Dryad Species in Realm of the Blind God | World Anvil
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"We were tasked by our creators to tend these lands, and though they mistreated us, we still keep to our duty."
- "On Dryads," 6076 2E, Csemeron Vagyon
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The Hildethaid are a recently-created species, having emerged during the third millennium following the events of the Great Collapse. The Hildethaid typically keep to their secluded forests and other untouched natural spaces. Hildethaid will, rarely, move into more civilized areas to live as crop farmers or alchemists. While their talents are useful for the areas they live in, Hildethaid must keep their identity secret or live in fear of persecution from the ignorant.  

Created by the Shantil

The Asgari Shantil first created the Hildethaid following the events of the Great Collapse. The ritual to create them used a body of a felled oak tree; the details surrounding the ritual has been lost to everyone except for the Hildethaid. During this time, the crops failed often and the sun was sporadically obscured in the sky. Because of this, the Hildethaid were used to guarantee a food supply for the Asgari. After the effects of the Great Collapse had passed, the Hildethaid were still used as enslaved farmers. After enough time, the Hildethaid used their position as food suppliers to leverage more privileges from the Asgari until they were free to leave when they pleased. Following this, most Hildethaid emigrated from Asgari-controlled regions.

Natural Horticulturalists

The Hildethaid seem to be able to coax plants into thriving where most plants would shrivel and die. The Hildethaid have an innate ability to communicate and understand plants, which allows them to be able to tend to them far better than any other farmer. This ability also makes them excellent scouts and trackers when in areas with heavy vegetation.

An Isolated Life

The Hildethaid tend to live in small groups of five to twelve away from civilization. These groups serve as guardians and tenders of the vegetation of that area. These groups often never interact with members of other species. Those who live closer to civilization tend to live on farms in groups of one or two. Even those who live close to cities or villages tend to not interact with others with the exception of meeting travelers or selling their crops at the market. The rare few Hildethaid who live in cities often work as alchemists or gardeners and build their own pockets of nature within the barren terrain.

Spiteful Guardians

"Those tree-women came howling out of the forest, I've never seen anything like it. They went straight to the Muller household and tore every last one of them to shreds. Come to find out a few days later that they cut down part of a sacred glade."
- "Women of the Woods," 5978 2E
While the Hildethaid are peaceful while isolated, if their protected plants are destroyed by the hands of Human or Shantil, the Hildethaid will stop at nothing to kill the offender. In their enraged state, an elder dryad might transform into a more plant-like form; their skin becoming thick as oak bark covered in thorns. Due to this spitefulness against those who destroy their plants, Hildethaid are often feared by those in small villages who make their living from lumber or other industries that require the destruction of plants.

Creating a Hildethaid Character

  • Your Glade: What kind of plants did you tend? Where was your glade located? Did you interact with an outsider before becoming an adventurer?
  • Why You Left: Why did you leave your old glade behind? Was it destroyed? Were you exiled?

Hildethaid Names

Name Examples: Bethan, Fionn, Heled, Marged, Rhiannon, Sioned
Making Your Own Name: Hildethaid names are based on Welsh names.
Hildethaid living among Shantil or Humans often keep their true names secret and adopt a name considered normal for the area they live in.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
700 years
Average Height
Average Weight
125 lbs

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