Doomed 2 Die Organization in Ragnarok Codex | World Anvil
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Doomed 2 Die

Doomed 2 Die is the name of the famous adventuring party oringally patroned by Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee to solve a spate of mysterious kidnappings in Lastlight. Bound together to uncover this mystery, the party uncovered the Cult of Rangarok and vowed to stay together until they could end this threat once and for all. The Group has had multiple permanent and temporary members, with an unfortunate number meeting a grizzly fate. The group have gone from heroes of Lastlight to being kidnapped by ARCAM and sent to the Commonwealth, and are currently focused on rallying allies to retake Drekenheim from Teng and the The Dragon Clan.  

Known Adventures

The Missing Arc


Sessions 1-2   Founded in Lastlight, Doomed 2 Die's first mission on behalf of the former merchant's council of the city was to find the location of 14 missing citizens who had been kidnapped in the month of Applefall. The group was formally founded by then Councillor Naerfi Oath-Knee who had contracted Torgier to lead two other adventureres she had recruiter, a wandering Aarakocra named Kliiks † and a hermit who lived in a nearby forest called Shan who had taken interest in the missing people due to his own duaghter having gone missing near a decade earlier.   In their investigation, the three heroes found the entrance to a set of old shanghai tunnels once used by the Skallen Syndicate in Lastlight. In the tunnels, they came across the most recent kidnapping victim, a former Skallen pirate and wizard, Azura. The now four of them continued to explore the tunnels, freeing those enchanted by the cult that was operating there and eventually finding Fjandmar. The cambion, after outrageously flirting with Torgier, nearly defeated all the adventurers with only Azura been left standing if not for the involvement of Naerfi Oath-Knee who forced the cambion to flee.

Discovering the Cult of Ragnarok

Sessions 3-4   Saved and recovered, the party of four vowed to continue their investigation and get revenge on Fjandmar for nearly killing them. Exploring the underground river that ran from the Shanghai tunnels deeper into the island, the heroes co-opted two row boats. Although Azura crashed their ship and nearly drowned Torgier, the group came across a haunted ship being driven by a Merrenoloth with Fjandmar and 5 kidapped citizens onboard.   In the battle the group forced Fjandmar to flee again and managed to remove the enchantment effects from the captured citizens. The ship still sailing tiself, the party diceded to see where it would land.   The ship eventually docked in an abandoned mineshaft near Fargenvur. The group explored and found more charmed citizens of Lastlight. Exploring deeper and defeating any cultists of the mysterious cult they came across. Amongst the clues they uncovered, they discovered a map of Sudureyja which referenced Fisk - learning of the cult overlord for the first time.   The party then found the chamber of the southern seal. Here they first learnt of the Song of Ragnarok and saw primitive depictions of the prophecy painted on the cavern walls. Two simple urns stood in the chamber with writing in a language not even magic could decipher.   The heroes were ambushed by Fjandmar and his employer, an Arcanoloth named Hundvar †. Hundvar preceded to bring the entire chamber down around Fjandmar and the heroes, shattering the seal and allowing him to escape in the chaos. Unusually, Fjandmar used his last spell slot to shield Torgier before he was covered in rocks.   Emerging from the mines, the spell had been broken and the party began to escort the saved citzens to the nearby village of Fargenvur, and prepared to continue their hunt of this illusive cult behind everything.  

Gobbledegook Jr.Jr.Jr.

Session 5   Whilst resting in Fargenvur, Shan came across a travelling ice elf near the village well. Introducing themselves to each other, Killyn † travelled back with Shan to the inn. Also at the inn, Torgier was approached by an old friend from Ysgard's Warriors named Organvor.   The Hesir Warrior was in the village to investigate strange sounds and energy in a set of sea caves near the village. He invited Torgier and the party along. Exploring the caverns the group were attacked by elemental beings at every turn. Finding the source of the elemental incurstion they discovered a gazer, a form of beholder, going by Gobledegook Jr.Jr.Jr. The beholder-kin claimed he had existed in these caves under various forms, dreaming up his 'junior' who would kill him. Jr.Jr.Jr. had dreamed of elemental chaos, and due to beholder abilities to create reality from dreams, portals to the elemental planes had opened. If the party promised to close the portals and kill the attackers, the gazer would grant them anything they could dream of.   The battle in the caverns was chaotic and saw key performances by Killyn and Shan as they cut down the elemental minions whilst Azura and Kliiks closed the portals. In the aftermath, they recieved their wishes from the gazer which included prayer beads and a set of 'really cool sunglasses'.  

Uncovering Fisk

Sessions 6-9   That night, returning to the tavern with their booty, the party bid farewell to Organvor and welcomed Killyn officially into their ranks. They then recieved a lavender scented letter from a 'mysterious stranger' offering to help them destory the cult and asked them to find them in the Temple of Loki in Fiskvatn.   Setting off in the morning the party took the coastal road between Fargenvur and Fiskvatn. Along the way they came across an abandoned lighthouse with the ghost of the former resident and sea cave with a set of sea hags claiming to serve Dagon, and confused Azura for their master. It would be revealed weeks later they beleived Azura was their evil clone, Ebony †.   Nearing the town, the party stumbled across a fight between some werewolves and members of the Star Ranger Core led by Aakoscru. Joining the fight, the rangers warned the party about Erdur Fisk and how he was irresponsible summoning demons and somehow bounding them to his control. Asking for help in capturing him and taking him into custody of the rangers, the party agreed. Along the road, Torgier also discovered an ancient ring with the symbol of Thor, his god. The cleric felt a call to it, and attuned to the item that would continue to whisper to him and grant him powers.   Arriving in Fiskvatn the party gathered information from Yindir Stornnskin's meadhall and explored the village. Torgier discovered a temple of Thor, Azura and Shan learnt from Yaram that The Dragon Clan had killed all the Skallen on Drekenheim, and eventually the group arrived in the temple of loki. Inside, they gave the codeword to the priestess and were taking to a grimsweaver arena where they played against their letter sender, who was revealed to be Fjandmar.   Beating the cambion at the card game, Fjandmar promised he would follow their orders and allow Fisk to be taking into Aakoscru's custody. When asked why he'd turned coat, he said he didn't like Hundvar leaving him to die and that he was petty enough to undo all the work he'd begun. The group attacked Fisk's manor house with the aid of Fjandmar and the Star Rangers.   Inside they learnt that Fisk had lost his entire family due to a devil deal his father had done decades prior - and he had spent every minute since trying to uncvoer the song of Ragnarok and spreading his power throughout the island of Sudurejya, contorlling the council of Lastlight and the Thane of Fargenvur. Coming face to face with Fisk, the battle saw Torgier thrown out a window, demons summoned from a portal, Hundvar cast back into Gehenna, and eventually, Fisk captured and taken to prison in the Great City of Aaqa.  

Next Steps

Sessions 10-12   With Fisk outded and the cult of Ragnarok beleived destroyed, the group sought out more information on the Song of Ragnarok and to investigate the presence of Teng Silverjaw on Drekenheim. The group first travelled back to Lastlight to inform Naerfi of what had happened to Fisk. Along the way, the party discovered an abandoned archaelogist's guilt tent near a cave in the southern mountains. Exploring the cave they found a mythic age cave dwelling alongside dedications to the gods Uller and Skadi. The missing archaelogist was found and it was discovered they had unearthed a verse of the song of ragnarok and been driven insane, turning into an Allip.   Defeating the Alllip, the party chased a vampire spawn claiming to be cast out by the Lord of Ravens in Drekenheim for unspecified reasons. The party killed them and were finally able to inform Naerfi of their findings. They found Lastlight in a state of post-attack as Fisk's controlled assets in the city tried a desperate attempt to Force Naerfi out. The head of House Oath-Knee managed to defeat the other houses and installed herself as Jarl, bidding the party thanks and promising to help them if they needed it.   The heroes returned to Fiskvatn and journeyed with Yaram to Oskunstrond, where the next stage of their adventure would begin.    

The Dragon Clan Arc


Sessions 13-14   Sailing to Drekenheim the party passed through a storm in the Drekenheim channel and Bay of Squids as well as facing a mosnterous squid. The town itself was less than welcoming to the adventerers as Yaram warned them the Dragon Clan had been infilitrating all levels of society and they would need a powerful ally in the town. The five heroes first investigated the closed mines outside the the town guarded by Captain Greymight †. Inside, an elemental temple dating to the age of the Derro was found and had been accidently activated by the miners, casuing an efretti named Rashmadan to enter.   Also in Oskunstrond, Azura learnt from the local head of the Oskusntrond Mage's guild and learnt a bounty had been placed on her by her mother, Gwenyth Youngspell.   The party defeated the elemental lord and Killyn claimed his sword Ashbrand. They then worked on finding an ally within the island to help them uncover what Teng was after. Choosing the esteemed local priest of odin, Orginvar ⸸. The party accepted Orginvar's tip to investigate the local Order of Balder monastery, buried in a set of mesas on the road to the Ravens Wood.  

Order of Balder

Session 14   The party discovered the monastery had been destroyed, and investigating revealed several dead monks as well as hidden members of the Dragon Clan itself. Inside the party discovered the monks were hoarding a large secret, and undertook three tests to unlock it. During his test of faith, Torgier failed, prompting a crisis and forcing a confentration with his god, where he rearranged his deal and became a warlock instead. The rest of the party succeeded and learnt a verse of Ragnarok. Killyn meanwhile looked over the monk's library and was ambushed by the Dragon Clan, the rest of the party reemerged and were able to help defeat them.   During the evening, Azura also sent a message to her former flame, Olivir, and started to recive a cryptic warning before he was cut off.  

Red Hawk and Aaqa

Sessions 15-16   On their way back to Oskunstrond, the party were abducted by a sudden burst of wind. They appeared in the Great City of Aaqa by Aakoscru's request. He informed them it was a matter of great urgency, as one of their outposts in Asrinheim was under attack by the space criminal and former Star Ranger Red Hawk ⸸. This outpost was also the home of Kliiks' family, prompting the party to investigate.   At the outpost, the party fended off attacks from the Hawk's flying fortress of Rexian design. They managed to steal a crashed flyer and snuck onto the formidable ship. Whilst freeing prisoners, the party took too long and were discovered by the Hawk and his troops. Torgier was fatally wounded, and in his last moments led his pursuers to the engine room, giving the party and the prisoners a chance to escape. Torgier then channeled his power and destroyed the engines, detonating the ship, killing him in the process.   Upon returning to the outpost, the party had little time to mourn as they discovered beneath the outpost was the Eastern Seal of Ragnarok, and it had been destroyed, revealing Red Hawk was likely the last member of the Cult of Ragnarok.  

Bear Library

Sessions 17-18   Mourning their friend, Azura sent a message to Ysgard's Warrior Organvor, who arranged a ceremonial display of fireworks and magics in the Bay of Iminiyas to celebrate the goliath heroe's passing into Valhalla. Tracking through the ruins of the fortress, the party saw Torgier's warhammer in the ground, paying the respects and taking his ring, which had also survived.   Patrolling the crash site was Einar, who was recording the names of the dead. The party confronted the bard, and after some initial suspicion they eventually followed him on his mission to find the lost library of the Bear Skalds. Entering the library, the party wresetled with the ghosts and spirits of the dead skalds, uncovering a thousand year mystery as to their fall. Eianr was formally accepted into the party.   The group were returned to the City of Aaqa where they took a day's worth of downtime. Einar became a skald master, Killyn championed in the arena, Shan befriended a young genasi girl, and Azura spoke to Fisk in prison and was warned "another would die all too soon."  

Facing the Dragon Clan

Sessions 19-20   Back in Oskunstrond, the Dragon Clan infiltartion appeared to have accelerated whilst the party were away. Orginvar warned the party to a potential infilitration of the Jarl's guard. Uncovering a turncoat guard at the gates, Shan was able to hunt them down and captured information, revealing a cell of two others in the city, including one planted within the Jarl's Keep.   The party managed to work their way into the feast where they met other key members of Oskunstrond society - Danilia Fuego and High Priest Jaruush the Devoted. During the feast, the poisoning plot was thwarted and the second infiltrator, revealed to be the Jarl's steward, was outted and killed.   The death of the steward revealed more information that the head of the Oskunstrond cell was stationed in the former Skallen warehouse in the docks. Inside the party discovered Liu Xing, a ferocious wereboar, and a solid contingent of Dragon Clan monks. The party swiftly dealt with them and believed the threat to be over. During the night, Azura was visited by her former mentor, Captain Vand, who warned her that Olivir and half his crew had been captured by ARCAM in an attempt to find the wizard, but he managed to escape and came to warn her and ask for help in getting his ship and son back.   The party's belief that the clan had been vanquihed in the town vanished when Orginvar amd his temple were attacked by Yeti from the tunnels, deeply alarming and worrying Killyn. Despite vanquishing the yetis, three more simutaneous attacks occured. The walls and gatehouse were attacked by Red Hawk, who had defected to the Dragon Clan, whilst the casino of Danilia Fuego was attacked by Eva, and Teng himself attacked the Jarl's keep. These attacks seemed orchestrated to target the party's weaknsses and force them to divide their attention. Red Hawk's presence angered those closest to Torgier, Teng lured in Shan, and Eva was there to throw him off. Splitting, Kliiks, Azura, and Captain Vand went to fight Red Hawk, whilst Killyn, Shan, and Einar went to fight Teng. Eva's presence was ignored.   Along the way to fight Red Hawk, Vand begged Azura to leave with him and get aboard The Corrupted Fortune. The wizard refused, choosing instead to help their new friends. The fight against Red Hawk would prove to be tough, as was the one against Teng. Entering the nearly destroyed Jarlshall with littered with dead warriors. Jarl Durvak was killed not long after, and Captain Greymight was severly wounded. Despite putting up a good effort, Teng was able to down Einar, nearly kill Shan, and exhaust Killyn. The three only escaped by Greymight holding off Teng, allowing them to run.   As the three fled to find Kliiks and Azura, they rounded the corner in time to see Kliiks capture Red Hawk's fireball - exploding both of them. Witnissing their friend die and Oskunstrond continue to burn, the party had no choice to but to flee. Vand took them to the fortune, where they were ambushed by ARCAM - who Vand had been working with all along.  

Dagon Arc


Sessions 22-23   On board The Corrupted Fortiune, Doomed 2 Die were held in the Brig by Vand. Also present was Mertion Hampton, the leader of the ARCAM agents sent to capture Azura for her theft of the Box of Dagon. The heroes were also met by Amy Cobblepott, an ARCAM apprentice who managed to befriend the party and felt Hampton had gone too far on the mission.   With Amy's pushing and Azura's pleas, when The Corrupted Fortune rendez-voused with an ARCAM vessel deep in the Terrasic Ocean, far from Aedrinaran territory, Vand organized a mutiny. This failed, and in the process Ashbrand was destroyed, and the fortune sctuttled with word to the Commonwealth navy sent to get any survivors with Vand, Olivir, and the rest of the crew beleived dead.   On the ARCAM ship the entire party were interogated. Einar was informed of their nature as a reborn, and the others were probed for information on Azura, with mertion failing to turn them against their wizard friend. On the journey, the ship was attacked by the Ghost Ship of Dagon and the Kraken Baba Mara. Realising the severity of their situation, Mertion teleported the party and Amy away to Buchstable, allowing them to retrieve only a handful of their belongings and telling them to find Eldra Shatteraxe.  


Sessions 24-26   Arriving on the stoney beachs of the town of Buchstable - the party's sudden appearance would cause painful memories for Azura and Shan. In the village, the party first washed at a local hotel and learnt of the blackmail of the son of the local Dailman. Investigting, the party would discover the local bishop had been kidnapped and was actually a conning Green Dragon named Gorgon of Many Faces.   The party would discover his lair, where the kidnapped bishop was being held. In the process of rescuing the bishop they slaughtered numerous of Gorgon's kobold minions. Gorgon returned and a peace was negotiated before the dragon had realised up ot 3/4s of his minions had been killed. The party made a swift escape and decided to head south to find Eldra. On the road, Azura left a note confessing their feelings for Killyn.  

Hydra Hunting

Session 27   Arriving in the lumbering village of Bonnwood the party settled in for the night. They came across a friendly ogre who worked as a grave warden at the local church being accused of grave digging and stealing bodies. The party defended the ogre and promised to investigate, coming across Astra Kommenian.   The esteemed wizard and abjurist told the party where to find Eldra in Devil's Bridge and asked for help in defeating them. First, the group offered to aid a local hunter seeking to claim Hydra Scales from a beast in The Witchwood. The hunt went well with a victory for the heroes, but along the way back the party were stalked by The Witchwood Hags and Black Shuck.

Cult of Orcus

Sessions 28-29   Resting after killing the hydra the party then investigated the missing bodies in the graveyard. With Astra's help, they discovered a lair of the cult of Orcus. The group swiftly dealt with the demons in a bitter battle and accidently killed a friendly Nothic in the dungeons. Killyn then ordered a rune axe from the local blacksmiths, with the Axe of Frigga beging its process of being forged.   That night, Shan would have a heart attack and appear to die. They apparated in what was later revealed to be Nifilheim and spoken to by a Valkyerie who said that Shan must kill the members of the Dragon Clan.  

The Witchwood

Sessions 29-30   Realising the quickest way to Devil's Bridge was through the Witchwood, the party took sanctuary at a local druid circle protected from the curses of the forest. The druid told the party of a Silver Paladin in a nearby tower seeking to rid the wood of the hags. Over the course of the night, the heroes would go from witch to witch to kill them with the help of the Silver Paladin.   The night would be long and gruelling, but one by one the witches fell. Azura caused Gonneril the Conquerer to fall out of the sky by dispelling magic on her broom of flying. The Black Shuck continued to stalk the party, being sure to stare into Shan's eyes, an ominous warning of death. In the final fight against the last hag, Cressida the Fate Spinner, Einar was killed by the hag's black rose but revived by the Silver Paladin.   With the last hag gone, the paladin revealed themselves to be the hero Ulric the Paladin, who was ready to ascend into the final layer of Mount Celestia and become an angellic being when their final business on the material plane was done. Ulric then ascended and left the party to continue on their journey.  


Sessions 31-32   The group arrived in Devil's Bridge and found Eldra in the local graveyard, attending a memorial to Ovak the Rigehtous alongside Queen Rhiannon, President Gal of Gazzarit, Poptart, and the remainder of Ovak's family. Speaking with Eldra and the Queen, the party learnt that Naerfi Oath-Knee had learnt of the group's kidnapping and threatened war if they were not returned to Sudurejya, and Eldra was able to explain elements of the Ragnarok prophecy, how to get answers, and offered to help clear Azura's name so they could return home. Asking about the attack on the ARCAM ship, Eldra suspected the Cult of Dagon from Ynnsmouth were likely responsible.   During the night, Einar would speak with Queen Rhiannon and visit a local druid circle to recieve visions of their past life. In the early morning, Killyn was awoken by the sight of an arctic fox, the spirit of death in Ice Elf culture. Along the way to Saunton to face Azrua's accusers, Killyn gifted Azura their necklace.   At the arbitration, the party were assigned a weak legal arbitor named Lee Stone, but through their charisma and charm they managed to energise them to put forward a good defence. The party managed to argue for a trial by combat, and Gwenyth was defeated. Enraged, Azura's mother cast a distinitegration spell in the direction of the party, Killyn would jump in front of the beam, dying. Rhiannon was enraged and the miskatonic offered to imprison her in a magical maze or have her handed over to Rhiannon for execution. Through Shan's intervention, Azura chose the 'merciful' option of imprisonment.   Killyn's ashes would be scattered in the local rivers of Saunton, and the party moved on their next objective.  

Finding the Endeavour

Sessions 33-34   With Azura's name cleared, the party decided to follow Eldra's lead on the greater Ragnarok prophecy. They were pointed in the direction of Primus, and told the safest way to get there was through a Sun Elf Solar Sailor using a Solar Disc drive. Eldra said they could 'borrow' a spelljammer that had crashed in the region of Gwenydd 60 years prior to hunt the astral sea for a sailor.   In space, the party passed the planet of Tarrasque and had to avoid a Giff patrol destroyer. They came across a framented Sun Elf signal in the void and travelled towards it. Investigating the ship, they found it powered down with its crew dead and warforged destroyed. Amy restored power to the bridge and ended up reactivating Auran - who warned the party they had just unleashed monsters.   The Slaad that had been frozen by Auran deactivting the power reanimated and began attacking the party. Einar was infescted but managed to be cured through the medical bay. In the bay, the party found a hoard of diamonds. They decided to use these diamonds to reanimate the destroyed warfroged at Auran's request, who accomponied the party back to Prima Terra and gave them a communication device to call when they needed him. He also began searching for other Sun Elf survivors and a solar disc to Mechanus.  


Session 35   Back in The Commonwealth, the party were granted access to Queen Rhiannon's personal teleportation circles and travelled to Ceannastra, which was less than a day's travel from the rumroued Dagonite cult headquarters in Ynnsmouth. In Ceannastra, they discovered that Naerfi had arrived with two Jomsvikingr, Val and Ivar. Ivar had been imprisoned for being 'drunk and disorderly' and the party bailed him out.   Meeting at the docks, the party were attacked by the Ghost Ship again. Managing to get on board whilst the Commonwealth navy held off the sahaugin attackers, the party were lured into a trap by the evil clone of Azura, Ebony. Ivar managed to bail the party out and Ebony was forced to retreat.  


Session 36   Now knowing the true nature of their enemy the party headed to Ynnsmouth with Ivar in tow. Posing as travellers, the party were warned of the strange activity by some of the traders in the markets. They then made their way to the local hotel where they met a posing hotelkeep who revealed themselves to be Fjandmar. The cambion willingly turned coat on yet another cult as he thought 'they're weird fish people.'   Given access to the tunnels beneath the town that housed the cult, the party found captured prisoners from the ARCAM ship including Mertion Hampton. Many of of the other agents had already been sacrificed to Dagon. When the cult became aware of their presence the party left Fjandmar and Ivar to defend their passage and headed to the main chamber where they battled Ebony herself.   Ebony promised Azura power and the ability to bring Killyn back - Azura rejected the offer and Ebony was destroyed, being reformed as the Box of Dagon. The town was then assaulted by the Commonwealth Navy under the command of Admiral O'Galloigh and the Endeavour, destroying the Dagon Cult for good.  


Session 36   In the aftermath of the battle, the party were free to return to Aedrinar. Naerfi told them the Dragon Clan now controlled all of Drekenheim and had been attacking her ships, causing her to go to war with them. She said they could retake the island and defeat Teng but would need allies. Amy also left the group, meeting with her former classmate Blur and signing a warlock pact with The Trickster. She left her spell book, Alexa, with Azura.  

War of the Walls Arc


Sessions 37-38   The party set off in a convoy of three ships - Jarl Naerfi's longship, Ivar's ship The Boneless, and Captain Val's boat, The Lyre's Tongue. Val would reveal that he was willing to help the party due to a 'prophecy' that was from his estranged twin, Trixie, a seer of Loki. On their way to Lastlight - the group battled some harpies and docked on the Dragon Turtle Inn where they witnsesed it's landlord pass away from old age and also met Lugar Whitehide for the first time.   After a brief docking in Lastlight, the group headed out to Jameleska , where the war between The Snow Lord† and the Duchy of Jameleska was in its early days. Due to the blockade by the Frost Giants and the conditions of the Sea of Storms, the group hired eccentric merchant the Mad Cap'n and his clockwork cog to get them to the city.  


Sessions 38-41   Choosing to dock in the wealthy district of Rosethrope, the party were welcomed by Lt. Braer who was able to instruct them on how to earn the reputation to be contracted by the Jameleskan Military. To become official mercenaries hired by the duchy they needed three seals of recomendation from powerful guilds or citizens within Jameleska itself. Inside the district, they found the Worker's Union barricade and met with Salia Rose†. Also at the barricade, the party met a young street urchin called Roach. During this early night in the Commonwealth, Azura also made a warlock pact with Manannan Mac Lir to save Oli's soul.   Salia suspected her father was being controlled by his council, hence her exile and disinhertiance, and said if he was recovered the conflict between the union and the local government would be other. Doomed 2 Die, and their new member Val, investigated further. The group began to unravel the Faylock Conspiracy, named after former skallen member and conspiracy ring-leader Baron Faylock †. The party met with Horsha Lenn, then the martial advisor to the Rose's, and realised he was innocent but likely the rest of the council were in on it. In the process, Ivar got drunkenly married to Lady Alana Rose as a rouse to get the party into the castle for a reason.   Meeting with Alana and Friar Kelvin it was revealed Faylock was controlling the rest of the council through bribes and blackmail. They were unsure how he was controling Lord Rose himself. At the council meeting, the party outted Faylock and attacked him and his key conspirator, Farak Dume. They realised Faylock was controlling the lord through rings of enchanment, and removed them, unfortauntely causing the lord to fall into insanity. Alana took control as regent, and ordered an immediate putting down of the worker's union blockade. The party ran to save them, but the union leaders refused to abandon their blockade. Val's persuassion managed to convince them to at least let Roach go, and they entrusted the orphan to the party. Einar would return to the blockade hours later and met with Horsha Lenn, who regreted following the orders.  

Missing Paladin

Sessions 42-43   With one seal earned in a way not every member was comfortable with, the party worked on improving their reputation. Hearing a missing paladin of the Order of St Tara the group spoke to Warchief Umska about where to find him, and learnt he had gone missing in the sewers beneath the city. Umska said other paladins and acolytes had been sent to find him but had not returned.   Investigating the sewers, the party saw a bloody trail of destruction of dead rescue parties and accidently stumbled upon the Kobollesium. Here they found the missing paladin competing in competitions. They engaged in a minor battle for entertainment and reward, fighting 'the crimson king' Fjandmar. In the aftermath of it all, they party investigated the kobolds and realised one of them had accidently used the arena's summoning gate and brought out a Relentless Juggernaught from Gehenna.   Knowing their pain, the party followed the monster and realised it was a champion of one of the Forgotten Gods, specifically Loviatar. The battle was difficult, with only Val being able to counter its healing factor, but the creature was re-banished to Gehenna and its mockery of a temple cleared, with the paladin being returned to his order.   In Palakirk, the party also took some time to relax. Shan met a fellow Dragon Empire citizen named Jai Leng, who worked as a tea merchant and helped at the Draconist Pagoda in Twokirks. They offered Shan a chance to change their abilities and learn the way of the dragon.  

Corrupted Skallen

Sessions 43-46   Seeking their third seal of Jamelesak the group entered the sordid district of Storbaer. Walking through the main streets, the party saw prominent local merchant Ghost and the local Divinitist cleric, Sister Alesia, talking about the abandoned cart of the much loved Gnome jerky seller, Herky. Ghost warned the sister not to get involved as "[She] knows what happens around these parts... Storbaer can't afford to lose two good people in a week." Intrigued, the party spoke with the cleric and learnt several local people had gone missing over the last few months.   Tracing the gnome's last steps they discovered his cart had been attacked by armed and trained warriors, and following the clues they realised it led to a seedy local tavern called the Darklight Inn. Before they could investigate the inn, they were confrontred by the local captain of the guard, Captain Volkfeld, and his lieutenant Ashana Veer. The party alievated the guards suspicions, and Ashana dropped a note asking to meet beneath the Stobaer monorail station at midnight.   In the meantime, the party followed a local poster claiming vandals were damaging the local park. Speaking to the park's sole warden, Parker, they learnt a group going by the name of, 'The Manhood Bandits' had been vandalising various parts of the park. Investigating the vandalism the party discovered a gang of local children living in a treehouse who were responsible. The party convinced them to put their creative energies as well.   Also in the Hallowed Fields park, the party became aware of ghostly occurances from the park's own graveyard. Inside, they realised the noises were coming from the crypt belonging to the local noble family, the Stones. Going inside and pushing back wraiths and spectres, they came across a revenant claiming to be Lady Aria Stone, who had died in a mysterious fire in her castle that claimed the life of her, her husband, and two of her three children - leaving her brother-in-law Yorik Stone as regent for her last surviving child, Jospeh.   Lady Aria revealed that Yorik had killed her family and was working with the local Jameleskan Syndicate to kidnap people and traffic them as slaves to Theygor. This act broke sacred Skallen codes, and the party peiced together the Skallen, and Lord Stone, were likely working with The Snow Lord against the city.   Meeting with Ashana Veer at midnight the party headed into the Darklight. After masqurading as skallen members using Val and Azrua's previous membership, the group convinced Ricky the Fence to take them to their lair. Once below, Ashana revealed she was an agent for the wayward criminal syndicate and betrayed the party with a sneak attack. In an act of desperation, Val detonated a fireball from their necklace and caught everyone except Roach in the blast. Two skallen survived but were knocked unconcious.   Going through the tunnels, the party defeated the skallen members, including local leader Robin the Swift and enforcer Grushnax. The group then took some of the gang's holdings from their vault and rescued their prisoners that they had not yet sent into slavery, including Herky. They found the slaves digging tunnels deeper into the city for then unknown purposes. The group then used the oppertunity to ambush Lord Stone. Summoning the Paladins of St Tara and the revenant of Aria Stone, Yorik and his loyalists were killed and the Skallen den cleared out.  

Paladin's Gem

Sessions 46-47   With the necessary seals of approval acquired, the party made their way to Old Jotunbrygge to sign up as military mercenaries. In the district they came across a new mission from the local Divinitist cathedral. Hearing that the forces of evil were amassing in the catacombes, the party joined adventurer 'Penny' to go below. Inside, Penny revealed herself to be Pennatrice the legendary jewel thief after a sacred gem of Jamel, one of the founders of the city.   The party came across demonic entities throughout the tomb and realised unless they were in specific spots healing magic was unable to work. After one such alteraction, Einar retreated to heal themselves and was captured by the Nalfeshnee demon Orkagagga. Orkagagga revealed they were demons of Orcus and were trying a second attempt to escape the abyss, fleeing the 'devouring' of the infinite layers. The party rushed to rescue him, and in the brief fight Pennatrice snuck away. The party realised the Gem was the only thing keeping the demons from breaching the cataombes and intimidated Pennatrice into not stealing it. With the Nilfashnee and it's forces defeated, the party were awarded with a fourth seal of approval and left, satisfying the demons would not return.The party came across demonic entities throughout the tomb and realised unless they were in specific spots healing magic was unable to work. After one such alteraction, Einar retreated to heal themselves and was captured by the Nalfeshnee demon Orkagagga. Orkagagga revealed they were demons of Orcus and were trying a second attempt to escape the abyss, fleeing the 'devouring' of the infinite layers. The party rushed to rescue him, and in the brief fight Pennatrice snuck away.   The party realised the Gem was the only thing keeping the demons from breaching the cataombes and intimidated Pennatrice into not stealing it. With the Nilfashnee and it's forces defeated, the party were awarded with a fourth seal of approval and left, satisfied the demons would not return. After this, Shan reflected on the past few days and decided to take a break from adventuring and ventured to the Draconist Pagoda to learn the ways of the Dragon from resident master monk, Rushinairak.  

Joining the Military and meeting The Prince

Sessions 48-51   After a visit to the Jameleskan Museum of history the party headed to the Palace of Heroes in Old Jotunbrygge and were assigned to the scouts alongside Tomah. Meeting with the 22nd Scouts of Captain Flygir Eroskyn, Private Ardo Hune, and Corporal Heli Ristor †, the Vorrenborg district was attacked by the Snow Lord, who used his staff of thunder and lightning to increase in size and break the walls, allowing the giants to pour in.   Teaming up with the scouts, the party and Tomah were given Titan Gear and began to push them back and allow civilians to escape. In the fight, they saw Heli transform into this Varpak Titan form. Val also pushed the Snow Lord himself back wih well placed Eldritch Blasts. When the giants began attacking the Weeping Halls Asylum the group ran to help and saved multiple civilians along the way.   At the Asylum the party pushed out the giant and ogre assaulters, saving the life of Lady Eris Snowflower and Lord Stone. Spending time with Lady Eris, Val learnt of the 'mad' woman's prophecies around the 'five chosen.' and through her and Azura comparing notes they realised the 'five' contained aspects of the dead god Varpak, whose power was absorbed by the Eternal One. The depictions of the five were of a soldier turning into a monster, a woman surrounded by paper, a half-orc leading people, a prince, and an archer. These would be revealed to be Heli, Lady Eris, Reeve Mester, Prince Haakon, and Falia Rayes.   The party secured Lady Eris and Lord Roland Rose, who was also in the asylum, and followed the call to retreat - making their way to the hastily assembled refugee camp in Wintergate. At the camp, Heli was arrested for potentially being a giant infiltrator given his magical transformation. At Captain Flygir's and Ardo's requests, the party went to the Palace of the Heroes to defend the soldier.   The trial was precided over by Duke Karl VI, Prince Haakon, Lord Snowflower, General Alexander Stoneguard, Horsha Lenn, and Earl Cloudfetcher. The party managed to defend Heli, and saw how Prince Haakon was shut down by his father. Heli's name was cleared and the party spent some time talking to the local dignitaries. Einar struck up a budding friendship with the impressionable Prince Haakon and the group were invited to a masqurade ball in the city that night. They were granted leave and were told to meet by the western gates the next morning.   Attending the masqurade ball, the party ran into old frenemy Pennatrice as well as Alana Rose. Prince Haakon was in attendence, unguarded. Whilst Val and Pennatrice had sex in the closet, with the changeling taking on the form of Pennatrice, the Skallen remnants led by Ashana Veer, attempted to kidnap Haakon, likely to ship him to The Snow Lord as per their original deal with the rogue frost giant noble. The plan was foiled by Doomed 2 Die again, with Veer being slain in the process and Haakon saved.  

Eagle Falls

Sessions 52-54   The party met with military leadership and were given several targets to help the war effort. Working alongside Heli's scouts they were ordered to sow as much chaos behind enemy lines to take pressure off the rest of the city, Their first target was the hidden giant camp within the nearby Titansgrove forest. Not long into the forest, the group were ambushed by the giants with all bar Heli, Ivar, and the party knocked out or out of action. During the fight, a friendly passing bugbear named Balcorus † would join them and help them defeat the giants. The group managed to defeat the ambush and decided to rest off road and have a smaller group move ahead to find the camp.   Whilst resting, the party discovered a mysterious obelisk in the middle of the woods dedicated to Sehanie Moonbow. They realised if they performed the dances painted on it during the full moon, they could likely communicate with the elven goddess.   The party moved ahead with Ardo and Flygir and discovered the hidden giant camp at Eagle Falls, hidden behind the waterfall in the remnants of a Svartvelheim ruin. The group met up with some goblins nearby and through Balcorus' connections to the local goblinoid tribes they managed to get in the camp via a secret route, only having to fight some rogue Barghests.   Stealthing through, the party discovered the camp leader and also found a belt of giant strength alongside a set of notes on a corpse about assembling the peices required to wield, and also how to find, the legendary Hammer of Thunderbolts. Instead of facing the giant commanders in a fair fight, Val threw their Necklace of Fireballs into the room containing gunpowder and largely collapsed the ruins, the party barely escaping in time.  


Sessions 55-59   With the main supply camp destroyed the party decided to liberate the key agricultural town of Storonthorpe from the rule of the Snow Lord's lieutenant, the Boulder Jarl. On their journey there, they split the group as to not attract attention, with Ivar and Roach travelling with the main group and the military contigent going cross country.   On the way the party came across some sacked homesteads and discovered a secret cult to a demon lord was operating in some farms and kidnapping nearby homesteaders for sacrifices. The group managed to defeat them readily, despite Azura being trapped in the toilet the entire time.   Continuing to Storonthorpe by road the group next came across a fleeing Storonthorpe Rebel being persued by some giants. Waiting in ambush, the party saw travelling Ice Elf Mercenary Gallus rush to the rescue. After defeating the giants and saving the rebel the party and Gallus exchanged conversation. Gallus revealed they had been shipwrecked and were looking to get to Jameleska to aide in the war. The party said they could join them as they were official mercenaries for the duchy and the elf warrior joined the party.   In the town itself the party were introduced to the rebels led by Reeve Mester and Deputy Cass. Val and Gallus began their habit of competing for the same romantic interest when it came to the deputy, whilst Azura and Einar befriended the loveable wizard Jiarn. The group realised Reeve Mester was one of the people containing the aspect of Varpak that Lady Eris had warned them about, and tried to talk him out of his plan to attack the markets and steal the boulder jarl's 'tribute' to give back to the people, to no avail. The group instead decided to help.   The begining of the ambush went well, with Heli, Ivar, and Ardo reamaining in the rebel hideout whilst Reeve Mester, his deputies, and the party alongside Flygir and Roach began to grab the food supplies. Their plan was halted when The Snow Lord arrived with the Eyes of Varpak †. Jiarn was killed alongside another rebel and Cass was forced to retreat. Taggart and Balcorus held off the giants, with Balcorus squaring off with the Snow Lord himself to allow the party time to escape.   Hiding in the inn, Einar sensed a portal to the Shadowfell and took the group and Reeve Mester there to seek sanctuary in the realm of the Morrigan, despite the reeve's protests. Resting up, they planned on a new way to attack the Snow Lord and hopefully free any prisoners. Upon leaving the portal, they heard from Ivar that their vikingr companion had run to help them when he heard the giants arrive, but that meant the camp was overun and Ardo Hune, Flygir Eroskyn, and most importantly, Heli Ristor † had been captured. They then met with a surviving Deputy Cass that the Snow Lord was hosting a feast in the markets and the scouts were held in the prison tower, with rumours the Snow Lord was going to eat the captured Jameleskan Soldiers.   A daring prison break ensued, and a now united party descended upon the feast. The Boulder Jarl was slain, and the Eyes of Varpak teleported herself and the Snow Lord away just as the party were close to victory. Although it had been costly, Storonthrope had been liberated, and the Snow Lord had failed again to capture another aspect of Varpak.  

Basilisk Library

Session 60   During their time in the duchy, Einar had kept their identity as a Serpent Skald largely secret, although their involvement in the libraries was known thanks to their first mission with the party being restoring the Bear Library in Asrinheim. The only member of the group who knew anything about this was Ivar, who had confronted Einar after figuring out from the bard's tendancy to record names of the dead that they were a member of the Serpents. During the confrontation, they had given them a coin of the Basilisk Library. Einar had been searching for clues on this, and in Storonthrope learnt this was likely beyond the fabled 'mists of the dead' on the western coast of the duchy.   The party decided to travel to the library with Einar, and sent the scouts ahead to Astergor for their next primary objective. Crossing the mists, the party found an old row boat and a misty island in the distance. Sailing there, inside they discovered a disued outpost and a teleportation cricle. Using the circle, the group appeared at the Basilisk Library on the island of Rauttland.   Going through, they learnt of the deaths of all the skalds and were given tasks by the illusive 'silver guardian' to put their souls to rest in order to discover the secrets of the library. During these tests, Einar would forge their Rauttland steel blade, naming it Angi's Fang. Before they could get to the final chamber, they had to reveal their deepest and darkest secrets. Here Gallus said why they ran away from home, Einar revealed their true profession, Val revealed how they might die, and Azura said they had not forgiven Shan for sparing her mother.   Inside they faced their final choice. They could either save a soul from Helheim or unlock the library's knowledge of the Ragnarok prophecy. After deliberation, Einar chose to save Ivar's father, Lothgar Ragnarssen, from Helheim. The Warrior was deeply touched by this, and apologised for his recent actions to the bard and swore to defend them and the group till the death going forward.  


Sessions 61-62   Travelling to the mining city of Astergor would be an easy journey as the library contained a teleportation circle to the city itself. The party appeared in the Archives of Storvakis and met with the Archivist who informed him about the Snow Lord's occupation. The Jastingrag noble had sent his wife, The Snow Lady, to attack the town when they least expected it. The settlement's ruler, The Blizzard Maiden, was forced to reatreat and heal within the fire giant mines.   Hiding themselves, the party snuck into the mines and met with the fire giants and their Oracle of Surtur. The Oracle allowed the party to see into the prophetic fires as thanks for them saving the Blizzard Maiden's life. They could ask one question and see an answer in the flames. Azura would ask who wrote the song of ragnarok, and saw a vision of Mimir being beheaded by an unkown attacker. Val would ask for help on how to resolve the conflict and saw how the Eyes of Varpak had seduced the Snow Lord.   With the Blizzard Maiden healed the party attacked the Frost Giant forces. Heading for the town hall, the group confronted the Snow Lady and managed to talk her down. They revealed what they learnt about the Eyes of Varpak and the Snow Lord and through careful, but somewhat tense, diplomacy peace was made. The Snow Lady turned her back on her husband and joined with the Blizzard Maiden, promising to help defeat the Eyes and Snow Lord.  


Session 62-63   Their last objective nearing, the party headed to the settlement of Theygor. There they found numerous human slaves, likely captured by the Jameleskan Syndicate, and worked on an infilitartoin plan as suggested by Ivar. Using sympathic thralls the party infilitrated the town and managed to get into the town. They met with Morgaton and were suggested to poison the Snow Lord's chieftain of the village, the Tundra Baron, and then take out the Jameleskan Syndicate of Quistas.   Val would succeed in sneaking into the Tundra Baron's hall and poisoning his mead, weakening him and his warriors. Azura then sent the signal for the rest of the companions to begin assaulting the walls, whilst Morganton and the party attacked from within. Galllus and Shan snuck into the Jameleskan Syndicate's base but were ambushed by Quistas. Azura then began to burn the hall down and trapped them within using a wall of fire.   The town liberated, Morgaton freed all of the humanoid thralls and gave any surviving giants a day to leave, declaring himself the new governor of the town as a 'safe haven' for Goblinoids in Jotun.  

Fasingos and the Pillars of Air

Session 63   Travelling back to Jameleska to report their successes, the party were hailed by Auran in orbit. Auran had located a partial signal for a Solar Disc to Mechanus, and said it was somewhere near a mountain to the east, likely through a portal. Advised by the scouts the party learned that would take them through the ruins of Fasingos. The group decided to head there with Ivar and Ardo.   Coming to the ruins, they found Falia Rayes in a tense stand off with the hobgoblin Hilgot. The two were disagreeing on what to do with the Crown of Thorns, the ancient crown of Lich King Gryllfagor. Doomed 2 Die managed to difuse the situation and the group began to explore the ruins. They realised Falia was the fifth and final member of the 'chosen of Varpak' but they could not determine which aspect she embodied.   In the king's burial chamber the crown reanimated as the demilich form of Gryfflgor and a battle broke out. Shan would return in this battle, having recieved a prophetic dream that his friends would be in trouble if he were not there. The night prior, he undertook his final training to become a dragon warrior and ran to Fasingos to help the party, arriving just in time.   The battle one, the party travelled the mountain to Auran's coordinates for the solar disc to Mechanus. Finding an elemental portal, the party reactivated it and travelled inside. They came across a wrecked solar sailor and retrieved the disc, but had to be rescued by Saint Tara. The party were taken back to Aaqa and took some downtime before being escorted back to the material plane. Battle of Jastingrag Session 64   Back in camp outside Fasingos, the party were approached by Horsha Lenn, now acting general of the army and commander of the 19th Cavalry. Horsha informed the party that the previous night every forst giant noble family in Jotun recieved a threat from the Eyes of Varpak, who had used her magic and connection to Varpak to poison the heirs of those families and would only provide the cure if those nobles attacked Jameleska. Concerned, Horsha decided they needed to launch an all out attack with whatever troops they could spare and the allies acquired by the party along their travels.   Amassing outside the Snow Lord's captial of Jastingrag, the party prepared for their final attack as all their allies arrived. They had managed to bring together two Jameleskan Military units, Morgaton and his boys, the Snow Lady, Auran and the Endeavour, the Blizzard Maiden, and Storonthorpe's deputies. During the fight, the battle went off well until the Snow Lord managed to kill and devour Heli. The party managed to slay the noble despite his power up, and seeing the fight was over, the Eyes of Varpak killed herself, the cure found within her room at the Jastingrag keep.   The cure was dispersed via Jameleskan couriers and the party were given time to mourn Heli, ardo taking it particularly hard. The group then returned to Jameleska for celebrations.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc


Sessions 65-66   Having to wait a week before the Mad Cap'n could return the party to Lastlight, the partly spent some time relaxing in Jameleska with their allies and new friends. Azura would go to Rosengrantz college to study new magic, and came across the snobby and elitist student Peregrine. Falia would punch Pergrine in the library, prompting him to challenge Azura to a wizard duel under the Marquis of Gurnbourne Rules. Azura won the contest with ease.   Shan's downtime involved coming across a green dragonborn pupil of the Draconist Pagoda named Castor. Shan found the boy being bullied by a rival martial arts school and came to his rescue. Shan promised to train him to fight the bullies in an agreed competiton at the end of the week. Falia helped Shan find an underground grotto with trees to balance on, as well as additional but unorthodox training. Castor would triumph over the other martial artists thanks to the monk's training.   Val's downtime involved taking Roach shopping and the two attending a casino night hosted by lady mayor of Jameleska, Lady Salt. During the meeting, they teamed up with Pennatrice again to heist the casino's vault and split the loot. Einar would spend their time training as a paladin at the temple of Heimdall, a hidden shrine found only through Falia's help.   Gallus's time off involved running into a local 'warrior' and egotist named Gavin (pronounce gah-VEEN) and his follower, a gnome named Fouton. They were shown the Kobellisium by Falia and the two fought a Froghemouth. They would win the battle and show up Gavin again. The rivalry came to a head when the two had a street brawl, Gallus winning and Gavin conceding they were the better fighter.   As a group, the party and their companions also attended a family dinner hosted by Falia's mother, Amidrillia. The dinner would be tense, and the party found Amidrillia to be dismissive of their archer companion, and the pary were quick to defend her. This prompted Falia to stand up for herself, and leave the dinner. Gallus would go to her and invite her to join them on their future adventures.   The party also attended a general celebration for the war at the Palace of the Heroes. Val would help Roach get some vengeance on Salia Rose for her role in killing the worker's union. They would cause an allergic reaction from information gathered from Falia. The party were honoured with a formal alliance and a 'gift of the city' for their role in saving the duchy from the Snow Lord.   Their final night in the city was spent celebrating at the Swaying Whale party boat in an event organized by Ivar. The group engaged in a dance off, made merry, and helped Prince Haakon come to terms with his nature and push him to help the city. Falia, Val, and Gallus also engaged in awkward flirting over rum and kebab. The group then headed for Lastlight to report to Naerfi, before calling Auran to the city so they could fly to the plane of Gehenna.  

Arrival in Gehenna

Session 67   Leaving Lastlight, the party sailed into the Astral sea aboard the Endeavour. Auran advised the group he should go with them to protect them in the dangerous lower plane. The party entered gehenna and landed on the edge of Khalas. Azura sent a message to Fjandmar, asking him where to meet them. He gave them directions to the Briar and Brimstone.   The party made their way there and met with Titos for the first time. They were offered the luxery penthouse suite in exchange for helping find a missing supply waggon. Titos feared a hellish bounty hunter was after some of his more 'eccentric' patrons and suppliers. The party agreed to help, but were interupted by Fjandmar's show. Afterwards, he met them in a private booth protected by anti-diviniation magic to reveal his plan. He first needed to be permantly invisible to his parent's divination, and suggested three means of going about it: 1) Find the mysterious Mad Mage in his flying mansion atop the mountain in the heart of Khalas, 2) Travel to Aknuthak, the divine domain of a kobold demigod and legendary hero to claim the Hiding Scale, 3) Go to Corriegrave, the domain of Math Mathonway to recieve a magical boon. The party elected to find the mad mage.   Einar also interacted with Aungus and learnt of the avatar's fate and also of their former name of "Lucan." Aungus alluded the two knew each other from Rexia before its destruction.  

Mad Mage's Mansion

Sessions 68-69   Making their way to the mad mages mansion, the party came across an attack by some devils. Investigating closer, they found the devils were after Astra Kommenian and Mertion Hampton. Helping them, the meeting was tense between Azura and Mertion, but they learnt that ARCAM and Astra had vested interest in the mansion as it belonged to her father, John Kommenian, and should not be in this location. The two parties agreed to work together even though Doomed 2 Die felt Mertion could not be trusted.   Reaching the mansion, the group found it was phasing in and out of space-time. Mertion managed to use his magic to ground the house in the current plane, but would need to remain outside to keep it stable. Doomed 2 Die elected to leave Ivar behind to protect him incase more devils came searching for him. They entered with Astra and Falia and investigated the house, dispelling and coutnering the magical traps left by John. In the attic, they found the mad mage was in fact Kommenian who had been subject to a faulty modify memory in an attempt to elude asmodeus, the archduke of hell. Einar used restoration to restore his memories, and he offered the party an amulet that would prevent any diviniation on a target.   Whilst the rest of the party were inside, Ivar and Mertion were forced to fend off a massive devil assault. Mertion was fatally wounded and had to drop the control spell, but the house restored to normal space time when John regained his memories. The party were faced with a choice to let Mertion die or save him - as a way of making amends to Azura, the renegade ARCAM agent offered her the prison cube Gwenyth Youngspell was contained in. With Shan and Einar's guidance, Azura chose to spare him and he was healed.   They bid goodbye to the wizards and headed back to the Briar and Brimstone. On the way back, they looked for the last location of Titos's supplier. They found him dead, and Falia and Val came across the doppelganger Clay hiding nearby. The two shapechangers exchanged memories, and Val learnt that the supplier was hunted by an infernal bounty hunter and type of devil known as an Orthon, and Clay was able to share where the creature was hiding.   The party rented rooms in the Briar and Brimstone, with Falia and Gallus sharing a room for the first time. Before going to bed, Gallus felt a strange call from the mountain - and saw a strange energy flow from the Hellish Maw to a structure at the peak of the mountain. The following 'morning' Aphrodisia †, in the form of 'Effy' laid in wait outside Azura's room to try and tempt her to betray the party in exchange for the secrets on eternal life. They also attempted to dissuade Gallus of siding with the party and Fjandmar, but was unsuccesful.  

The Orthon

Session 70   Seeking a more permenant base of operations within the plane the party took up the hunt for the Orthon to earn Titos's favour. Going to the location given by Clay, the party fended off ambushes from the devil as well as the destruction of Einar's titan gear. Eventually facing off with the devil they managed to defeat him readily with Shan dealing the killing blow, sending the bounty hunter back to the nine hells.   Searching his camp the party came across his dossiers on various criminals within the Briar and Brimstone as well as reports on them and their companions. They returned to the Briar and Brimstone and moved into their new penthouse, each with their own 'perfect' room as well as a large living space, unlimited food, and a private bathhouse.  

The Star Tunnel

Sessions 71-72   Moved by their psionic calling, Gallus asked the party if they could investigate the structure that was drawing them in. Everybody agreed, and the group set off to the top of the mountain. On their way they came across wounded Githyanki pirates who had crashed in the plane after trying to escape the mysterious Archangel. They were warned the structure was of Sun Elf design and tormented by an abberation.   Inside the structure, the party found this was an Eastern Sun Elf research lab. The ancient researchers had trapped the soul of a star as a virtual assistant called Kosmana who had drawn Gallus in, telling them they had been chosen to stop the stars from dying. Kosmana was also capable of overiding Auran's command sequences. The group found more gith survivors and fended off attacks from an abberation called "a whistler."   The party found the star gate the whistler had entered through and closed it after killing the whistler for good. The gith pirates were free to return to the astral sea. They then returned to the Briar and Brimstone, where Gallus felt a sense of dread from the pressure of having to save the stars.  


Sessions 73-74   For their next mission, Gallus and Shan opted to remain at the Briar and Brimstone whilst Azura, Auran, Falia, Val, and Einar travelled to the divine domain of Corriegrave. They were guided by Augus, a former avatar of Math Mathonway, and made their way with ease to the magical realm after Val was nearly trampled by a Stench Kow. Aungus opted to remain outside, too heartbroken and 'ashamed' to return to his home. The party were given free reign of the domain and Azura managed to find lost Graviturgy magic in his library. Val and Falia also messed around with a well of memories and shared their interests in the rest of the party.   Einar was able to search the library for mentions of their former life as Lucan. They learnt that in their past life they were a famous bard and 'radio' host who bosoted morale for the Rexian troops. Lucan had formed a strong relationship with the three Gwenydian avatars sent by their gods to aid Rexia in their fight against Soulthek, and that they had a brother who was captured by the Dark Lord.   Azura also found a portal to the tower of Math Mahonway in the material plane and stumbled across Queen Rhiannon again. The queen introduced herself to Val and Gallus. The group them met with the god of magic himself and opted to bring Aungus back into the fold, convincing him his god and fellow avatars had forgiven him and he wasn't a failure.   Meanwhile, Gallus and Shan had awkward revelations with the resident inn genie who revealed that the elder of Thevensyne was being posioned by the Dragon Clan and that Eva was immune to diviniation magics.  


Sessions 74-75   Looking for some good downtime due to the stress of their recent missions, the party agreed to help the eccentric cycloptic goliath Kaneis in hosting a dance at the Briar and Brimstone. They were sent to find his missing performer, a bard named Starry Hyles. Investigating, the found the bard had been captured by devils. They managed to free him whilst using a polymorphed Ivar to distract the devils and their leader, a fearsome Narzugon. The party also took the oppertunity to steal an infernal vehicle to help travel around Gehenna.   The bard rescued, they returned to the inn to prepare for the dance and decided on who to go with. Shan opted to go alone, whilst Ivar would go with Roach. Falia was at first paniked as they did not know if they should go with Gallus or Val, and in the end Gallus asked first so they went with them. Azura would go with Auran, whilst Val would go with Fjandmar. Starry Hyles abandoned their performance and Einar took up the privilage of performing.  

That's not my Name

Sessions 76-78   Fjandmar advised the party of their next steps - he needed to change his true soul name at the Tower of the Arcanoloths. He said the party could try to get to the tower directly, but it was on another layer of Gehenna and would be treacherous, or they could find a shortcut through Hundvar's lair, also giving them a chance to kill the arcanoloth for real. They were also told they would likely need a powerful shapechanger to help them, and were told to find the mercenary Clay, who was likely in the yugoloth settlement of Corpsegate, the home of the Dread Pirates order.   On theri way to the Corpsegate, the party were ambushed by the Narzugon and some devils. The Narzugon unleashed its hellish fury upon them, and cause most of the party to experience visions of their worst hell. Falia managed to break out of the control and help save the party alongside Gallus, who was unaffected. Trumatised, they made their way to the settlement and searched for clay. After calming a distraught Ivar down and learning about House Winter-Shield, they decided to put on a show to make their presence known to the changeling and competed at the local arena.   Winning their battle, Clay, in disguise as steward for the local Dread Pirate King, came to the group and revealed himself. He was willing to aid them in their heist of Hundvar's tower for free if they helped him finish his current mission to return a cursed coin to the Gitonese on the material plane. The party agreed and found the coin in a storage container on the Dread King's ship, and managed to distract the yugoloth crew for Val and Shan to sneak below and return it. During this distraction, Falia and Gallus kissed for the first time under awkward circumstances.   With Clay recruited the party returned to the briar and brimstone to collect Fjandmar and head for Hundvar's tower. Whilst taking a short rest on the way they observed Falia working on some complex magical runes. Azura asked her about them and was told they were given by Auran, he didn't elaborate on what they were or where they came from. In the inn Azura confronted Auran about them and the warforged revealed that whilst the party were in Corriegrave the Endeavour left the plane, and all logs and memories had been wiped. Extrapolating from the information they had, they learnt it came from somewhere called The Veil in the astral sea. Contacting Aakoscru, they recieved a dossier on the Veil and its mysterious inhabitents, the Wraiths.   Leaving Falia behind and heading to the tower with Fjandmar, Val used an alter-ego to arrange a meeting with the arcanoloth. They were sent up immedediatly and ambushed the wizard, dispatching him quickly. They then used his personal gate to get to the tower of Arcanoloths and continued their infilitration, witnissing Fjandmar take glee in wiping his true name from the records and placing a new one there, with the group having their first doubts about giving the cambion power for the first time.  


Sessions 79-80   Fjandmar was now ready to begin the final stages of his plan. He needed to recruit some additional armies, and the party elected to find the Yugoloth Collection Agency and hire some smaller Yugoloth war bands for the fight against Aphrodisia and Ultragon. At the Spawning Rift, they met with the leaders of The Tempest Guardians, the Nightmare Brigade, and the Beasts of Hades. They were asked to meet with the leader of the Yugoloth Collection Agency, a Rakhasa known as Mr. Big. Mr. Big told the party something was interfereing with the spawning rift, where new yugoloths were born and where yugoloths slain on other planes would respawn. He said if they helped them find the cause of these attacks the three factions would support them for free.   Heading into the rift, the party came across the remnants of an ancient battled between Hel's army of the dead and cultists of the forgotten gods. They also came across an ancient and vandalised shrine to the forgotten gods and some dead yugoloth scouts. Fending off the wraiths, the party made their way into a mysterious pyramid within the rift. Inside, they found it was the remains of a divine domain dedicated to Loviatar and was home to the relentless juggernaught slain by the party in Jameleska.   The fight would be gruelling and Val and Gallus would nearly die, as well as Fjandmar accidently unleashing Lich King Gryfllgor when trying to reach into the bag of holding. The juggeranught and its forces were dispatched, and the party earned the loyalty of the yugoloth armies and Mr Big's thanks.  

Lover's Bite

Sessions 81-82   Returning to the inn for the final preparations the party met with the kobold demigod Gagnulak in his divine domain and asked for arbitration to settle the dispute between them and Gorgon of Many Faces. They party chose to have the goddess Hel be their arbitrator, and Gorgon swore to stop his plans for revenge until it was settled. The party also gained access to the Code of Gagnulak.   Back at the Brimstone Fjandmar revealed his final plan. The party would use their stolen infernal vehicle to do a trench run to Lover's Bite, the castle his parents ruled from on a floating rock above Khalas whilst Clay would impersonate Fjandmar and use the yugoloth armies to besiege the main gate. Once inside, the party, Fjandmar, and one other would run for the throne room whilst the other companions would distract the remaineder of the guards by causing chaos within the keep.   The Trench run was brutal but the party eventually made it into the keep. Ivar, Auran, and Roach would be sent to cause chaos whilst Falia and Fjandmar stayed with the party. In the throne room, after a brief showdown between the parents and the party, battle ensued. Shan managed to kill Ultragon whilst Fjandmar got the finishing blow on his mother after Val managed to down her. Fjandmar took her crown and christened himself 'King Fjandmar' and promised his help the party in retaking Drekenheim.   A final celebration was thrown at the Briar and Brimstone as the party chose to return to the material plane after a rest. Falia and Gallus would formally become romantically invovled after this point.  

The White Will Arc



Session 83   Leaving Gehenna, the party still had questions about Ragnarok and chose to go to Mechanus to finally speak to Primus. The Endeavour needed to recharge, allowing the party some shore leave on a tidally locked planet. Here the group met numerous aliens and the mysterious immortal Captain James Tovos who managed to negotiate his passage on their ship.   Arriving in Gehenna, the party battled through modrons before being trapped in the heart of Mechanus with Primus. The Clockwork God informed them of the three Prime Dieties, Himself, Divinitus, and Annihilus. Annhilus was the essence of the negative plane and negative energy and was in a constant conflcit with Divinitus, the essence of hte positive plane, and numerous catastrophes and apocalypses in history had been caused by this conflcit, and Ragnarok was simply another one of these. Shan asked why they were prophesised, annoying Primus who created an alternate timeline to show them.   In this timeline, the party never met and had drastically different lives. Shan never fought with Teng and the two became war heroes, and his entire family would survive the house fire thanks to the invovlement of Teng, as well as Eva never being kidnapped. Val remained in the Skallen Syndicate, Gallus never left for the Monastery of the Astrailaighai and became invovled with Ursa and Isa, Einar never died in Rexia and took shelter instead, and Azura never stole the Box of Dagon.   Throughout their lives in this universe, the party would observe the events of their adventures so far as outsiders and be visited by a mysterious traveller called 'Luna' who was this universe's version of Roach. Val travelled to Fargenvur to find Killyn, Naerfi Oath-Knee, Torvak, and Torgier dead at the hands of the Cult of Ragnarok after failing to stop the breaking of the southern seal. In the Commonwealth, nobody could stop Dagon or the Cult of Orcus an the entire country was thrown into chaos with the tide only being stopped by Amy Cobblepott, Arcam, and the surviving members of the Parental Problem's Possee sacrificing themselves. On Luna's suggestion, Azura moved to Neapia.   The events of the Jameleskan war also went different, as far more of the city was destroyed. Gallus, as a dignitary for Thevensyne, found the remanants of the final battle where the Snow Lord and Eyes were killed, but this time it had taken place in Rosethrope and was only possible thanks to Falia detonating the Crown of Thorns as a Soul Bomb. Gallus would find the archer's body, as well as the bodies of the other 'heroes' of this war, Flygir, Ardo, Balcorus, and Lt. Braer.   Shan would witness the destruction of the eastern seal in Iminiyas and see Kliiks and Auran destroy the endeavour by crashing it into Red Hawk's flying fortress. Shan also saw the damage to Knut's Landing during The White Will's attack, and witnessed Ivar die to save them.   Einar's time in the past saw them wrestle with fate, choice, and sacrifice as Luna would regularly visit them in their bunker and their survivor camp of New Rexia in the southern lands.   This timeline came to a catestrophic end when Rangarok triggered. Gallus and Val witnessed everyone they love die, Shan gave up his happy family and friendship to restore the timeline, Einar travelled with Roach to the future, and Azura had be talked into saving the multiverse by a future version of Olivir. The party reset the timeline and reapparead in Mechanus, with memories of this alternate universe, and Val's nature as a changeling, still intact.  

Return to the Material Plane

Session 84   Recovering from their experience back on the endavour, the party shared their stories with their companions. In the engineering hold, Roach had tied up Captain Tovos to keep an eye on him, and from his perspective he saw that some modifications had been made to their ship. Azura and Val investigated and realised he was right, and let him down so he could repair it. Whilst going to fix it, one of the warforged, Nero, killed him using their sun blade. Nero had no recollection of this event afterwards. Tovos revived himself and offered to look into what was happening in exchange for something of value to sell and acquire a ship of his own. He left a communicator with the party.   The party managed to return to the material plane, and gave Auran the orders to shut the rest of the warforged down till they could figure out what was happening. In Lastlight, they found it was now 8 days since their departure to Gehenna and was currently Helforger, the Aedrinaran feast of the dead in honour of Hel. Ivar agreed to set off regardless and meet with the Seal Clan whilst the party reported to Jarl Naerfi.   At the keep they found Kaneis had been sent by Fjandmar to be his ambassador to Lastlight, and Naerfi offered the party a chance to gain their own property in the city if they investigated a supposidly haunted mansion. In the manorhouse the party would discover it was in fact a trio of goblins using local superstitions about the missing former owners to keep theri dragonweed growing operation secret. The goblins were ousted and their crop kept by the party.   The following morning, the party set about some final business, with Gallus and Falia going on a date to the top of the Final Light.  

Knut's Landing

Sessions 85-88   With Helforger complete, the party sailed from Lastlight docks to Knut's Landing. On the way, they came across a merchant ship from Al Dun under attack by the Dragon Clan. Dispatching the attackers, the relieved captain of the Waning Tide, Ahbadin Mustfazi, shared some of his exotic fruits and teas with the group alongside his stories of adventure. He said he would see them again in Lastlight as he would be docked there for some time.   Arriving late at night, the party had just missed the beginning of the feast of King Knut. Welcomed to the village by Oba Obassen the Unkillable, the party made their way to Shan's former house. Inside they found it was now owned and inhabited by a priest of Divinitism named Fr. Tomos Siegfried. This priest matched the description of someone from a vision Trixie shared with Val as well as the dead priest found in the ruins of Lastlight in Val's alternate reality.   The priest welcomed them in, and shared some of Shan's former belongings that he had kept in storage. He also informed them that Eva had been here a few days prior, and left with a family portrait of the Flamesbanes and leaving behind the scorched owlbear plush. Shan and the priest would dig up the monk's former armour, disguised as 'art supplies' whilst Val snooped around Tomos' room and found his radical writings that had led to his exile from the continent.   The following day the party engaged in the festivities of the festival and met with the village leaders, Gunnar Ulsen and Thane Liv Thorsblade. During the feast, a local child ran up the group and said they and their friends had been exploring the nearby ruins of Southwatch-by-the-Sea when spirits attacked. Thane Liv was adamanet on going herself before the party intervened and said they would investigate.   In the ruins, Einar used their new Crow's Sight ability to see the ghost of Sigmund Winter-Shield, the Wintershield Jarl who defeated House Coldstar, the former rulers of the Western Hold. In the crypt, they came across trapped spirits and wraiths of Coldstar soldiers and rescued several of the children. Entering the final chamber, the found some of the Coldstar's had become powerful necromancers and mages and managed to preserve their spirits to this chamber despite their despite and were hoping to use one of the children, Little Olaf, to complete a ritual to restore their bodies. The party, alongside Falia and Fr Tomos, defeated the wraiths and returned all the rescued children home.   Before they could savour thir victory, at the end of the feast The White Will descended upon the town with his elemental minions. A three pronged attack began, as the central markets were damaged by fires from the knocked down idols with mephits assaulting civilians, Askebarrow Keep was attacked to kill the village leadership, and the Dragon himself went to ransack the temple. Splitting up, Shan and Azura tackled the fires and mephits in the markets, Val, Roach, and Tomos went to rescue the Thane, and Falia, Gallus, and Einar went to battle the dragon.   Shan and Azura managed to save everybody except a single horse, and despite Roach nearly going down to a frost salamander the Askebarrow team managed to rescue Thane Liv. The Battle with the White Will went a different direction, as all three of the heroes who went their to help were downed before the timely return of Ivar to chase the dragon off. Regrouping, two new fronts opened. The Dragon and the bulk of its forces had gone for the docks, whilst some trapped civlians were in the Kings Ship Inn. Azura, Thane Liv, Roach, and some local militanwent to rescue the inn whilst a polymophed shan, Ivar, Lugar White-Hide, and the rest of the party went to fight the dragon at the docks. Falia would stay behind to gaurd the wounded.   Azura managed to rescue everyone in the tavern except for two warriors and the party managed to almost defeat the dragon, who decided to flee. On his way, he knocked down the tower Falia was on - killing her. Fr Tomos was able to use a diamond to revive her, but the process took a toll on the priest. Although the town was saved, there was large scale damage and tonnes of supplies had been stolen by the dragon and it's forces. Liv and Gunnar would ride ahead to inform Jarl Earling Horfhand in Westwatch of what had happened.  

Refugee Convoy

Session 89   At Lugar's offer, those who had no homes were offered sanctuary in the Seal Clan winter camp. The party led the convoy with Ivar and Roach. Along the way they came across the lumbering stead of Andursthrope. The settlers had bent the knee to the White Will and were ready to ambush the party. Val and Shan would convince them to stand down, and left the patriarch of the settlement to defend his home with Oba Obassen whilst the others were taken to safety.   The next settlement they came across was Kingstones. This fishing hamlet had been completely destroyed and was once where Val had commited a murder on their guise of the Butterknife Killer. Burning the bodies and investigating the tunnels left by the elemental forces, the party decided the could not trace the dragon from here and carried on.   Along the road, Val and Shan were alerted to an ambushed camp. Choosing to investigate, the two came across the remains of an Ysgard's Warriors camp. Most of the campers were dead, and several Western Skallen members were found killed nearby as well. Val went into a dissasociative state upon realising what had happened. The rest of the party would soon approach, sending Ivar and the refugees along and being given the directions to the camp. Searching the camp, they discovered the Warriors had been sent by Elfrey the Godswitch to search for a weapon to kill the White Will. Nobody could get through to Val, who simply pulled out their weapon and started following left behind tracks in the mountainside.   The group would be ambushed by the Dagurssens, who held Roach hostage. Val waited till the last second to surrender and the group were bound and taken back to the dagurssen fort. Inside, they met an agent of the Black Fox who sent a warning to his handler. He was warned someone would be along to rescue them soon and went to take cover inside. After some time, Mr. Blake and Draxix would arrive and informed the Dagurrsen's their association with the Skallen Syndicate was ended. The party were blindfolded, and they heard a commotion as the entire courtyard within the fortress were dissolved by acid.   In the aftermath of the attack the party were freed by Mr Blake who revealed he knew key information about them. He also had an obssession with Roach which alarmed the party. He told the group where the find their stolen items and departed, giving them persmission to kill any survivors. Going through a side entrance to a dungeon, they came across Erika who was tied up and faking unconciousnsess. The Ysgardian paladin attempted to choke out Val before being convinced they were not skallen. She said she needed to avenger he fallen comrades, the group agreed to fight them as well.   Throughout their walk through the fortress the party were alarmed at Val and Erika's bloodthristy retallation to the bandits. Val leaving a butterknife on one of the bodies tipped Erika off to his identity and the warlock was imediatly shunned. Val managed to share their side of the story, and Erika broke the shun and agreed to keep killing. A disagreement between the two and the rest of the party came when they found woudned skallen and a surgeon. Gallus and Shan were appalled the two were ready to kill them and were angry their protests were not heeded. When the final dagurssen's were killed, the group left the keep and made sure to have a funerary pyre for the fallen warriors on the way to the Seal Clan camp.  

Return to Jameleska

Sessions 90-95   Finally able to rest in the Seal Clan camp, the party took a day's worth of downtime to recover. During this time, Ivar and Val would fall out over what happened with Roach. Shan also got to meet with Shan Erikssen, the only child of his former war buddy Erik. Lugar said he had some strategies to help the party defeat the dragon. They should speak to a draconic expert in Jameleska, meet with the Dragon Council in Westwatch, and find a powerful ally, likely Haarold Iceaxe who was in the south of the hold fighting Skallen. Erika also said her now deceased party had found the second half of the Stone of Queen Astrid, which would point to the location of the fabled Dragonlance. The party chose to go to Jameleska and speak with Rushinairak at the Draconic monastery. Before they could leave, Einar would vanish into the Shadowfell.   Departing onboard The Boneless for Jameleska, Shan recieved a warning from the Black Fox that his daughter was sighted in Westwatch at an abandoned house. He said he would likely not investigate as he felt she didn't want to see him, something Val admonished him for. In the city, the party met with the dragon monks and learnt the White Will may have come from a nearby Svartvelhiem ruin known as Rorisgrad in the Astergoian hills. Deciding to leave the following morning, Val, Falia, and Gallus would have dinner at the Rayes home whilst Azura, Shan, and Fr Tomos attended a dinner with a show event in Rosethorpe called Wild Wild Orcs.   Taking Falia and Tomos to the ruins, the party had to first battle through the Worm Caverns. During the exploration they found a Toad of Truth and killed numerous carrion crawlers. At Rorisgrad itself the group found a dead party of Jameleskan soldiers from the early days of the 4-week war. Going inside the temple complex, they found more and more of the bodies and realised they had somehow opened an elemental portal. During their exploration Val would also take a dagger dedicated to Lich King Gryllfagor.   Entering the final chamber they were ambushed by a Remorhaz and found the portal to the frostfell. After the Remorhaz was killed they entered the portal and met with the Huntress, learning the 'White Will' had stolen the name of the most legendary white dragon after he failed in a coup against his mother, the Huntress, and provided them with his real name. The party promised revenge for her and said they would deliver the son's head to his mother.   Taking a breather in the hot springs of the worm caverns, the group eventually returned to Jameleska. Gallus would find some Mithral veins, which Val and Falia claimed thanks to a loan from Mr Blake. That night, Einar would return to the party, having retrained themselves under Heimdall's guideance. The following morning they saw Erika approached by some citizens from the nearby district of Wintergate asking for help in some thugs sent by the War Smiths. The party accepted the contract with Erika and met with Major Tomah to learn that the war smiths had hired a disgraced former Ysgard's Warrior named Tharrick the Grim and his associates, the Grimsblades. They had served as mercenaries in the war and were known for their sacrificing of civilians and brutal tactics.   Doomed 2 Die ambushed them in the markets and defeated them all before liberating the gold and goods they had confiscated from the local merchants. Using evidence gathered from their attack, they learnt the War Smiths were aware of Tharrick's reputation and what he was doing and hoped it would weaken the local merchants and workers and stop them pushing to restore the Worker's Union in the district. The local guild leaders were punished before the party left for the western hold again.  

Bard's Folly

Sessions 95-97   Whilst sailing, The Boneless was attacked by sea monsters. A harpy's song put the crew to sleep alongside Ivar, Fr Tomos, Erika, and Azura. Shan managed to resist the charms and helped the party fight off the attackers. During the party's fight, Azura was visited in a vision by the Scion of the Seas, the ancient enemy of Mannanan Mac Lir. The scion attempted to convert Azura to his side but the wizard refused and the party managed to defeat his harpies, merrow, and scions.   Returning to the Seal Clan camp, the party decided to follow up on Erika's lead for the Dragonlance. The group had learnt the second part of the tablet was in a place called Bard's Folly and Erika knew how to lead them there. Along the way, the group rescued Magni Fairhair from elemental forces and were given the location of Haarold Iceaxe's army.   In the follow, the party met with Shada, the supposed God of the Fey, and were put under various tests to see if they were worthy of the secrets of Queen Astrid I Dragontamer's secrets. Shan and Roach would undertake a deadly test of sneaking through an unlit obstacle course, Einar and Val would carouse and use their charisma to convince a tavern to enjoy some music, Azura and Tomos would take on a magical puzzle, whilst the rest battled with some chimeras in the Way of the Warrior. Following this, Shada placed the party under more stress, showing them theri darkest fears, hints from their future, and their deepest secrets. During this, Fr Tomos learnt his future involved dying at the hands of the papacy whilst Azura saw she would have a battle with Val.   Doomed 2 Die would pass their tests and Shada rewarded them with the second half of the stone of queen astrid, when combined with the first half it would show the location of the dragonlance and the horde of the golden wyrm.  

Haarold Iceaxe

Session 98   Camping outside the folly - the party decided to find Haarold Iceaxe and use his army to fight the White Will's elementals. The next morning, Erika, Falia, and Fr Tomos were sent to Westwatch to meet with the Ysgard's Warriors stationed there whilst everyone else journeyed to Kulvrsford, where Haarold was camped. On the way, the group were met by Mr Blake who asked for their help in rescuing his Western Skallen agents before the Golden Boar could find them. The party debated this, with Gallus and Einar sceptical of further helping the crimelord whilst Azura and Val sided with him. In the end, they opted to try and make a peace between the two factions.   Meeting with Haarold, they impressed the war hero and famous general, who agreed to their idea for a peace in order to focus on fighting the dragon and its forces. He said he would only allow the lower ranks to escape and they could only take loot they could carry, not any food or building supplies, and their direct leadership must die. The party also met the son of King Hardrada, Prince Sven. The party took this to the leader of the Western Skallen, Forkbeard, who agreed. After Haarold executed Forkbeard in ritual combat, the White Will ambushed the party with mephits and two frost salamanders.   The battle would nearly kill the party, with the White Will only retreating as he believed his minions could finish the job. During the fight, Roach would be downed and returned to life with their sorcerer abilities awakened, whilst Einar was nearly fatally injured alongside Shan. The beleagured party managed to finish the monsters off and limped for Westwatch whilst Haarold readied his troops.  

Ysgard's Warriors

Sessions 99-103   Finally arriving in Westwatch, the party were informed by a local street bard that Falia had booked them rooms in the Queen Astrid inn. Claiming their rooms, Azura then used sending on Fr Tomos, who was under the control of Elfrey the Godswitch and instructed the party to go to the Dragon Council in the Coldstar Keep. Heading to the castle, the party would find Lugar and Thane Liv with Jarl Horfhand. Alongside them in the council was Hoffa of the archaeologist's guild, Starkard Wintershield, and a contingent of Ysgard's Warriors headed by Elfrey the Godswitch, a figure from Val's past.   During the meeting, Elfrey revealed the truth about Val and began to shun them after revealing a beaten and bloodied Erika. Most of the hall followed this practice, whilst the wintershields, seal clan, Liv, and the Jarl did not. Jarl Erling then dismissed the council and met with the party and Starkard. He said he would appreciate their support, but he was powerless to stand up to the warriors. He recommended that the Wintershields help them rescue their companions and 'cleanse' their honour. Starkard agreed, and gave three suggestions. 1) Meet with Mr Blake who could oust the warriors outpost, 2) wait for Haarold to arrive in Westwatch, or 3) The Wintershields would take an honour challenge to the shunning if their troops were allowed to enter the town, but the Jarl would need convincing. The party opted with option three and the Jarl was convincened the see the bigger picture, but warned that siding with the Wintershields and Naerfi in two upcoming conflicts may severely damage his house.   Waiting for the Wintershields to arrive, the party rested with Mr Blake in his safehouse. Val and Roach would disguise themselves as warriors to scout out the Westwatch Outpost of Ysgard's Warriors, whilst Azura and Shan investigated the abandoned apartments his daughter was last seen in. Val and Roach would find Effir, the outpost leader, and be warned abotu Elfrey. The Godswitch knew Val was disgusing himself and chased them out. Azura and Shan found evidence of several Dragon Clan agents having camped there, as well as a cauldron used for communication. They also found several Ysgards Warriors bodies and an outddated map to the Shrine Room that led to the peak of Mount Valhalla within Pilgrim's Rest, the guild's headquarters, indicating a potential infiltration.   In the early hours of the morning the Wintershields arrived at Westwatch. Following the berserkers to the outpost, their war leader Drand Warbringer and Starkard challenged the warriors in ancient rite. Elfrey emerged, arrogant and beleiving her powers of enchantment would prove no match for the warriors. Unknown to her, Starkard had cast the spell Mislead on himself and snuck behind Elfrey, dispelling the magic on her staff. The Wintershields attacked and Elfrey ran, whislt the party headed for the basement to rescue their friends.   In the basement, they fought against Elfrey and some of her more loyal minions. Roach would be downed, but between Val and Gallus Elfrey was killed. In her final breaths, a freed Erika stabbed her former mentor with a spear. Roach was healed by Einar and the party fled. With the mind control worn off now Elfrey was gone, the party met with some of the warriors who revealed the extent of the corruption in the warriors. From Underchief Stienar downwards, many were part of this elite cabal who prioritised status and gold over honour and helping others. They were told those who were still loyal to the old ways, such as Organvor, Shieldguard Alric, and a few others.   To clear Val's name and finally unite the two halves of the Stone of Queen Astrid the party would head for Pilgrim's Rest in the morning. Travelling up Mount Valhalla, the group stopped by at the Hero's Stop Inn, leaving behind Ivar, Falia, and Roach whilst Fr. Tomos and Erika continued with them to the headquarters of the warriors. Inside, the group met with Organvor and passed on the intel about the Dragon Clan, before going to face Steinar in the Throne Room. A trial would begin, and Val was shocked to see the party defend him. Steinar's accusations were interupted by the arrival of Sven the Godslayer † who took control of the preceedings.   The trial would be interrupted a second time a severely injured Organvor who had interrupted the Dragon Clan's escape. He reported they had gone to the top of the mountain and slain several recruits, a pilgrim, and a warrior. Einar healed the warrior and the group headed to the peak of the mountain with Sven. There they found Eva and her infilitrators trying to break into a sacred rock which secretly held the head of Mimir. During the battle, Eva called for reinforcements and The Piper would arrive with shock troops. Doomed 2 Die ignored his warnings, and the Piper was able to beat them and claim the Eye of Vecna from Mimir's head. Although the party did manage to kill several dragon clan troops and wound the Piper, his forces would nearly kill Gallus, down Azura and Val, and nearly cost Shan his freedom as he was killed and pushed into the portal that summoned them. Shan's unconcious body was returned, stabilised, with a locket containing a lock of Eva's hair and her picture.   Mimir would speak to the party, and show Azura his vision. The wizard remained mentally intact but struggled to decipher its true meaning. On their return to Pilgrim's Rest, Sven spoke to Val, Gallus, and Einar about Erika and indicated he would like her to use the rite of claimance to succeed him as Warchief of Ysgard's Warriors. After speaking to Erika back at the halls during a rest, Val backed this plan as did the rest of the party, but did not tell her the full details of what to expect. Val followed their agreement and demanded a trial by combat, Sven would step forward and summon Steinar and his most loyal lackies, knowing the party would defeat them. Val managed to kill Steinar, and although Sven did down Shan, Erika managed to kill him and use the rite of Claimanance thanks to the party's encouragement. The halls kneeled in her honour and appointed her the new warchief.  


Sessions 104-105   Taking some time Pilgrim's Rest the party mended the Stone of Astrid and discovered the location of the Cave of Golden Wyrm, the resting place of Queen Astrid's famous dragon mount and her legendary dragon slaying weapon. They also discovered the relics of a Sun Elf warchief from the first age, including instructions on how to make a Sun Sword.   The group returned to Heroes Stop for a proper rest, and were witness to Sven's funeral at the inn. The party also met with Krieg Stormbarer who was searching for the party to find Torgier's magical ring. He was secretive around why, but the party managed to convince Shan to hand over the last reminder of his friend, and secured House Stormbarer as allies in the war against the Dragon Clan. Falia, Gallus, and Roach would also conspire to hook Val and Ivar up, but their scheme was rumbled.   The party came back to Westwatch and found the aftermath of a battle. The White Will had attempted to strike at the town but was repelled by a combination of Haarold Iceaxe, House Wintershield, and a newly zealous Ysgard's Warriors. The group planned their final attack on the White Will's lair, and sent Haarold and the Warriors to finish off the elemental strongholds whilst the Wintershields would help the party tackle the main lair's elemental factory. Val, Falia, and Gallus also met with the Archaeologist's guild to help them excavate the Wyrm's cave, and found an old rival of Falia's in the Jameleskan archaeology scene, Darrien Toot. Hoffa agreed to help them and heade out to begin excavations in exchange for most of the findings.   Heading for the Cave of the Golden Wyrm, the party entered and found the remains of a gargantuan dragon and its loot. A decoy lance and other weapons were found, but the true lance was revealed by Azura's investigative skills and Einar used their crows sight to reveal the Dragon's death. He was shocked to see Mr Blake there, even though the event took place thousands of years ago, confirming their theories that Blake had been alive for longer than he appeared. Whilst investigating, Val alerted the Horde Mimics that had been frozen in time thanks to a time stop on the cavern's entrance that was broken when they entered.   Battling with the mimics, Gallus detected their telepathic communication and managed to diffuse the situation. The mimics were sent to serve a new master, the baby silver dragon at the Draconist Monastery in Jameleska. The party, having claimed the Dragonlance and assorted other treasures, ventured forward to the White Will's lair.  

Defeating the Dragon

Session 105   In the lair, the group took Fr Tomos and Falia, sending the rest with the Wintershields to defeat the elemental minions. Sneaking through the cavernous lair, they found the frozen trophies of warriors that had impressed the White Will, including Oba Obassen the Unkillable. They then attacked the White Will. During their fight the dragon managed to use its terrifying presence to frighten Gallus, Falia, and Azura. Shan would also be killed outright by the dragon's breath, with Azura begging Fr Tomos to revive him. In his afterlife, Shan saw his wife and was embraced by Bahamaut, who said it was not yet time. Tomos would pass out after the ressurection. Falia Rayes would get the killing shot in a fitting revenge after Val gave the archer an opening, ending the White Will once and for all.   The group took the dragon's head as a trophy back to Westwatch and celebrated. Shan would depart early with Ivar to drop the head off to the Huntress, and the group were informed by Haarold Iceaxe that they were invited as guests of honour to King Hardrada's feast in Odinsthrone. That night, Erika, Val, and Ivar would share a bed.  

Heir of Furunheim arc


The Feast

Sessions 106-107   Erika would return to Pilgrim's Rest that morning, and the party would travel to Odinsthrone by boat, taking a cart convoy organized by Jarl Erling Horfhand. Along the way, Fr Tomos revealed to Starkard and Azura his tragic past, and Gallus learnt the intricacies of Aedrinaran house politics from the Horfhands. In Knut's Landing, the party saw Matilda Wintershield, who recognised Val and Ivar.   Sailing to the feast via Kriegerholm, the party came across the remnants of a Dragon Clan ship that was listing and seemingly being magically pushed to the coasts of Drekenheim with a sharkhead aboard, indicating House Stormbarer had fulfilled their promise to join the fight against the clan.   In Kriegerholm, the party were asked to help Thane Blann Saltsby and meet with him at his home of Waterkeep. There they found the bickering heads of the five houses of Kriegerholm, the Saltsbys, House Warpelt, House Just-Coin, House Seaspite, and House Ironcrest. Kriegerholm ships were being attacked whilst travelling up the River Bittern and the Thane was refusing any of the nobles to attend the feast unless they found a suitable escort. The party were considered a good option by all in attendance.   Whilst the noble's readied themselves to depart, Val and Fr. Tomos would speak with Thane Blann's daughter, Yasha, learning she was having a secret love affair with Thorin Sigmundssen, the son of Chief Sigmund of the Wolf Clan. Her father had found them together and thrown Thorin out of the window of Waterkeep, and although the boy had survived the Wolf Clan had sworn vengeance. Val informed the rest of the party, and they decided to lay a trap for Blann.   On The Lyre's Tongue, Val had Roach place a Saltsby and Reindeer Clan shield on the side on the boat to attract the attention of the Wolf Clan. The longship was ambushed as expected, and Val urged Roach to speak up. The orphan child used their position as Ivar's adopted daughter to claim membership of the Reindeer Clan and invoked the ancient peace between the two Vilderfolken bands, a peace Chief Sigmund accepted and allowed a negotiation to go ahead. Sigmund and Thorin revealed the truth of why they were attacking Kriegerholm ships, and the nobles on board turned their back on Thane Blann. He was thrown off the ship, and Alderman Arngier Warpelt volunteerd as Thorin's Champion, defeating the Thane in ritual combat but refusing to use the Rite of Claimaince.   The matter settled, the nobles agreed to postpone the moot until back in Kriegerholm and sailed to Odinsthrone. At the feast, the party met members of House Stormbarer, the Wintershields again, the Horfhands, House Maidenwing, House Smallstone, House Charhart, House Dragontooth, and others. Alongside them were Elder Tiristar Furyborn and his son and heir, Arystyr Furyborn, were immediatly enamoured with the party.   The feast was largely a success bar Jarl Olaf Dragontooth challenging King Haardrada, the situation being difused by the Party and Matilda Wintershield starting a food fight with Prince Sven. After the feast, Val had a heart-to-heart with the king and elder and learnt of the two leaders' complicated relationship with their children. Gallus would have a bath with Prince Sven and consoled the crying prince, and encouraged them to learn the Aedrinaran ways from someone outside their family, suggesting Ivar. Azura would go to the castle library and recieved a cryptic set of spells to learn from Thane Jorvin Stormbarer.   Einar was playing music for Arystyr when two plants left in his room grew and became Wood Woads. The two plants went to kill Arystyr, with Einar being knocked out trying to protect them. The rest of the party and their companions ran to the rescue and saved the day.  


Sessions 108-111   In the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Arystyr, the party promised Elder Tiristar they would investigate. Taking some rest and making sure Einar and Azura kept an eye on Ary, they began to search the city for potential suspects the next day. Pointed first to the Springfasts, ancient rivals of House Furyborn, Val and Gallus realised this was a dead end. Mr Blake would point them to the Kriegerholm Red Daggers and a local ranger informed them answers about the wood woads could be learnt from some Dryads in the nearby forest, The Wold. Arystyr stayed with the party, his first true friends, and hoped to experience adventure before his father died in three days.   Meanwhile, Shan and Ivar had deposited the head of the the White Will with the huntress, fending off the baby remorhaz's of the adult the party had slain previously. The Huntress made true on her promise and granted Shan the White Dragon Mask, and was convinced not to hunt him and Ivar and but to come to the material plane to hunt the Dragon Clan instead. The two were also deposited into a Feywild portal and were attacked by sea fey, accusing them of spreading 'the taint' before Uncle Muffin rescued them and returned them to Kriegerholm in the material plane, a day after they initally left Westwatch. In Odinsthrone, Shan traded his Black Dragon armour from the war for robes of the Vale, and the two would meet the party the following day during their investigations.   In the forest, the party summoned the Dryads and brought forth the three guardians of the forest. Their leader warned them about the Taint and alerted the party that it would corrupt the dryads now they'd been summoned. The party managed to learn of the Dark Enchanter and his location before the dryads turned, the party managing to dispatch them.   Gallus stayed behind from the Wold and helped Ivar to train Sven with Tomos and Roach. When the group returned, they decided to set off for Kriegerholm with the nobles and investigate the Red Daggers lead and drop the nobles off. To find the daggers, the party had to work with the Kriegerholm Syndicate and oust the Goblin Syndicate members controlling an underground fighting arena in the city. With that complete, the Skallen Leader Naakon Silver-Tooth took the party through the ruins of Old Magnusberg and met with the Speaker for the Red Daggers in the city. Astir informed the party about a changeling assassin, later revealed to be Never, who had infilitrated the city and killed numerous guards in Kriegerholm and Odinsthrone to complete their mission and was likely back in Furunheim. When asked of the Dragon Clan, Astir told the party of the two guild's ancient rivalry and was able to provide the real name of the Piper. Doomed 2 Die also met with a descendant of the Piper, Asaj Gildaron.   Before leaving, the party decided to settle the moot for a new thane. After considering their options, they supported Gier Warpelt and he promised to ally with them for the honour of making him Thane.  


Sessions 112-113   Sailing across the Vaniri sea for the ferry town of Krakenpost at the dead of night, the party still came across unusual encounters. Frist they found a mysterious eel fisherman near Haastarok who informed the party of the Whale Library ruins within the island as well as caves to hide from the dragon clan should they wish to. They also weathered a brief storm before getting to their destination.   Shortly after docking the party were approached by Mayor Pel who mistakenly believed the party were there for the 'dungeon sweepstakes' of the recently discovered primal elf fortress on the edge of town. Arystyr corrected him and Pel welcomed the party to town. Arystyr then took the party to meet his sister, Aera Furyborn. Shan, Ivar and Roach decided to go to the tavern instead. Whilst heading for Aera's home, Doomed 2 Day came across Furnagh Boreas, a local knight of the furyborn and Gallus's cousin. In the manor, they met the abrasive Aera and took a walk around the grounds when they were attacked by Never and some blights. Never was partially freed of The Dark Enchanter's control and managed to meld with Val to share his memories of the enchanter, revealing he wore an iron Masks of the Primal Elves. When the battle was complete, Gallus recieved a psionic warning from a mysterious stranger warning them Furnagh, their cousin, was hiding something. The party sent Roach to spy on him.   At the tavern, Shan and Ivar confrotned some rude Goat Clan members who were here for the sweepstakes. Despite Ivar gunning for a fight, Shan assured the innkeeper they would resolve it peacefully so no furniture would be broken. The three of them intimidated the goat clan, but one attempted to hit Shan from behind but was mysteriously knocked over through psionics. Shan spotted the psionic user, a hooded stranger in a booth by themselves, and attempted to speak to them but was warded off using psionic mind tricks before the stranger vanished.   They also found Cassie Rayes in the tavern alongside other Jameleskan adventurers inspired by Doomed 2 Die. The group were honoured to meet Shan, and the monk provided advice and guideance to Cassie, saying he had to tell Falia she was here.   The party reuninted after the assassination attempt and Never's capture, and agreed to split to the Furyborns up. Ivar, Falia, and Fr. Tomos would escort Aera to Ferenvire first whilst the party would leave an hour later. Roach returned and warned them that Furnagh was confronting his father, Gallus' uncle, Teris Boreas, about the Iron Mask that he owned. Azura and Einar decided to speak to the Order of Labelas in town whilst the rest of the party went to speak to Teris. At Teris's shop, he revealed he did own the mask and was skirting around the questions of hurting the Furyborn. He would disappear and run away, confirming he was up to something even if it wasn't the assassination attempt.  

Fury Road

Sessions 113-114   The party then ventured for Ferenvire. Along the way, they met a Skallen member who wanted to turn themselves in. Shan recognised he was under the same psionic mind trick he had been exposed to early, and the party began to theorise legendary Psionic master Zedithir was present on the island. They would later see the remnants of the Skallen member's group, all injured without any weapon marks and one still stuck in a nearby tree. Upon reaching the Sleeping Harpy Inn, the party saw smoke on the horizon.   Running forward to investigate at Arystyr's request, they came across a fleeing Ice Elf farmer being chased by hyena-like creatures. Arystyr quickly killed the monsters and the party saved the farmer, learning he came from the nearby homestead of Faranalay, a small fishing and farming community on the shores of Lake Meres. Einar and Azura were able to identify the creatues as gnolls, demonic infused monsters who pillage and destroy, last seen on the neighbouring island of Sudalfenland.   Doomed 2 Die went to the farmstead and saved as much property as they could. Gallus and Shan also found two children hiding in a closet who saw their parents captured alongside others and hid here. The party found the Gnoll's trail and left Roach to guard the children. Venturing into the gnoll camp they managed to kill the gnolls and their leader, a Flind, using a combination of all their talents alongside Azura's use of the Slow Spell. They freed the hostages and reunited the parents and children before finally heading to Ferenvire.  


Sessions 115-119   Getting to Ferenvire, the party found the captured Skallen in cages by the gates. To test their theory on Zedithir, Val used his changeling abilities to look like the psionic knight and walked past the group, their panicked reactions revealing Zed was in fact on the island. Gallus would be confronted inside the town walls by knights of house Ardyilir, who accused them of treason. Arystyr warned the group off, and Roach trailed them, pickpocketing letters from the Regent of Thevensyne and a letter from the Dragon Clan.   The party also found Gallus's mother, Igraine Aramour, amongst the mourning crowd by the keep. Arystyr invited her in to the tower to stay. The party would spend the rest of the day exploring the town, with Shan and Tomos taking a bath together, Azura and Arystyr going to the legendary night circus, and Gallus spending time with their mother shopping. The fighter also managed to get the truth about their uncle, Teris, learning they had murdered a Wintershield dignitary to frame the southern houses during the Fury Uprising and turned the North against High King Karl III, turning the tide in the rebellion. From Igraine and Tiristar's point of view this crossed a line and Teris has held a grudge ever since for their treatment of him.   At the funeral on the 14th, after the Elder gave his final speech portals would open and monsters from the feywild emerged. Gallus, Einar, Ivar, and Igraine would stay at the Pyres of Arvandor to buy time for Arystyr to be taken to safety and to help civilians. During their fight, numerous psionic shields would appear to protect them and the civilians at key points, with everyone thinking it was Gallus, but them having no idea if it was at all. This would be revealed to be Zedithir, who helped save the group and rush them back to the keep.   Whilst fleeing to the keep, the party were ambushed by the Wizards Four. Azura, Aera, and Fr Tomos would hold them off. Their fight was gruelling, with all three being downed by a burst of evocation magic. They were revived by a pixie, who was about to tell Azura a message before they were destroyed. Later in the fight, Azura would apparate on a near by roof and instructed Aera that if she went down, she was to place the Crown of Thorns on her. Altough Azura was downed, the arrival of the group of the Pyres saved the day and the wizards were defeated and Azura revived by Einar.   The rest of the party, nearly at the keep, saw a portal open on a nearby island. Roach would ride on Shan's back to the island and the two easily dispatched the blights attackign civilians. This left only Val and Arystyr with Olisander Dirthstone. Once the remainder of the Furyborn knights were sent to help civilians, Olisander revealed he was The Dark Enchanter and attacked the party. He nearly downed the group, constantly counterspelling Ayrstyr, but the arrival of Shan and Roach bought Val time. Val would be downed and Arystyr fought valiantly to protect his friends. Val was revived when the rest of the party arrived, but the enchanter escaped.   In the aftermath, the group rallied around the new Elder Arystyr and a plan was hatched. They also convinced Zedithir to remain with the party to defeat Olisander. Azura, Aera, and Einar took a teleporation circle to Odinsthrone to meet with Haarold Iceaxe and call in support for the island. They then travelled to Kriegerholm to meet with Thane Gier and ask for supplies to support the coming war. Meanwhile, Val recieved a mysterious package. Inside was an urn marked with the Summerfrost sigil, the urn itself containing a dead changeling's goo.   When Val touched the body they melded memories and saw the Piper had launched a genocide against the Changeling population of their hometown, Tyris Ren. Every three days a changeling would die at the hands of a mysterious assailant. Tracing the package's origins, the party uncovered a Vanguard of the Dragon Clan was in Ferenvire going by the codename of The Whip. Following the path back to the Night Circus where stand-in Ringmaster Little Icicle was outed as the Whip after kenku acrobat Wing revealed what he'd learnt from eavesdropping.   Icicle was defeated by the party and more information on the Vanguard of the Dragon Clan was uncovered - pointing to agents in Freywen, Jameleska, Odinsthrone, and Lastlight. During the night before the battle, Einar was approached in their sleep by The Morrigan, warning the bard that unless they started respecting her she would take away her 'gifts.'  

March to Marthiel

Sessions 119-122   The party left early the following day, and took the fury road north in the aftermath of the main army's march. Along the way, they found a fleeing merchant warning the Waterway Inn, a coaching inn between Marthiel and Ferenvire, had been ranscaked by the Dark Enchanter and he was on his way to Ferenvire.   Infilitraing the inn - the party sent Roach as a distraction for the outside forces and realised the Wizard's Four had resurfaced here. With waterbreathing cast, the group swam through the supply pipes for the thermal baths within the inn. Confronting the Spring Wizard in the main bar, the party managed to blind and defeat the wizard. As a portal opened, beckoning the wiard back to the feywild, Shan jumped through and Azura followed, stranding Gallus, Zedithir, Roach, and Einar alone.   The three remaining members and their companions continued to explore the inn, and found the bard Solmak, whom Shan and Azura had met previously on the road beteween Fiskvatn and Lastlight. They also defeated the Summer Wizard, but their ambush sent the wizard back to the feywild before he could restore the inn's staff he had turned into rats into people again - angering the one surviving chef.   The party also saved a member of the Marthiel Runners, a cleric named Tae. After Roach had reduced the number of enchanted plants outside, the party launched an attack on the Autumn Wizard and his surviving blights. In an unleashed fireball, a significant portion of the inn was destroyed. The wizard was banished, allowing the party to heal up and prepare their final attack, and then resummoned to allow his defeat and death.   With the wizards finished, the group headed upstairs and confronted the Enchanter, who left the brainwashed innkeepers to hold the party back. Through Zedithir and Gallus's psionic powers, the innkeepers were restored from enchantment. Exploring what remained of the inn, Einar discovered a stolen portrait of Olisander and his long dead family. He handed it to Val for their final confrontation.   Also staying at the inn was Galon Yennister, a prominent trade official from Marthiel, and his valet, Barleybone. Curing them of the enchantment, the party learnt of the 'contigency plans' should Olisander fall, including the slaughter of all the people in the prisons, the majority of whom were innocent civilians who could not be controlled by the Mask of the Primal Elves.   Leaving the inn, the party discovered a secret tunnel built by the Skallen Syndicate that could gain entrance to the town without the need of battling through the gates.  


Sessions 122-126   Venturing into Marthiel, the party met with a Skallen Agent and learnt the tunnels could lead them straight into Banestorm Keep. The group decieded to handle the contigency plans first, and using the cover of the battle snuck around the town and found the prison. Inside, alongside Tae, they defeated the prison's warden Halsir - a corrupted paladin of Hel, and managed to remove the enchantments controlling the rest of the Marthiel Runners, reuniting Tae with her party and freeing all the prisoners.   Civilians safe - the group returned to the skallen tunnels and snuck into the cellar of the keep. Using deception and psionic suggestion, they managed to blag their way through the remaining Dirthstone knights. They learnt more of Olisander's tragic past, the loss of his family, and his corruption at the hands of Teris Boreas and the mask of the elves that likely contained a dark spirit.   Disgusing himself as Olisander's dead wife, Val attempted to pacify the Dark Enchanter and convince him to stop. Teris Boreas, invisible and hidden, warned Olisander it was a trick and battle broke out. Teris was pacificed by Zedithir and Olisander fled through a portal to his lair in the feywild.  


Sessions 123-124   Meanwhile, Shan and Azura landed in the Feywild after stepping through a snap portal in the Waterway Inn. The group emerged in the grove of the Wizards Four, and as each was defeated on the material plane they had to hold them off and kill them again. This weakened them gravely, and they lookd for a way out.   Finding a portal guarded by a dark treant named Shadowbark, the two also spotted a magical amulet being used to create the blights. Running for the portal, Shan snatched the amulet and went through. Azura was closed down upon by a tree blight and impaled, dying in the process.   Shan emereged in Marthiel and found Ivar. The two ran back through the portal and learnt around an hour had passed, and Azura was dead. It was at this time in the material plane that Gallus, whilst exploring Banestorm Keep, experienced an astral vision of Azura's point of death. For some reason, members of the party decided to blame Shan for this.   Azura's body had been taken to the Winter Wizard's palace. Her soul had gone to the plane of water, her warlock patron's divine domain. An appeartion of Captain Vand spoke to her, and she accepted her death before Mac Lir offered the chance to become an Aasimar avatar of himself. The process was painful, but Azura was restored to live - although her wizard suffered as a result.   In the cells, she found the Green Guard paladin Airrach. The paladin revealed himself as the twin brother of the Spring Wizard, and asked for his Green Guard amuelt to be restored to him so he could escape his bonds and help them defeat the malevolent spirit controlling Olisander.   Azura found Shan and Ivar in battle with Shadowbard, and rescued them. The three then confronted the Winter Wizard, and restored the amulet to Airrach before travelling to the arcane tower where the Enchanter was based.  

Fate of the Dark Enchanter

Sessions 125-126   Jumping through the enchanter's portal in Marthiel, Val, Gallus, Einar, Zed and Roach came face to face with Olisander. In a final despearte plee, Val managed to get through to the former hero. KNowing he couldn't defeat the malevolent spirit by himself, he shattered his staff of the magi in an attempt to destroy it. The reverberation knocked down the party, who were rescued as Azura, Shan, Airrach, and Ivar made their way through the tower.   A weakened shade of the spirit attemtped to defeat the party, but was destroyed, ending the enchantments and the battle in Marthiel itself. Weak and tired, the party explored what remained of the tower whilst Zedithir gathered the ashes of Olisander for a small private ceremony back in Marthiel.   Einar discovered they could claim the tower using their bardic instruments. Despite having Val with them to help, the bard has decided to keep this a secre to 'surprise' the party later.  


Sessions 126-128   Needing to recover from the battle, the party met up with their allies and returned to Ferenvire for celebrations. During the festivities, Azura revealed the nature of their deal with Mac Lir - and Einar took this badly. Gallus and Einar also confronted Shan about what happened to Azura, claiming he had 'no excuse' to leave her behind.   Gallus also spoke to Zedithir and learnt of his involvement in the Fall of Arcadia and how he was forced to battle the Seldrinar forces in the former Knights of Gosca territory alone for the remainder of the war.   After the celebrations, Igraine and Gallus recieved a letter from The Piper containing an arrest warrant. After her initial anger, Igraine agreed to remain in Ferenvire under Arystyr's protection until she could mount a rescue of her family back in Icespire. The party also engaged in the coronation regatta, coming in a strong third and agreeing to continue funding their team in exchange for money, and promised to seek a wealthy sponsor.   The group also earned free entry to the Night Circus for the remainder of the season, and were allowed to use a vacant lot in the staff area to summon their tower.  

Rescuing Cassie

Sessions 127-128   Val also recieved a letter that morning from Vidar, her first-mate aboard The Lyre's Tongue. He was warning him that the adventuring parties in Krakenpost had gone into the ruins and not emerged, including Falia's sister, Cassie.   Using Aera's teleportation circles the party returned to Krakenpost. Informing Falia of what had happened, the group agreed to look into what was going on. Shan and Fr Tomos investigated the ruins first, whilst Gallus and Zedithir consulted the clerics of Deep Sashelas in the town and received omininous warnings about their journey to come.   Val informed her crew of their plan and left Roach to keep on eye on them after learning more information, sending Ivar to prepare an attack on the Order of Labelas if required. Azura and Einar spoke with the High Librarian and intimidated the mayor, and were told the town leaders were not aware the dungeon was dangerous, expecting nothing out of the ordinary.   When regrouped by the dungeon, the party investigated and discovered illusion magic and a time stop, revealing the 'primal elf fortress' was infact a temple to the Forgotten God Malar and all the captured monsters and traps within were still active. Sending Fr Tomos to scope out the order of labelas, the party entered with Zedithir and Falia and worked their way through the 'tests of faith' for the Malarites. They found several defeated and petrified adventurers on the way.   In the depths of the temple, after defeating a Gauth, they found Cassie passed out and injured alongside the 'reward' for those who completed the tests. These were chalice and a tablet contained in cloth. Opening the cloth, the whole group except for Shan and Falia experienced tormenting voices of temptation in their head - the effect wore off on Einar for unknown reasons and the bard again refused to share their experiences.   Shan managed to cover the tablet before any further effects could occur, and the party decided to confront the high librarian of Labelas. Inside the library, Fr Tomos managed to warn the party that the librarian had been indoctrinated. Before they could wage battle, the librarian caught onto their suspicions and used a Sun Elf relic to scatter the party throughout time.  

Time Travel

Session 128   Scattered across the timeline, Shan was cast back to Oskunstrond during the party's adventures there. Recognised as out of place by the priest Orginvar, Shan was taken to meet with Zinten on the outskirts of town. The pupil and mentor argued and battled before the Wulin Master recognised Shan had changed and was trying to redsicover his Ki so agreed to some training.   Einar was sent into the distant past, landing on the coast of Gwenydd during the first age. Finding themselves in the aftermath of a battle, they were nearly killed by Aedrinaran raiders before a member of Eagle Library, the skald to High King Haarold I Seasnake named Orn Sky-Kissed. They also found Fr Tomos here, and learnt of a mysterious treasure aquired by the raiding fleet that was a sealed, stone, barnacle-covered sarcophagus of a woman.   Val was sent into the near-future in the abyss and had to be rescued by Fjandmar and Loki's stead/child, Sleipnir. Loki revealled they were in the middle of a paradox, and he had to gift them new powers and an improved pact here to stop them siding with Hel and killing him.   Gallus and Zedithir were cast into the mythic age during the Long Night, and met with a pre-assencion Frigga as well as the ancestors of Falia and The Piper, Arilyia Rayes and Torin Gildaron. They participated in a battle against Sharrans and before being rescued learnt 'the beast' had arrived to the battle on behalf of the Forgotten Gods cults.   Azura was sent into Helion during the twilight of the Western Sun Elf Empire. They met Carindel, the founder of Chronoturgy, alongside his family and the illusive commander Maxel who was overseeing the astral sea projects. Using Sun Elf technology and communicating with Auran in the present, Azura was able to rescue themselves and find the rest of their party to return to the material plane.  

The Deep Arc

Departing Furunheim

Sessions 129-131   Whilst the party were lost in time, Ivar, Falia, and Roach decided to enact vengeance on the order of Labelas, worrying their friends and loves had been captured, injured, or killed. Whilst tearing apart the library, Azura used sending to inform them they were fine. The group continued their rampage to kill the librarian regardless.   In the Astral Sea, the party were going to return to Krakenpost when a brief detection of a Sun Elf signal in the outer asteroid and ice belt on the edge of the edge of the solar system. Investigating, Before they could identify the ship, it was destoryed by a Solar Canon. A diamond, later revealed to be James Tovos, crashed on the ship. The group then returned and rested in Krakenpost.   In the morning, both Azura and Einar would again be plagued by bad dreams. As they sailed, the group would encounter a mysterious person trapped in a block of ice, a stubborn fisherman refusing to move, and shooting stars. They then entered the region of the Eastern Isles and were ambushed by the forces of the Scion of the Seas. The crews of The Boneless and The Lyre's Tongue would be put into a magical sleep, with only Val, Gallus, Einar, Falia, Roach and Zedithir being immune. Shan used his resistance granted by the Mask of the White Dragon to protect himself, and the group battled with a giant shark, a young kraken, and armies of harpies, deep scions, merrow, and sahaugin.   In her induced sleep, the Scion of the Seas confronted Azura. She would be snapped out of it by Aegir, the Aedrinaran god of the seas. Olivir would shortly arrive and help defeat the group, with Einar also waking Ivar to help battle the gathered monsters.   In the aftermath of the battle, Azura and Oli reconnected and the group were informed by the warlock that the Scion was creating the chaos that was attacking the vaniri and aedrinaran ships, risking war, as the chaos and feuding seemed to give him strength.  


Sessions 131-135   The party soon arrived in Orsturkirk, the home of House Dragontooth. Docking, they met with a friendly Skallen alligned dockmaster and went to meet Oli's contact at the High Temple of the Seas. Inside, they aroused the suspicion of the high priest and were sent to speak to the Oracle of Aegir, the Speaker of Salt and Krakens. Entering the under cloister, the party were put into a stupor by the vapors and transported to a realm where dream shaped reality. Battling with a powerful avatar of Aegir, the group managed to prove their honour and worth and figured out how to manipulate the dreamscape. They were then granted the oracle's prophecy and recieved Aegir's blessing to be in his domain.  
“I saw the ocean depths, raging and twisting but escaping Aegir’s might. A ship of kings stranded, so much of its looted treasure gone, yet some remaining. The helm of a would-be-god, the blade of serpent kings, and the gold of lost and ancient lands. The final guardian still stands, a king who lost his throne, never gaining peace whilst the treasure his dying oath swore to guard has been taken. He seeks its return, he seeks its safety, he is of the children of Odin yet serves the foreign one. The greatest treasure of the gods lost – taken by the scion of oceans, deep, deep below. The blacklands, the cursed lands, the eternal mists of doom in the oceans of neverending despair he waits in his lair. They come. The one of god and woman, the lost son, the one of shifting faces with their warrior of the wilds and orphaned child, the broken knight of the stars and their apprentice, the troll touched hybrid of elf and man, the distant dragon of three heads, the children of the nobles and the outcast priest, hearalded by the Undying – the chosen of the Valkyrie’s mother – the one who communes with dead… They bring turmoil, they bring change, waters shifting, fate unclear…”   The prophecy of the Speaker of Salt and Krakens.
After their time in the temple, the party looked for somewhere to rest for the night and to visit an old contact of Einar's, Darlynn Darke, to conduct a seance to understand what Haarold I was trying to tell the skald. On the way, they came across Captian Hjordis and another Dragontooth soldier carrying a body to Darlynn's shop, Speak with Dead, being confronted by the mother of the dead sailor.   The party convinced the mother to go ahead with the speak with dead spell, and learnt of the attack on the sailor's ship. They then spoke to Darlynn afterwards and were informed that to conduct a seance, it would be easier if they brought information or offerings that would appeal to the spirit, so decided to do more research before proceeding.   Heading to the Lighthouse Inn for the night, they came across a brawl between the Lightfellers and Rafi Frostbarrel, a thug from the Dock Quarter who was attacking elves. Breaking up the fight and renting a room, Azura struggled with their avatar dreams again and Einar recieved a sending from The Piper before the dragon clan liutenant blew up the Bear Library.   The following morning a birthday party for Val was thrown, which was interupted by Prince Sven telling them that the woman in the icecube had awoken. Going into the Dock Quarter, the group rescued a prostitute working for Madame Sillibane and defeated Rafi and his thugs, but spared the Frostbarrel himself. They then met with the defrosted elf, an advisor to House Salinir named Eryindir Maethilyir who warned them that a rogue member of the elven house, Vanar Salinir, had taken their ship and was coming to attack Orsturejya as vengeance for the death of a house member in the recent attacks.   With Eryindir's informaiton, the group headed to the home of House Dragontooth, Dragonhall, Where they met with Kilir Dragontooth. Outside the hall, they came across the Thane of Whalebone Island and his son, members of House Ghastsea. They then spoke with Kilir and convinced him and his father to take Vanar hostage.   Travelling to Redharbour, where Vanar had raided, the party took Kilir, Ivar, and Oli with them alongside a band of Dragontooth warriors. Whislt Val, Ivar, and Einar snuck to the back of the hamlet's hall where Vanar was holding the ruling house prisoner, the rest of the party willingly became hostages. They spoke with Vanar, and with Val's appearance and the psionic sharing of minds with Gallus, Vanar realised the truth. He willingly surrendered, and sent his warriors away.   On the way back to Orsturkirk, the party were ambushed by the Ghastseas but managed to fend them off. Before leaving town, the party would deal with Rafi Frostbarrel but enlisting Kilir's help. Using the attempted attack on Prince Sven as a reason, Kilir 'outcast' Rafi, forcing him to be pushed out by his own family. The party also visited Madame Sillibanes and discovered that Fjandmar had taken a contract in the town to protect the sex workers using the party's 'permission' without them knowing.   Einar also visited the Eagle Library, and was invited to apply by the Skald of the order. They needed to bring something secret, something old, and something new to be assessed by the bards for entry to the library.   The party also forged a plan to move ahead with their wider goals. Fr Tomos would be taken to Tyris Ren to begin investigating the murders there, and Ivar, Roach, and Zedithir would begin making pathways in Valkyrie.  


Sessions 136-138   With Vanar Salinir as their prisoner, the party sailed to Effelin, the seat of House Salinir, to have Vanar answer for their crimes. Battling through a merfolk ambush on the way, the party safely arrived. Having been met with one of the Blades of the Vale, the secretive pro-elven group within Effelin, Gallus managed to talk their way through them and get the captain to renage their plans to free Vanar and attack the party.   Vanar's trial was short - although their parents were keen for leniancy, the Elder of Effelin, Vanar's grandparent, cast the elven prince out. They would be exiled for 600 years or until a time that the head of House Dragontooth, whoever that may be, granted the debt for the lives taken forgiven. Vanar was defeated and went back to the Lyre's Tongue. The party would meet with the Skallen Syndicate in the isles and learn more of the attacks on the ships.  

The Hunt for Vorr

Session 138-139 Going next to Vanaheim, the party would meet with Oli's contact, Xan. Xan had been working on a submersible boat to investigate the great canyon at the bottom of the sea, where the 'portal' was detected. Xan revealed they were making no headway and that only the great inventor Vorrindrel could help, but he was somehwere across the sea and by the time they found and recovered him it would be too late. Shan would be summoned away by Starkard Wintershield, undertaking a mission to kill a member of the Dragon Clan in Morganhall.   Using their connections to President Gal, Azura sent a message to ask where Vorr was. Gal revealed her adopted father was in Tentside, a slum community of Underdark residents, in the city of Palaidcyntaff within the Commonwealth. The party used The Endeavour to fly there quickly. On the way, Xan helped investigate the Wraith incursions on the ship and came up with a plan to help find answers using the head of one of the infected warforged.   In Palaidcyntaff, the party entered tentside and were able to find the inventor, who was being protected by Bessie and a mysterious drow wizard named Garelen Alazars. Once convincing the inventor to come with them, the group were attacked by Lolth loyalists. In the fight, Val used their Gryfflgor dagger, and realised that Garelen had used a time stop to investigate it. After the fight, they would confront the wizard who revealed he was a reborn and expert on the undead, and said the dagger and the lich-king's power was dangerous and would slowly take over Val.  

The Wraiths

Session 139-141 Flying back to Aedrinar, the party began to investigate more of the Wraith machinery on their ship. Unwittingly, this process led to the Wraiths detecting the dangers on board and summoning a grand warship to abduct the party. The wraiths also seemed concerned by the presence of Garelen, and the party forged a plan to get out via engineering. When Auran refused to leave the ship, the party sent all their companions bar Auran, Falia, and Oli away through the door to the Bard Tower and were taken to The Veil. Val sent a message to Ivar, warning them of what was happening.   In the veil, they stood before the intelligence who revealed they detected the presence of 'the entity' in the party's timeline. The Wraiths had assimilated modrones and earned an understanding of time and space beyond normal creatures. The wraiths were ready to take the Endeavour and wipe the party's memories, but the arrival of Ivar, Zedithir, Aera, and James Tovos turned the tide. The party agreed to a 'knowledge transfer' and were entered into the hive mind of the wraiths.   Einar was the only exception, as the transfer of knowledge met an error on their subconcious. Meeting with the AI entity Curio, Einar puzzled their way through various challenges, freeing the party members and their companions as well as meeting more AIs such as Knowledge, Friendship, and Love. The party also discovered a way to access deep lore, and managed to learn the Dragon Clan were actually headed by the Winter Witch, who was going to use the crystaline heart of Yndress the Destroyer to ascend to godhood. Through this, they also realised Mr Blake was the black dragon child of Yndress.   The Ais were revealed to be the ship computers of Sun Elf vessels, and they thanked the party for helping them remember who they were. They warned that the Wraiths had no intention of releasing Jack Tovos, and the party would have to free them, but they might not remember as much information if they did. The party chose to save the space captain and battled a data dragon to do so. They awoke the next day in Crowsport.  


Session 142-   Back in Freywen, the party prepared themselves to travel again. Ivar, Roach, and Zed would continue their work in Valkyrie whilst the party handled the dragon clan situation elsewhere. Whilst waiting to voyage, they invited James Tovos to stay and help Xan, Garelen, and Vorr. Gallus and Falia had a picknick, Einar began writing disstracks, Azura and Oli had a date, and Val and Bessie finally got their 'alone time'.   On the voyage to Freywen, the party came across the wreck of Kingmaker, a ship in the Dragontooth fleet. It had been destroyed by a juvinile kraken and sahaugin, and this loss affected Kilir deeply. Vanar did offer their sympathies to them. The Lyre's Tongue was later acosted by Redpaw, a ship of House Wildfang. The Wildfangs, a minor house in Valkyrie, suspected the party of sinking Kingmaker until Val and Kilir were able to convince them otherwise.   Meanwhile, Shan had been taken by Starkard to Morganhall, the seat of House Morganssen in the northern isles of Aedrinar.


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