Jelilibad Character in Ravare | World Anvil

Jelilibad (/jeh:li:li:bad/)

The Leua-Wood Sage


Jelilibad is a rare Tuathan Divine who rose to prominence as a cultivator of life across Marus and as a teacher to its peoples. Like Draxis who spread the art of pottery across the Realm of Seas, the Leua-Wood Sage taught its denizens how to work the wood from the trees she directed them to nurture. She honors all those who toil with their hands and survive off the fruits of their hard sweat and labor, with a particular reverence for wood carvers and carpenters. Her teachings thus stray from those found among other Tuatha in the Cosmos, encouraging the cultivation of life for the express purpose of its destructive harvest in service of greater works. Over millennia she was said to have cultivated the great Leua-Wood Tree and the verdant garden beneath its eaves before sacrificing it in the construction of the great Leua-Wood Ark. When Caydon Rel ascended, this Patron of Shipbuilders came to Realm's aid and built the largest vessel to ever sail the Realm of Seas; a vast ship capable of serving as a repository to preserve the Realm's natural ecosystem absent of the Lord of Magic's meddling. The ancient goddess is now bound to the blessed tree at the heart of the Leua-Wood Ark; where she guides it and her faithful Cascarn followers as they collect samples of Marus' vibrant plant and animal life before it is lost forever.
She is the great Leua-Wood Sage and our Mother of Mothers. She who cultivates, she who grows, she who harvests. Her word and will are what guide us and ensure we will survive this apocalypse. Her wisdom is all that stands between us and our own annihilation.
— Jappa Casto Great-Mother


In the lost histories preceeding Caydon Rel's ascension, Jelilibad's was a great teacher known for cultivating life across the Realm of Seas. She is attributed as the Mother of Trees and the venerable Divine is believed to be the origin of nearly every plant species common across every island in the seas. She rose to divinity long before the Lord of Magic took power and is one of the most widely worshipped Divine in the Realm. When the world was reborn through magic, Jelilinad became known as the Leau-Wood Sage when she took the mighty Leua-Wood Tree and fashioned it into a great ark to preserve her life's work from the meddling of Caydon Rel. She has collected a dedicated and faithful following of Cascarns who zealously follow her every word. As a goddess who openly lives among her faithful and cultivates their growth, her worshippers often hold an unshakable faith in her divine wisdom. Any error or fault commited by the Goddess is merely a part of her grand vision and plan to preserve and one day return the natural ecosystem to its home on Marus. Over the last several centuries the Leua-Wood Sage has focused all her considerable resources into the growth of a series of World Lilies for which the Lily Forest gets its name. These gigantic Natural Treasures ensure the region's elemental stability, but so too do they attract the ravenous hunger of the KazaK swarms in Death’s Basin. Jelilibad is known to be the cause of the animosity between Cascarns and KazaK, as is no secret that the Leua-Wood Sage has callled for their extermination.
Traveling to the Leua-Wood Ark is required to know this secret.

Gaining Jelilibad's Favor is required to know this secret.

Becoming a canditate for Jelilibad's succession is required to know this secret.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Caring for the World Lilies
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles

  • Goddess of Crafts
  • Goddess of Trees
  • Patron of Shipbuilders
Appears as a Matron of Unclear Age

Holy Symbol
Represented by a great tree whose boughs are overladden with creatures and whose roots form a cage surrounding an emerald green gem. It is said to depict the Leua-Wood Tree, with the animals and the gem symbolizing the life now protected within the sacred halls of its Ark.

Tenants of Faith

The worshippers of the Leua-Wood Sage are diverse and plentiful, with the Cascarns of the Lily Forest making up the bulk of her flock. Her concise doctrine is the work of her very own hands as one of the few examples of a church that is personally overseen by its patron Divine.

  1. Cultivate, And Watch It Grow.
  2. Harvest, And Let New Life Bloom.
  3. Toil With Your Hands, And Create Wonders.

The Leua-Wood Ark is home to those personally taught and cultivated by the Leua-Wood Sage herself. In her sacred halls there is no doubt among her faithful, for each one receives the council of the very goddess to which they pray.

Description & Depictions

Jelilibad is known to be a motherly Tuathan that has become more tree than woman. She is beautiful like an ancient tree bent with age and marked by its long and healthy life. Her raven-colored haired is tightly pulled back and braided into a single lengthy rope so long it has to be looped several times at her waist. Her warm brown skin is like rich soil mixed with sunlight and etched with her age like it was the gnarled bark of an ancient tree; while the tattoos common among her people can be found like carvings on her bark-like skin, painting the history of the Leua-Wood Sage in the intricate hand of a master carver. The flesh around her wise eyes is taunt and smooth from a burn scar that does nothing to diminish the warm and welcoming gaze that seems to draw you in and disarm your trepidations. She is always seen in the dress of common laborers or craftsmen, dyed in simple hues produced by the earth. Her sturdy hands, scarred and calloused from years of hard labor, hold a gold adze secured to the end of her long braided hair by an iron ring. A fine pair of steel callipers hangs from a short chain connected to the same iron ring and commonly serves to hold back excess hair while she toils.

Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.
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