"Cauli's Restlessness is a beautiful lake, but temperamental at times. One day you could be enjoying fishing in her waters, the next you could be dead...— Resident of Cauli's Bell
Indecisiveness Follows
Though the waters of Cauli's Restlessness are generally calm, there are almost random periods of extreme danger out in her waters. Those who wish to use her waters have to procede with caution each day, as one mistake in judging the mood of the lake could result in them being left at the bottom of it.
Strewn along the bottom of the lake, there are countless vessels, from small fishing boats to larger ferries, each one brought down by the waves of her restlessness. While some people are able to swim down to them and recover some items, there are claims that items are missing from people who went down in their ships.
There are people who believe that the mood of the lake is determined by some ancient beast slumbering along its bed, though no one has ever seen evidence of anything more significant than water dwelling dragons within her waters.
Signs of Decision
The signs to read Cauli's Restlessness are difficult to discern for most people, but experienced seafarers notice the small indicators.
Whether her waves are whitewashed on their crests, whether the water is clear or darkened, and whether the act of skipping a small stone in her wake causes an aggressive wave to return, are all indicators of the mood of Cauli's Restlessness.
While these are good indicators, they can't always be relied upon, as Cauli's Restlessness is fickle.
Those who do decide to weather the potential of her restlessness will find that while they can sometimes make it a good distance across her waters, the lake will always tear down a ship that crosses her core on a bad day.
I love the idea of a lake or pond seeming alive at times. Very interesting.