Argyle Reed Character in Pentos | World Anvil
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Argyle Reed

King Argyle Reed (a.k.a. The Rebuilder)

King Argyle Reed, son of Emperor Augustus Reed and brother of Emperor Duncan 'The Terrible'. He is responsible for rebuilding the Reedlands out of the ashes of The Reed Empire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in 48 ACE, the same year as his older brother Duncan, he was second-in-line for the throne of The Reed Empire. He had no ambitions of rulership, for that was not his role. As a child Argyle was very different to his older brother. While Duncan became enveloped into the land of nobility and etiquette, Argyle was allowed to explore personal hobbies, to learn a proper normal education. He made friends from all ranks of society, not just the rich kids he was surrounded by.    He studied at the Virtue Academy like any child of House Reed and he excelled in the fields of armed strategy and business studies. Despite not being allowed as a member of the Royal Family to set-up a business in SwampsShore, Argyle had considered moving away when he could. To somewhere like Sailstead or perhaps Salt Shore to live a freer life away from court. When the first rumblings of war with the Skala people began in the Reed Empire, Argyle was not so sure of the reason for it. There was no point of expansion at the current size of the Empire, it was already struggling internally and it was better to fix the internal problems than cause more external ones. But despite his objections to his father the War came, the 1st Skała-Reed War. A war that did not go well for the Reed Empire or the Family in general.   His father, Emperor Augustus Reed died in the Battle of the Valley of Valour. The biggest loss that the Reed Empire had ever suffered in any war. Argyle's older brother, Duncan, quickly took the throne and proved himself to be the failure that Argyle had always predicted he would be. Duncan believed in royalty supremacy, he did not think the Reed Empire could ever fail. To his perspective whatever the Emperor said, is how it would go. A God Complex of the highest order. So when the Skala people besieged Swampshore itself, Duncan locked himself away in the Citadel, awaiting a saviour that would never come. Argyle pleaded with him to listen to his plan of escape, to leave and fight another day with a rallied army. But Duncan would not leave, he thought he could do it himself.   Duncan's Charge is a famous tale told in both the Stonelands and the Reedlands. One of the Terrible Emperor and his folly. He was killed by a Skala who gained the title of 'Emperor-slayer' and he is celebrated to this day as a legendary hero. Despite the fact he did very little.   Argyle did leave Swampshore with a collection of Palace Guards and servants, they travelled south and sought refuge with House Sprinklage and waited for the right day to make their return. Over the next few years they rallied the communities of the Reedlands under their banner, they gained the support of House Steed and House Haroldry. Argyle also engaged in the event known as the 'Great Heist of Swampshore' where he single-handedly charged into Skala-occupied Swampshore in a chariot and retook the Reedian blade Deathbane from its chamber.    Soon after they retook Swampshore and proclaimed the Duchy of Swampshore, a provisional government until they reclaimed all of the Reedlands. Over the next few decades, Argyle reclaimed more and more of the former lands of the Reed Empire. He knew that the Empire itself could never truly be reborn but something new could be made in its place.   It was in this time that his heir Elias was born, Elias would later be responsible for making a new Reed Constitution.    Near the end of Argyle's life, he had managed to achieve his ultimate aim of reclaiming the core Reed territory. He decreed an end to the provisional government, and forged the Kingdom of the Reedlands. A successor-state to the Reed Empire. He died shortly after but not before he could be titled King Argyle 'The Rebuilder'.


He studied at Virtue Academy

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rebuilding the Reedlands out of the ashes of the Empire.
48 ACE 107 ACE 59 years old
Circumstances of Death
Prolonged Sickness
Place of Death
Dark Green
Scruffy Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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