Hinfyire Soriel Character in Prima | World Anvil
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Hinfyire Soriel


Hinfyire Soriel is the Queen of Montia. She is a vampiric dragonborn elegant silver scales, and rules alongside her husband Ulmec Soriel. She is both pompous and self-absorbed, but is not entirely without compassion. Her Plague Soul is a giant bat named Kasaya.  She is slow to anger, but her people, especially the nobility, know to respect her rule.  When truly motivated to action, she is a true force to be reckoned with.   She and her husband Ulmec Soriel are both vampires, and intend to rule Montia for the foreseeable future.  They are working to make sure Montia is supportive to the various creatures of the night such as vampires, werewolves, and the various Moon Plague patients that still exist in Olox in the aftermath of The Age of Coalescence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hinfyire originally served the goddess Vecna, up until her supposed death during Ragnarok at the end of The Age of Mortality.  After a long period of true independence, she was forced into service to the goddess Lolth, who was secretly Vecna.  Her despair at these circumstances awakened within her the Conduit of Oblivion, but she turned this power to good use, ultimately plotting and achieving a rebellion against king Ectraph Acdri.  Hinfyire and her husband Ulmec Soriel now rule the kingdom of Montia, and she made sure that the rest of House Klaedris were put in positions of power under the new government.   This rebellion was also when Hinfyire escaped Vecna clutches for good. She was under the protection of Penguin, thanks to a deal struck by her sister Thaiva Klaedris, and leveraged that during the rebellion to garner true independence for herself.  Her plans to serve Penguin also fell by the wayside, however, when Natsu, Thaiva Klaedris, and Femtid Klaedris convinced her to join The Moonlight Covenant instead.


Thaiva Klaedris

Sister (Vital)

Towards Hinfyire Soriel



Hinfyire Soriel

Sister (Vital)

Towards Thaiva Klaedris



Date of Birth
February 16th, 698
Year of Birth
698 AR 66 Years old
Thaiva Klaedris (Sister)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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