Merosa - Geographic location Geographic Location in Parenthiaa | World Anvil
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Merosa is an archipelago, it is a collectio of large mountainislands and smaller more plain islands, it therefore differs a whole lot, depending on which section of it, you are currently in. On the plain islands, there are a lot of different trees, creating large forests on relavively small islands. The larger islands are more mountain-like, they don't have a lot of trees, thoug they can sometimes be found in smaller clusters of forest, these mountains are sometimes quite tall. For every different island, there are bridges of stone buildt between them


There isn't a lot of wildlife around the archipelago, it was hunted to almost extinction when the original settlers arrived, only a few animals remaining in the wild. That said, this goes almost only for land animals, there is an abnormal bird presence in the area, especially tropical birds, such as parrots live there.

Ecosystem Cycles

Merosa is a generally warm place, it doesn't really snow there, unless you were to go to the peaks of the talletst mountain at winter, you wounldn't be able to find snow here.

Natural Resources

The primary resourse of Merosa is fish, since they are able to catch so many different kind of fish, it is their easiest way of profit.


Merosa has become what could be interpreted as a giant port, as it is a very populair place for people to go looking for a crew, or a job on a ship. The navi of Merosa also contributing to this heavily, as they hire talented sailers left and right.
Alternative Name(s)
The ocean archipelago
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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