A Wisconians Guide to Potestatem: Sentient Species in Potestatem | World Anvil

A Wisconians Guide to Potestatem: Sentient Species

Welcome to Potestatem Terran! You're likely afraid, tired and wondering how you found yourself on a strange new planet with an asteroid ring orbiting it. Don't worry, you've found this book which means you're at least 15% less likely to die. We Wisconians were once also from Terra, so I have written this guide to Potestatem in a way in which will help you understand it. Note, this is only a brief guide and generalizes greatly so expect variation!   Part One: A Wisconians Guide to Potestatem: Potestatem. Part Two: A Wisconians Guide to Potestatem: The Four Eras and Time   The people of Potestatem:   Many sentient beings call the lands of Potestatem home. This will be a guide on each of the major species on the planet, although I will not cover their subspecies and this list does not touch upon the more exotic peoples that can be found. One can assume that virtually all sentient species in the multiverse can be found somewhere on this planet.
Seeing as you're new to the world, I would look at a map to help keep track of all this. If you need to know about the origins of a species, look at this list.
Keep in mind, due to the mobility available to people during the second era, there are many individuals who break from the norm and all these species can be found through the world to some extent.   Human Yes there are humans here. Lots. It seems like we are a dime a dozen in the multiverse, go figure. Humans arrived late to Potestatem. Arriving from Terra during the later half of the second era, during the "Wisconsin Teleportation Incident." While some settled down and became the basis for the Wisconian cultural traditions practiced in the fourth era, many variety   Halfling Don't confuse a halfling for a human child, they might seem friendly but you'll get kneed in the special spot. Halflings were a secluded people throughout the first era. Native to the Illani Forest, they experienced a diaspora during the second era. Perisian cities and noble families around the world clamored for halfling employees due to their hardworking mentality and honest demeanors. During this era Halflings earned a reputation as the most trustworthy and loyal of servants. As a result, many left the forest in search of a better life for them and their families. In the fourth era, Le coeur has more halfling then their original homeland. Halflings can be most commonly found in places with strong Perisian cultural influences.   Aarakocra You don't know what an Arakocra is? Just think giant bird man that talks. Arakocra tribes can be found throughout the highest peaks of the Dawn Mountain Range. Not even the Dwarfs can claim ownership of these mountain peaks, which the Arakocra tribes regularly war over. The Arakocra went unconquered by the Perisian Empire and managed to survive the destroyer better than most other species thanks to the defensiveness of their mountain homes. The Arakocra are an independent and proud people who will unite against outsiders just as quickly as they will fight amongst themselves.   Dwarf The Arakocra might live on the Dawn Mountain Range, but the Dwarfs live in it. Dwarf tribes were once as fragmented and diverse as the Arakocra, but that changed during the third era. The Dwarfs were affected far more by the destroyer then most, many of their kind dying. Their mountainous tunnels natural vectors for the Destroyer's Breath. Those that survived were unified by the efforts of the Sentinel Bunulbilg, into the Dawn Empire. Having the memories of the third era run deeper then most, Dwarfs are particularly adverse to magic with many instead revering Artificery. The Dwarves have used this Artificery to create a techno-magical society and the largest metropolis on Potestatem, known as the Thousand Spires of Bunulbilg.   Elves If you think elves can be obtuse and act arrogantly towards you, you should see how bad the two groups are towards each other. The origin of Elvish society on Potestatem is debated. Some Elves claim they came from the Stalward Forest and others that they originated from the Faire Woods. Coincidently, Elfish society has historically been split largely between two great Elf enclaves which both of these forests house. The two Elf societies are hostile to each other and arrogantly dismissive of the denizens of the lands in-between. Throughout the centuries, many Elves have settled throughout other forests in the world and created smaller enclaves. These enclaves are more amicable towards outsiders.   Half-Elf Half human, half Elf, fully half Elf. Half Elves are the offspring between humans and Elves. While they have existed for as long as humans have been on Potestatem, they are far more common in the current era then the previous era, due to the sedentary nature of most human populations and an increased number of Rhedsy Wood Elves mingling with humans. Half Elves can be found anywhere in which the two groups interact, which is many places.   Lionin + Tabaxi Why cat people are native to a desert region, I have no idea. The Lionin and Tabaxi are both native to the lands of Memphia. The two people groups lived in harmony during the first era. Then everything changed when the Perisian Empire attacked. The second era changed the two peoples forever, making the Lionin culture more militaristic as they served as soldiers and turning the Tabaxi into the backbone of the imperial mail system. Both Tabaxi and Lionin can also be found in large numbers throughout Graacia, with many colonies being founded by the two groups during the second era.   Gnome When most people think of a species capable of conquering a world, they don't think of Gnomes. Gnomes were the founders of the Perisian Empire and their species ruled the world for thousands of cycles. Gnomes can be found throughout the world, with many colonies having been founded during the empire's existence. Although their empire now only rules The Imperial City, Gnomes are still widely respected by the denizens of Potestatem for their ancestors achievements.   Goliath Praise the Chwinga! The first goliath clans hunted mammoths and other great beasts in the Mammoth Steppe for generations. These clans have seen little change throughout the cycles, with the same balance of hunting and gathering still occurring in the north today. Most Goliath clans in the Southern Continent can be found in the Illani Forest Gap, the area between the Dawn Mountains and the Greentide Hills. The reason for this, is that a few clans were forcibly resettled in the area by the Perisians who thought their physical abilities would allow them to act as a bulwark against the goblins of the hills. Thanks to their strict codes of honor, the Goliaths were more desirable neighbors. Most Goliaths on Potestatem worship the Chwinga, who help them maintain the balance of nature needed to sustain the hunter gatherer lifestyle practiced by the clans.     Tiefling Tieflings, temples it would suck to be a Tiefling. Tieflings are the result of bloodlines being cursed and mixed in with infernal power. It can happen to any species and for a variety of reasons. Even with the generally accepting attitude of Perisian Culture, Tieflings are regularly discriminated against. Most Tieflings thus travel to the Arcane Vale where they are commonly accepted.   Aasimar Discount Angels straight outta the bible. Aasimar are found in the courts and palaces of the ruling class, quiet literally serving as the personal guards and servants of the near godlike individuals. It is considered a prestigious status symbol for those blessed with godlike powers to hold the angelic people in their service. As such Aasimar can be found in the capitals and centers of power throughout the planet. These Aasimar have a reputation for loyalty and capability rivaled only by Halflings.   Lizardfolk Don't visit their homeland, you'll get eaten by mosquitos and dinosaurs. Lizardfolk are native to the Snaleshi Swamps, a place of extreme heat, humidity and tidal change. Most Lizardfolk worship the being known as Snalesh and follow Snaleshi religious practices. Lizardfolk are historic enemies of the yuan-Ti.   Yuan-Ti Slavers, cannibals', blood sacrifice; don't visit the Jungles of Foisham unless you want to experience these yuan-Ti pastimes first hand. How many yuan-Ti live on Potestatem is unknown, but their species dominates the great Jungle of Foisham and regularly raids the Aarakocra, Lizardfolk, Dwarves, Goblin tribes and Goliaths for slaves and blood sacrifice victims. As such Yuan-Ti have a bad reputation among the "civilized" people of Potestatem. Yuan-Ti are historic enemies of the Lizardfolk.   Tortle If you don't know a Tortles name, just guess Oogway. I swear, half of them are named Oogway. Tortle are a particularly rare species to find on Potestatem. The only real place they are common are a few islands out in the Cluferuk Archipelago. Still, if you see one you can likely assume they are important as Tortles seem to have a knack for finding themselves in positions of power and influence. A fairly unassuming species, one cannot discount the power and influence this group holds over the societies of Potestatem. The disproportionate influence they hold over modern Potestatem is rivalled only by the Rhedsy Wood Elves.   Dragonborn Dragonborn are the descendants of dragons mixed with the blood of other species, how does that even work...? Asking for a friend... Dragonborn conjugate in the Arcane Vale and Arcane Plains where they are most often accepted alongside Tieflings. An uncommon species, dragonborn are few and far between in Potestatem. Still, many dragonborn make their way in life as adventurers and heros, thanks to their draconic ancestry. As such, many have had the power to carved out their own townlets and villages throughout the lower Arcane Plains. The fourth era has seen a rise in the population of the Dragonborn as it seems like they have created themselves a new homeland.   Genasi A person perpetually on fire, that's gotta make having a love life kinda tough. Genasi are native to the Eriarian Vale, a strategically important place renouwn for the commerce and trade which flows into and out of the land. A common saying amongst historians is that the Gnomes might have conquered the world through war, but the Genasi conquered the world through commerce. During the height of the second era, Genasi merchant guilds controlled over 60% of world trade. Although the second era has passed, the Genasi are again making a mark on Potestatem thanks to the Jewels of Erair, which is the worlds largest trade guild. The Genasi are thus most commonly merchants and can be found in port cities or marketplaces.   Warforged Do warforged have a soul? Not even they know. The Warforged are the newest race to inhabit Potestatem, having been created by Dwarf engineers two dozen cycles ago. Now the grunts of the Dawn Empire's army, few Warforged exist outside of their creators military. Still, some have managed to slip through the cracks and many are not even particularly interested in blood and carnage. It seems that all Warforged have one pressing question on their mind, do they have a soul or are they simply a construct?   Satyr + Minitour + Centaur + Triton Graacia is a hot commodity. These races, along with Lionin, Tabaxi and humans make up the majority of the population in the land of Graacia. A densely populated land of city states, all these people have a competitive but brotherly relationship with each other. Graacians maintaining a delicate balance of power while guarding against outside invasion. Satyrs, Minitours, Centaurs and Tritons are the four original species of this land and thus the most commonly found species. Unlike many others, these species did not have a diaspora during the second era and are still overwhelmingly found in Graacia.   Half-Orc + Orc + Goblin + Hobgoblin + Bugbear + Kobolts Greenskins are often as evil as the yuan-Ti and definitely smell worse. The various "greenskins" of Potestatem can be found throughout the planet. The homeland of the various species are the Greentide Hills. Even now, it is a place devoid of towns and cities due to the overwhelming number of greenskin tribes. Still, not all greenskins are the same and some tribes even prefer to build instead of pillage. Those who do obey civilized law are generally left alone, although they are often regarded with suspicion and commonly discriminated against.   Kenku Poly want a cracker? Kenku are found in any major city with a large criminal underground. The largest populations can be found in Le Coeur and the Arcane Vale. Those of the Arcane Vale go against the norm and are generally lawful citizens while those of Le Coeur are the worst of the worst the species has to offer. Kenku is synonymous is many places with "thief" and they, like greenskins, are often regarded with suspicion and discriminated against.   Locathah Imagine not being able to breath air... crazy. Locathah are a species found primarily serving as an underclass to Tritons in the Sea of Poison Fire. Most of their population is clustered around the choral reefs located off the shores of Graacia. Locathah are a mysterious and insular people with little recorded history. What is known about Locathah is that they were once native to the deserts of Hazfen before it dried up during the first era.   Fairy Only only species to have a commonly used spell named after them. Fairies are a newer race to Potestatem. The first fairies were summoned by the Sentinel Rhedsy to act as guardians of the World Tree during the events of the third era. Fairies are seen as guardians of nature by the other races of Potestatem.   SPECIES MISSING? Feel free to ask and it will get a section added. All species available from official content are present on Potestatem and can be played.


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