The Hell Pigs Military Formation in Realm Gate | World Anvil

The Hell Pigs

"What's the best thing about being a Hell Pig? I can't pinpoint a specific trait that makes it admirable. Maybe its the connection to your fellow man and women as you descend into the Gullet. Could also be the specialized training on how to make the mountain environment as deadly as your weapons. Could also be the fact we're the most decorated shock battalion in all of the Rutgarian forces. To all members it's different, but to me it's the fact I know whatever I find under the mountain I get to kill."   ~ Captain Krok, Commanding Officer of the Hell Pigs Shock Battalion



The Hell Pigs is comprised of three different companies The Marauders, The Coal Lungs, and The Gem Hides. On average 3,000 are assigned to The Hell Pigs with the largest company being The Marauders and the smallest being The Gem Hides.


Tactics among the different companies in The Hell Pigs vary depending on the mission but the most common tactics used is a surprise blitzkrieg with overwhelming martial superiority. How each company achieves superiority varies though in key areas. The Marauders use horde tactics sending a full force forward with only a select few used as reserves and rear guards when engaging enemies. The Coal Lungs used gasses and other airborne irritants to control enemy forces before engaging in combat. The Gem Hides utilize their hardy physiques and defensive capabilities to survive enemy onslaughts for days on end waning their resources before the final engagement.



The Hell Pigs sister battalion, The Chain, is the closest and one of the most vital to their survival. The Chain's ability to coordinate the logistics of getting forward deployed units of The Hell Pigs supplies had been a decisive factor on multiple occasions to their success.
12th day of the 3rd month in year 429 of the Age of Renewal
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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