Lord Baron Dermrhein I Character in pèryl | World Anvil
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Lord Baron Dermrhein I (dɚmʁɑɪn)

Lord Baron Dermrhein Meityr (a.k.a. The Callous)

Dermrhein is the first of his line to take that name. At the death of his father, Meityr, he took control of his House and renamed it for himself as was common at the time. House Dermrhein then prospered and propagated itself well into later ages.   Upon taking over the familial lands and holdings, Meidrrhein, he renamed the barony for himself.   Meityr and Dermrhein were estranged and after his ascension, Dermrhein did everything to remove his father's memory. Around the middle of the first century of the Qh'énnish Ascension, disgruntled Qh'énnish barons and lords conspired to rebel against Karreth XII. Lord Baron Qhan was the figurehead anarch. When the rebellion ultimately failed and Qhan was reviled, stripped of power, his family exiled, and his head was taken, the other lords disavowed their alliegiance with the anarch. Dermrhein had been involved at all stages, including but not limited to pushing Qhan to lead. Dermrhein had cunningly used Qhan and the other lords as a test of the resolve of the Callessai to resist.

When Qhan's son, Qh'en was proclaimed as yeath and the new anarch, Dermrhein sided overtly with the rebels and the Second Qh'énnish Rebellion broke out and was successful, marking the end of Cāllen'ter. Unlike the ambitious yeath-Qh'en who wanted to rule the southern regions, Dermrhein retreated to the north to consolidate his base. He expanded his barony and began a long conflict with the Kharnnes at the borderlands. Additionally, Dermrhein expelled the Northern Mỳdrians from his realms.   Dermrhein's third wife bore him a son who was also named Dermrhein and ultimately assumed control of the barony—and its many on-going conflicts—when Dermrhein the Elder abdicated.
Spouse: Agréa qāYth Dermrhein.   Issue: son Agr Dermrhein, became Lord Baron Dermrhein II. Daughter Aghesten Dermrhein. Grandson Agschul Dermrhein, became Lord Baron Dermrhein III.   Parents: Karr Meityr & Siya t'Meidri Meityr.
Divine Classification
Lunar Deity
Lawful but cruel
Current Status
Consolidating his hold on the northern regions of Qh'énnshaiyn.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
Rheinsroke, the Dermrhein Barony
dull, arrogant, plain
Blue steel, watery, and prone bloodshot.
Dermrhein had inky black hair and wore a large squared beard. As his hair receded, he opted to shave his pate. His beard greyed to steel before his death.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and ruddy in the dank Qh'énnish weather.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements

Cover image: by BJRP


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