Shehrabad Upper Ring Settlement in Rajah’s Curse Universe | World Anvil
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Shehrabad Upper Ring

The Shehrabad Upper Ring is part of The City of Shehrabad.City of Shehrabad is the only settlement on The Isle of Shehrabah. The walls that surround the city and separate the Shehrabad Upper Ring from Shehrabad Lower Ring.


The Upper Ring contains The City of Shehrabad's markets. Everyone from jewelers and goldsmiths to bakers and chefs works in this part of the city. Some of them use the job cart to commute from the Shehrabad Lower Ring other live in this part of the city with minor nobles and the merchants.


Industry & Trade

The Upper Ring is where the fine goods of The Queendom of Shehrabad are made. The Queendom of Shehrabad exports gems from Shehrabad Mines and Shehrabad West Beach, jewelry, gold pieces and gem embroidered clothes. Other local goods are traded as well such as foodstuffs and cloth.


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