a charismatic king or queen in the past.
    • Hold Drow (Dark Elves): These are the Dark Elves who have taken over either abandoned Dwarven holds or have invaded them. The structures and religions of their society are highly diverse. Those descended from the Drow who broke from the rest of Elvendom for ethical reasons tend to worship Pneumanian Gods over Hylian, and tend to be more accepting of other races. The Hold of Ohgair, under the Oathbound Coast, only utilizes free labor, and has good relations with the nearby Humans and Dwarves. Schlabhai Hold, on the other hand, has state-enforced worship of Fiadan, the spider goddess. Schlabhai also has a large cast of Dwarfish slaves that run their economy and, during festivals, are sacrificed in droves to their goddess Fiadan.
    • Oathbound (Any): Shantil who have sworn the Oath of Fengol. They, and all of their descendants, are forever sworn to find the Arcadian Waystone by any means necessary. They have holds north of Chevel, although the Oathbound can often be found in caravans travel the width and breadth of Isan, and occasionally beyond.
    • Outer Sea / Free Seas / Free Fleets (Sea Elf): These are the Athashan that are not under the banner of Paltian. They settle small islands and make up the majority of all underwater settlements. These settlements can vary in complexity from the large city along the mid-ocean ridges to small camps of hunter-gatherers in the abyssal zones and anything in between such as agricultural settlements in shallow coastal waters or in Sargasso Seas. While most Elves look down on slavery, Grayskins stolen from Ilunabaren by Adlaws are sold to rich plantation owners to work off their debts. The fact that this debt would take longer to pay off than most Grayskins live is irrelevant.
    • The Exiled / Adlaw (Any): The Exiled or "Adlaws" live on islands southwest of Ilunabaren. They frequently maraud coastal settlements and attack Grayskin merchant vessels, kidnapping them to either enslave them or sacrifice them to extend their natural lifespan. The ritual performed also turns the skin of the recipient a light purple. Because of this fact, and their seemingly endless cruelty, other groups tend to refer to The Exiled as "Dark Elves." This group is feared and hated by Grayskins, although Isanian species often believe these are mere myths.

    Shantil Names

    High Elf Names

    Male Name Examples: Karles, Daven, Hareld, Nathanias, Sethas, Wictor
    Female Name Examples: Alecia, Emilias, Florince, Juli, Sophias, Maria,
    Last Name Examples: Adamar, Beraton, Janas, Kepman, Smit, Welson
    Making Your Own Name: Asarti Names are based on Modern English Names

    Wood Elf Names

    Male Name Examples: Aled, Beinon, Garath, Huwal, Nikles, Rodric
    Female Name Examples: Bethan, Fionn, Heled, Marged, Rhiannon, Sioned
    Last Name Examples: Baughan, Coslett, Lewellyn, Rhys, Scurlock, Treharn
    Making Your Own Name: Asgari names are based on Welsh names. Last names can be like the ones listed, or one can make it "ap [Male First Name]" which means "son of [Name]." If your character is female, you can replace this with "az [Female First Name]" for "daughter of."

    Sea Elf Names

    Male Name Examples: Alaster, Caelan, Ewan, Kampbell, Olver, Tavish
    Female Name Examples: Caomhi, Elsi, Florin, Mina, Rowan, Nessa
    Last Name Examples: Brun, Gobhaim, Leamhanach, Maolanach, MacCaba, Ollaim
    Making Your Own Name: Athashan names are based on Scottish Gaelic names. Last names can be like the ones listed, or one can make it "dan [Ship Name]." This refers to the name of the ship your character was born on.

    Dark Elf Names

    Male Name Examples: Abban, Kiaran, Ohin, Muracin, Riurdan, Ultan
    Female Name Examples: Azling, Duirda, Kerah, Novi, Rohsheen, Shevahn
    Last Name Examples: Abainn, Boha, Crium, Kuail, Reoanah, Seannan.
    Making Your Own Name: Dark Elf names are based on Irish Gaelic. Cave Drow use their clan name instead of a last name, such as "of the Darmid," while Hold Drow use formal last names as shown in "Last Name Examples."
    Genetic Descendants
    Potentially immortal, but about 600 years on Halaran
    Average Height
    Average Weight
    125 lbs

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