Session 6: Curiouser and curiouser Report in Pascelus | World Anvil

Session 6: Curiouser and curiouser

General Summary

2 luck points for session - used 1 Nock - Wind Fan, Potion of Minor Healing, Vial of Acid Sonny - Nolzur’s Pigments, Restorative Ointment, Potion of Minor Healing, Vial of Acid, Potion of Aqueous Form, Leucis - Potion of Minor Healing, 2 empty vials, 1 Antitoxin, Blood of the Lycanthrope Antidote, Potion of Comprehension   Investigating the gray humanoids: Nock tries to loot them, but they don’t have pockets, more like rags for clothing. Sunny noticed that they were adapted to living underground (they’ve lived underground for generations). Leucis identifies them as grimlock. Tied up Grimlock to talk to it, after it came around, but it just started screaming. We killed it. Went back to the entry room, cast Moonglow on the Moon Carving, the gray side started to glow, creating what might be a moon portal. When you get close enough to it, you can see all the craters of the moon. Not sure to where it goes, so we decided to check it out later.   Proceeding forward, from where the grimlocks came, found a workshop of some sort, 4 long tables with instruments and random material pieces. Supervisor’s office to the south reveals that they were making forbidden items, sneaking them out through shipping, with the shipping supervisor unaware, since he was a simpleton. It is clear the production supervisor is aware that the extra ingredients are required for “the back section” but that it might raise suspicion if they’re acknowledged as necessary. Fortunately the shipping supervisor is a simpleton and doesn’t remember what he ordered, otherwise altering the orders when they go out would be noticed! The “back section” has had several large orders go out recently, so stock is depleted - the ideal time to start rolling out the new model. Samples to be sent to the mountain.   Also disciplinary actions that grew more frequent against him, but he didn’t appear to sign well - like he didn’t know how to write.   The group proceeded northwards, into the Llyrian Alchemy Lab. Letter found in a hidden compartment in one of the tables in the workshop:
Dearest sister Alvaria,   I hope you're thriving under the light of the moon. Mother is heartbroken that you have left like a thief in the night, but I know the family’s devotion to the greater light was never the truth of your heart. I hope this message finds you well, and that your new friends and colleagues don’t spurn you for having this old family recipe I have copied out for you. Let it remind you of brighter days though you have strayed far from home.   Relbun
Along with the letter, was a recipe for making sunrods as well as two such items.   The north wall of the room leads what appears to be the sleeping/living cells of the alchemists who worked here and their supervisor. Resume files found in a file cabinet behind a hidden sliding door in the first room and a personal journal in Druidic in the hidden file cabinet. (see Alchemy Lab Supervisor's Papers )   Nothing in the second room. In the third room, we found acid on the bed, which some seeped through the bed onto the floor. A box of fine powder with iridescent flecks in it. The box is labeled Kana Dust. In the fourth room, we found some tiefling horn polish that smells faintly of cinnamon and about only half full.   Large room with a tree hosts a basilisk, protecting 2 eggs in nests. It took some doing, but we killed it. Sunny picked up the basilisk eggs, and Nock took the 1 gastrolith he was able to extract after cutting up the beast’s stomach.   There was also some writing on the NW wall, possibly written in Druidic, that appears to have a sliding wall of some sort, but we were unable to activate.   Small room off this room is the tree keeper’s archive, then another room is the tree keeper’s quarters, which included a journal in Dwarvish with the following entries:
  1. Super pleased to have been assigned the care of this tree - not a lot of folks growing full trees underground.
  2. The elders tell me this seedling has some strange properties but won’t elaborate. It also has some weird needs, extremely restricted watering until it takes root and special fertilizer.
  3. The tree seems to be thriving. Still no idea what is in the special treatments it’s been getting, but I’ve been told they’re no longer necessary.
  4. The guys in the alchemy wing have been getting cuttings and samples for testing. No long-term harm done to the tree, thankfully, but I have no idea what those guys are up to.
  5. I haven’t trimmed any branches lately but the tree shows parts removed. I’m going to alert the elders that someone seems to have been collecting cuttings even though they haven’t approved any that I know about.
We realized that the basilisk chased off all the spiders, which is why there are so many dead webs.
Moon's Rise
Report Date
16 Nov 2021


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