Lastlight Settlement in Ragnarok Codex | World Anvil
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The capital of Sudrejya and the final destination on the Terrasic trade route, Lastlight is amongst the most important cities in all the Aedrinarian islands. A diverse and wealthy settlement, Lastlight defies Aedrinarian stereotypes by focusing on trade and diplomacy over violence and tradition. Do not let this attitude fool you, however, as Lastlight is amongst the most powerful and influential settlements in all of Prima Terra.


Lastlight is a diverse city by Aedrinaran standards. Although dominated by humans of an Aedrinarian background, Ice Elves, half-elves, gnomes, halfings, and a sizeable population of dwarves can also be found here.


Formally governed by the Ruling Council comprised of influential merchant families, the Fisk Conspiracy led to the rise of Naerfi Oath-Knee as the first Jarl in thirty years. Clan Oath-Knee now run the entire island, having siezed the power and assets of the ruling families conspiring with Fisk. The city itself is still run by a legion of beauocrats and trading officials who oversee the difficult running of the port.


The strategic and economic importance of the city makes it one of the most defended and militarily able settlements in all the isles. The wealth of the city allows it to hire and train competant and loyal guards and pay for elite Jomsvikingr to patrol their harbour and deter pirates. The local milita keep crime low, and the general consensus that 'murder is bad for business' keeps people on good behaviour.

Industry & Trade

Lastlight has a varied and diverse economy. The city's key industries are fishing, trade management, mining, and brewing. The city has amongst the most diverse markets and shops in the isles, with local and exotic goods being available throughout. The city dries its fish for sale to merchant fleets to export to their homelands, and transports its ales and spirits throughout the isles and beyond.


Due to the city's diverse nature and major trade route position, many cultures and artesans have added to the infrastructure of the settlement. This has resulted in impressive, wide, cobbled boulevards, a large and well maintained dockyard, and the Market square with its surrounding shops. The buildings of the main city and dockyard tend to resemble the multi-story tiered buildings of mainland Prima Terra, but the noble's district is full of impressive old Aedrinarian manorhouses.   Lastlight has some basic sewage systems that were introduced in the early third age by a Tumbrian enginer named Gunter Fratz. This system did not last long and the sewers are now decrepit and overran by rats and criminals. The Skallen Syndicate once ran Shanghai tunnels using these sewers, but since their move into white-collar crime on the island the old sewers are now completely abandoned.   Entry to the city is via the two main gates to the east and west of the city. The Surtur Gate, to the west, leads to Fiskvatn and is so named due to its 60ft height and large stone brick building. Legend states the first stones were laid by the fire giant himself. The eastern gate, called the Odin gate, leads to Fargunvur and has two old wooden totems of Odin on its outer side.


Lastlight is divided by three geographic features. The hills to its northern side, its flat coastline, and the clifface to the south-east of the city. The northern hills holds the Fjellen Quarter, whilst the clifface holds the nobles district of Stenvegg. The main city itself spans the flatland between the two higher areas.

Fjellen Quarter

Based on the hills to the north of the city, the Fjelln Quarter is the industrial hub of the city. With mines going deep into the hillside beyond the city walls and stone quarries, the region is densly packed and buildings go below the surface with dwarven homes in depleted mineshafts. Although relatively poor, the quarter houses three inns, including the infamous Undermountain Meadhall where the Dimlight faction of the Skallen syndicate are based; four shops, the shine to Moradin, and the Temple of Skadi.  


Freyas port is a tightly built and cobbled street seaside district home to fishermen, crabbers, and sailors. A mix of working and middle class, Freyasport is famous for its large statue of the Goddess Freya in its central market area which is also popular with merchants. The homes here are Nordic styled, with large pine beams and generally a few storeys. A quaint area, many traders daring the Terrasic trade route will visit this beautiful and quiet area whilst in the city. The district hosts four inns, seven shopping areas, including the magical goods shop Gartlegrews Books and Spells, the Temple to Freya, Shrine to Odur, and the temple of Aigir. The main docks and fishing marina are based on the coast of this district.  


Built on the clifface above Lastlight Bay, Stenvegg is a spread out district home to the wealthy and elites of Lastlight. Shipping barons, powerful merchants, and local nobles all own homes here. Beneath the cliff hotsprings can be found, which many homes utilise as private saunas. An expensive and elite area, only those with plenty of coin will visit this district. The district houses three inns, five shops, the Temple of Foresti, and Oath-Knee manor.      


  Gammelby is a main city district home to the working and lower-middle classes of the city. The homes have small gardens and are generally spread out to avoid fires due to their wooden builds. The district is dominated by the Gammelby brewery and distillery.  

Jarlshall and the Old City

These two districts are the oldest and most central of the city. Home to impressive old nordic homes, less profitable merchants and service workers tend to live in this tightly packed district. Narrow snickleways connect the mess of streets together, and the majority of shops and trade can be found around the Old City Markets beneath Hoyden Castle. The castle is the centre of government and the Oath-Knee clan bases their military there.

Guilds and Factions

Once domianted by numerous powerful clans in the council, House Oath-Knee now holds the dominace of the military and local factions. They control the military and economy of the city, with all the other factions and would-be powerbrokers paying them the respect and dues they deserve.   There is a small Skallen prescence in the city, with two competing factions waging a subtle and generally bloodless gang-war against eachother. The Dimlight Syndicate bases itself in the Fjellen Quarter and primarily deals in white-collar crime and extortion, whilst the Lastlight-Docks Syndicate deals in smuggling and piracy.   The Merchants Guild still hold considerable power within the city, and their agents help to manage the numerous marketplaces and docks to ensure trade is flawless, quick, and profitable.


The fertile environment of southern Sudrejya has meant settlements have existed in and around Lastlight since the mythic age. But it's current position and settlement can trace its origins to the mid-second age under the rule of Jarl Sudrjam Light-Bringer, who build the city as neutral ground for the fueding tribes of the island. Since then, the city has grown and expanded, becoming a key trade port within the isles and the main launching point of Aedrinarian raids during the dark ages.   The city has been home to several high kings and has been the seat of power in Sudrejya since the second age. In the third age, elements of the Awakening reached the city and it began to modernise and literacy rates improved drastically. As a key economic partner of all the other regions within Aedrinar, Lastlight was chosen to be the neutral ground for the peace treaty between Jameleska and Jotun.   During the 40 year war, Lastlight was ran by Jarl Olav the Faffing, who was seen as incompetant and decandant, overtaxing the wealthy merchants and applying tarrifs to much needed imported goods. Olav was ousted from power when it was revealed he was raiding the treasury and had employed a Seldrinar spy to his inner council. The powerful clans banded together under a kleptocratic council and alternated the role of 'chair' between them every two years.   in 1052, 3e, the majority of the ruling council were found to be working for, or being extorted by, Fisk of Fiskvatn. This exposure of their corruption led to another coup, where Naerfi Oath-Knee, the leader of the military clan, imprisoned all of Fisk's assets including the council and claimed the title of Jarl. Also in 1052, the Dragon Clan declared war on Lastlight.

Points of interest

Lastlight's most impressive feature is the giant lighthouse and statue called the Final Light. A beacon of green shrines from the torch of a gargantuan Aedrinarian warrior with his sword on his belt. Built of volcanic stone, the monument was erected in the late second age and serves as a landmark for those completing the dangerous but profitable Terrasic trade route.
approx 10,000.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Characters in Location
Appearances: 9
  • Session 1: New Beginnings
  • Session 2: Torgy Boy
  • Session 3: This Ship Ain't Sinking
  • Session 11: The Past, A Present, and the Future
  • Session 38: Here There Be Giants
  • Session 67: The Devil in Me
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality)
  • Session 84: Spooky Stories and Creepy Mansions
  • Session 85: The Father


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