Alchemy Lab Supervisor's Papers Document in Pascelus | World Anvil

Alchemy Lab Supervisor's Papers

The alchemy lab supervisor's hidden closet contained a file cabinet with several interesting tidbits.  

Resumes of the employees, with a few notes in the margins about each.

Temerity Stillfire (of the Heathstone Stillfires) - Studied alchemy at Rattlefang Academy, graduated with honors. 
  • Probably couldn’t mix glue if we asked her.
  • Rich family.
  • Should be pretty harmless.
  • Fetching - I bet she doesn’t have trouble finding dates!
Kelji Todlefidle - noted alchemist of the Grayspire Mountains.
  • He seems to be high…
  • Maybe he’s sniffed a few too many fumes?
  • Forgets what he’s saying mid sentence.
Alvaria Copperbarrel - apprentice brewer of the Luckstone Brewery.
  • Boozehound, but seems competent - dangerous
  • Keep her busy or drunk

A personal journal written in Druidic.

Notable entries:
  • These new alchemists are unlikely to produce anything of merit. The dwarf seems to actually have a few workable ideas, but she’s so often in her cups she loses focus.
  • I know the idea was to find some useless rich kids to make this look legit, but these folks are actually dangerous! That tiefling has blown up her station at least three times this month!
  • I hate waiting here after the lab rats go to sleep. But appearances must be maintained.
  • Copperbarrel received a package today.
  • The tiefling blew up the lab…. again. This time it shattered a container of acid on the gnome's station and melted my best pair of boots. We’re moving the workbenches a bit farther apart.
  • Temerity has started flirting with me, probably hoping I don’t fire her for her explosive failures. Under other circumstances I certainly would, but she’s exactly the kind of distraction we want. However, since she doesn’t know that...


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