


Content warning!
This article contains graphic violence and mentions of suicide
Our bodies twisted. Our lives unending. This is our fate, a punishment for forbidden ascending.
— A Kub-Glorrha chant
  A people cursed with twisted, immortal bodies for performing a forbidden ritual, and forced into eternal servitude to the very being they offended. Most are trapped within their cursed city of Shoal'Ghnu,? and the rare few who are sent by their god into the larger world live in seclusion, as most outsiders fear their tortured appearance.

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Related Nation(s)
Related Religion(s)
Lesser Sogolth, Qetlec

Forbidden Ascension

Long before humanity built its first civilization— and even before Auroul herself, the Kub-Glorrha thrived. They were part of a great nation now forgotten to even them, and today they reside in its sole remaining city— Shoal'Ghnu. Eldritch knowledge of the cosmos and powerful beings within was common, as was the worship of their might. This worship often included rituals that allowed the Kub-Glorrha to tap into the powers of greater entities. For some, this was simply not enough. They desired more, they needed more!   Nothing short of ascension— godhood would suit them. The number of those who lusted after the power of the gods grew, and it was not long before a plan was formed by the high priest of Shoal'Ghnu.   They would steal the child of their patron deity— Ytnolshola— and take its strength for themselves. Yet Ytnolshola had already foreseen their plan, in a time before even matter had been conceived. Their punishment was swift, and excruciating. On the day of the ritual, the denizens of the city were pulled into the sky to be twisted, maimed, killed, and reborn into the horrid monstrosities seen today; their deformed heads now forever fixed towards the sky, where the being they betrayed lived— so that they may never forget their place.   A small girl, Aeol, was sacrificed for the ritual. Ytnolshola brought her back to life, and embedded her in an obelisk at the city's center, where she now acts as the high priestess of Shoal'Ghnu. All matters of governance go through her, and as a result, many give gifts to win her favor— and some even worship the priestess as if she were a god, herself.   Whatever civilization they had once belonged to was ground to dust against the grindstone of time, forgotten even by the Kub-Glorrha. They were trapped within Shoal'Ghnu, an island city that was already isolated from their former homeland. Death awaited them in whichever direction they may try to leave, the waters surrounding the island had become much too dangerous to sail or swim through, and the closest land was a barren desert. Despite this, ships from outside may inexplicably find themselves at the island's shores— and those inside may similarly be granted passage out into the world beyond for unknown reasons.   These lucky few may escape through a direct order by Aeol, by travelling beyond the island in their dreams, or opening their door one day to find themselves in another land. However they leave, they are never truly free. All those who leave Shoal'Ghnu are sent out to complete a task for Ytnolshola, though many are never made aware of this. For Ytnoshola, in their great wisdom, already knows that the deed will be done. Should these travellers die— and one way or another they will— they will find themselves reborn through the punctured chest of another Kub-Glorrha in Shoal'Ghnu, with their memories reset to the day after the ritual.    

Tradition & Values

Kub-Glorrha culture centers around repentance, servitude, and holding every moment precious— for one day even the memories will be gone. Constantly surrounded by reminders of the great sin committed within their city, they are unable to move on. The rare few who do will inevitably die and return to the repentant state of mind they found themselves in immediately after their initial punishment. Many, instead, have resigned themselves to their fate, and hope to one day be forgiven for the sins committed by a few.  

Common Values

  • We respect and fear the cosmos.
  • We accept our fate.
  • We believe death is inevitable.
  • We put today before tomorrow.
  • We are resourceful.
  • We put others before ourselves.
  • We are penitent.
  • We seek forgiveness.

Counter Values

  • We resent and envy the cosmos.
  • We deny our fate.
  • We believe death is avoidable.
  • We dream of tomorrow.
  • We never forget the past.
  • We put ourselves first.
  • We regret nothing.
  • We seek escape.


One of the greatest taboos for the Kub-Glorrha is to disrespect Ytnolshola or Aeol. Even so much as casting a glare toward's the girl's obelisk can lead to the punishment of all in the dissenter's proximity. Insults upon either party can lead to similar incidents, and the most disrespectful acts— such as defiling churches, assaulting priests, or worshipping another god can land one in The Wall of Sinners.


Death is constant for the Kub Glorrha, and they are unable to reproduce. The land around Shoal'Ghnu is cursed and prevents new food from growing, leaving most in a constant state of starvation. Those who do somehow find sustenance succumb to age in time. As a result, death is known to all the Kub-Glorrha, and something very few see as deserving any sort of ceremony.


In their free time, many Kub-Glorrha participate in a poetic game that has no name. In this game, a subject is chosen— be it as complex as "our place in the world" or as simple as "rocks." Then, each member of the group will take turns coming up with a line for the poem. However many rounds this goes depends on the moods of the players, how many of them there are, and how much time is available. Once the end of the poem has been reached, however, everyone will then take one turn to recite it in their own way. The point of this last step is not to declare a winner, but to embed the poem in the minds of each participant— so that, should any of them die, someone may live on to carry the memory.   There are variants of this game where the players tell a story or sing a song, rather than a poem. Poems are the most common, however, as they are shorter, easier to memorize, and thus more likely to stand the test of time. These poems, stories, and songs, are then shared with others— many enjoy the act of memorizing these works, and work to hone their recital of each to a fine edge.  

Miscellenous Traditions

Greetings & Farewells

A simple look in the eyes is utilized for the grand majority of greetings and farewells— though some choose to add nigh imperceptable bows. However, for major events concerning close friends and family— such as reuniting or separating— one will bring both of their fists in front of the holes in their chest, symbolically granting them their breath.


Food is scarce for the Kub-Glorrha— and should one come across any, they should offer it to their priests, or Aeol, before consuming it themselves. Doing so, especially in the face of starvation, can grant one greater favor within the city. There are those who resent this, however, and quickly hide whatever scraps they manage to scrounge up, to be eaten only when privacy can be ensured.


The names of the Kub-Glorrha were given by Ytnolshola upon their first rebirths, emphasizing their changed states. Families fell apart, not recognizing one another in appearance or name. Friends, too, lost track of one another, and lovers would find themselves forever apart. Their original names were purged from their memories, and only a scant few know the meaning of their new ones.   Examples include: Yoluk, Shraeg, Nugh, Go'gush, Logn'tol, Tonu, Ey'st, Mog, Diraeu, Uong

Ideals, Love, & Gender


Many of the Kub-Glorrha find their appearance sickening, this issue is further complicated by their cycle of rebirth and memory loss which keeps previous beauty standards from evolving. This makes long-term relationships incredibly difficult to maintain— and these are consequently rare. To complicate matters futher, those who do manage to get past this may find themselves targeted by Aeol. The girl finds herself jealous of the physical affection that is now impossible for her, and meddles in the relationships of her subjects. On a bad day, she may force couples to separate or fight for her amusement. On a good day— she may force unlucky Kub-Glorrha into a relationship, playing matchmaker, and punish them horribly should the pairing not appear suitable. As a result, most try to keep their relationships behind closed doors.   Few relationships survive the rebirth of a partner, who may no longer share the memories that brought them close to those they loved. Some, though, manage to survive this. A lucky few, even, are quite happy to relive the first days of their relationships over and over, granting them something to look forward to upon their inevitable deaths.  


Beauty standards have been unable to evolve with the appearance of the Kub-Glorrha. Many try in vain to imitate their previous bodies however they can, such as by filling their chest-holes with stones or padding their shrunken, twisted abdoments with whatever they can find. Despite this, they can never truly regain their original appearances, leaving most disappointed— and alone.


Warped as they are, it is quite difficult to tell a woman from a man. The Kub-Glorrha, as a result, tend to ignore their previous gender standards. When they are discernible, however, women are expected to become priestesses and practice the occult. It is believed that this power grants them smaller stomachs (it does not), and food should be given to men first as a result.

Art, Architecture, & Dress


Whatever artwork the Kub-Glorrha had created before being cursed has been twisted like everything else within Shoal'Ghnu, and most now depicts Ytnolshola. Any new artwork, be it painting, sculpture, writing, or tapestry warps to show the likeness of their god, as well— leaving few options for artists. Spoken words, however, are not twisted— leading many to memorize poems, stories, and songs without writing or carving them down anywhere. These are shared with others in the hope that they will be passed along and remembered after the death of their authors.  


The entirety of the city's architecture has been warped into unrecognizable forms. After the ritual, the population has become stagnant. There is no more need to build, as the structures that stood hundreds of years ago continue to stand today— the strange metallic blue-cracked purple stone that now composes their exteriors seems more resilient than anything the Kub-Glorrha could build on their own. On occasion Aeol may demand a statue— but that is all.   As their homes and the routes to them have become unrecognizable, many simply take up residence in the nearest unoccupied home. When one mistakes an occupied home as empty, they are likely to simply move on to the text. In some cases, however, they may stake a claim to the home and fight its occupants for the right to reside, or come to a peaceful arrangement. The average Kub-Glorrha home may contain anywhere from one to six people at any given time.  


Rebirth is always looming for those within Shoal'Ghnu. One cannot simply don their robes, for they will likely be torn to shreds when another Kub-Glorrha is forced through the wearer's chest. Death, too, leaves one without objects on their person, making it difficult to hold on to beloved garments. More importantly, materials that could be used for clothing can be put to better use as food to stave off starvation. It is thanks to these factors that clothing is rare, though a greatly determined few carve coverings out of stone.   Outside of the city, however, a different issue arises; many fear the Kub-Glorrha and believe them to be monsters or apparitions. As death can follow their discovery— those who travel the world must cover themselves. Once made aware of how the world beyond fears them, travellers will often seek out or fashion hooded robes to cover their grotesque features. Those sent directly by Aeol will be given robes that contain some sort of framing set inside the hood, with a mask placed in the front— so as to give the appearance of a normal head. Small holes in the mask's chin allow the wearer to see. Long stone sandals are fashioned to accommodate their fibulae, which are then covered with cloth. Only those who are directly sent out by Aeol are provided with these coverings, while the rest must fashion their own disguises.  

Religion & Myth

Ytnolshola, and Aeol by extension, is the only deity the Kub-Glorrha are allowed to worship. Should one disobey, they will find themselves as a permanent fixture upon The Wall of Sinners— unable to move, kept in excruciating pain, and unable to die. Most practice the faith of Bhashola, and spend at least five hours a day inside one of the great polyhedronic churches that sprouted from the ground the day the curse began.  
Ytnolshola! Ythgran, kl'atyn routh, Ytnolshola!   Translation: Ytnolshola! How kind and generous are you, Ytnolshola!
— A common chant
  Bhashola priests and priestesses hold a great amount of influence within Kub-Glorrha society, as they hold closer bonds with Ytnolshola. They are practiced in and capable of utilizing eldritch magics— for use in rituals and in tasks given to them by Ytnolshola.  


Author's Notes

Feedback is very much welcome! Whether on the content, or the formatting! Please, point out typos if you spot any!

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Dec 15, 2019 00:41 by R. Dylon Elder

Ooooooo that's terrible, horrific, and awesome! Nothing less than expected when I see that notification. It is well described.l and fairly unique. I don't think I can truely place any one thing that remotly comes close to them. Excellent work!.

Dec 15, 2019 01:14 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed them! I've had them in my pocket for a long while and have been wanting to write them out for just as long, glad I finally got around to it.

Dec 15, 2019 14:37

Hahah, holy shit. That's some grade A body horror in the way these poor saps look :D Awesome stuff!!

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