Aye, I've been to Blomond. A great city, a place of culture and knowledge, that's what it is.The city-state of Blomond is home to the race of black orcs which are the smartest type of orcs and one of the smartest races known to this day. Established by black orcs on the shores of the Krisna at the southern part of the Great Plains, Blomond welcomes members of any race as long as they are willing to follow its laws. Nowadays, many people come to Blomond to learn sciences, craftsmanship or magic, allowing the city-state to import a lot of food and thus rapidly grow in population to the point when other races start to wary about it.
Each quarter (1 hectare) elects a so-called Wise One to go and represent them on everyday decisions in the city council. A relative majority is required for a proposition to be accepted, an absolute majority for matters of high importance such as the city budget and other issues concerning more than three quarters at once.
However, the system is not limited only to the council of the Wise Ones. Should some of them see an issue as that of national importance, it can be voted to be decided on a referendum. The support of ten or more per cent of the Blomond's Wise Ones is necessary and sufficient for that to happen.
The city was founded in 88 AE by a group of black orcs, wizards who got here by means of an experimental portal. A species of a desert origin, they chose the location near the shore of Krisna due to the existence of the sandy beaches there.
Twenty-seven years later, in 115 AE, a tribe of grey orcs tried to raid the growing settlement but were easily repelled due to the black orc's innate talent for magic, as well as several still living founders of the settlement. The attempts repeated in 118 AE, 122 AE and 134 AE, but suffered the same fate, and the city has only seen minor raids since then, except for 577 AE. Green orcs tried to raid the villages near Blomond as well, but quickly learned their lesson. Present-day, Blomond may very well be the only country that green orcs prefer to avoid.
Five human companies tried to siege it in 847 AE. After a short demonstration of power, they immediately retreated and signed a non-aggression and trade pacts. Those pacts last to this day, and there is still no other race who would dare to attack Blomond.
Demography and Population
About 44,500 inhabitants of which 87% are black orcs.
About 250 square miles.
All men and women are divided into grades based on their magic specialisation and their magic levels. In case of need, the council can mobilise the required specialists specifically, starting from the most skilled ones.
Founding Date
88 AE
Geopolitical, City-state
Blomo (Blomos)
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Economic System
Market economy
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