The World's Dice
"Thought to be from the core of the world itself, these dice just appeared one day...
Born of Crust
The Dice are smooth to the touch with faintly inscribed numerals on them, and appear to be made from some of the deepest stone of the Eight Lands, though no one knows who actually created them. Many believe that the World's Dice is representative of the game of chance that the inhabitants play whenever they do something major in the world, while others believe that they were made simply to confuse people. The World's Dice have been passed along from person to person, sometimes even unknowingly, through stealing, inheritence, or being gifted them. Some seek them out in the hopes that they will become able to perform some feat that will give them a great aid to their situation in life, but few are able to track them down due to their innocuous appearance. The Dice have been famously held by a man of the name Caden Chessex, who was able to resurrect their wife from the dead and then promptly died themselves.Causing Magic
When rolled, they have the capacity to grant great benefits to the roller but also a great curse. The benefits aren't definite and are rarely noticed immediately, but the curses are almost always about balancing the good with the bad. Those who would be blessed with the benefits of the dice might find themselves newly capable of practicing magic, but could also find themselves burning down their home with their newfound magical ability. Those who gain them, but don't use them, usually find the dice have been taken from them at some point when they weren't able to look over them. Few hold onto them for longer than a year, and fewer still manage to succeed in having a net gain of benefits in their total results from the Dice.
30 grams
Base Price
Ooooh I really like these! I like them more than The Deck of Many Things. Seems more enigmatic and... *dicey*.... I really like them!