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The Pact

The Pact is the holy text for The Light, written as wedding wows by The Protectors, Colibri and Rahn, before they ascended to godhood.
All servants at Temple of Light owns a copy of the pact, and most households in Erekiath has at least one copy.
Although the Pact originally was relatively short, compared to other religious texts, it has since been expanded by various religious figures, adding anecdotes about The Protectors, as well as explanations and interpretations of the words of The Protectors. Many people find comfort and wisdom in the words, especially servants of the Temple of Light find comfort in passages from The Promise, a poem from the original part of The Pact.
Not everyone finds wisdom in the words, however. In the Promise, it is stated that everyone deserves protection, both good and evil. There have been a lot of disagreements on how it should be interpreted. Some take the words literally and believe that everyone should be protected equally, evil or not. A more relaxed interpretation is that everyone is entitled to a fair chance to defend themselves, as even evil people can be innocent of a crime.
He's a murderer! How can you stand there and protect him? He still has the blood on his hands! What kind of god calls themself good, while protecting an evil bastard like him? We're all better off serving Kazul! At least he punishes people!
Leader of an angry mob confronting the Temple of Light for harboring an alleged murder.
  Temple of Light hasn't made a firm stance on the topic. The Order of Light had no problem clearing the land of greenskins, in the name of peace, ridding Erekiath of evil, and it is not above exacting the death penalty on magic users, as they're often portrayed as being evil as well. On the other hand servants of The Light are known for their great acts of compassion, even towards those that don't deserve it.
This sign of indecisiveness has caused some to question the leadership of The Light, while others understand that there's no absolute rule and the fairest thing to do is to react based on the given situation.


Rahn and Colibri decided to get married during the great war against Kazul back in the ancient times. For the first time ever, they had managed to stop the advance of Kazul's army. As they and their closest followers greatly needed a respite they decided to celebrate by getting married.
Knowing that the people looked up to them, and that morale was important if they were to win the war, they decided to use their wedding vows as a way to speak to the people, and include them in their most intimate moment, their wedding. They called it The Pact, meant as both a pact between Rahn and Colibri but also between them and their followers. It was their hope that it would strengthen the sense of unity between them and their followers.
Although not much is known about the wedding, it is safe to say that The Pact did what it was made for, and then some.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The Pact is available in written form on various mediums, and the Temple of Light always have quite a few in their library.
As with most thing, some merchants is making a profit off of The Pact, by creating expensive versions of it, usually written on paper in beautiful books.

Legal status

In Erekiath The Pact is not only a holy text. In matters of the law, The Pact is often referenced when determining guilt or innocence, or when determining punishment. It is not unheard of that the words of The Pact are bent and twisted, in order to prove someone either innocent or guilty.
Text, Religious
Vellum / Skin
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)


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