Aquastia Settlement in Parenthiaa | World Anvil
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The is generally a good sense of equality in Aquastia, people do have different amounts of money, but no-one is treated harshly because of their race here. This being the capital, is also the most diverse place, in terms of what races it will recognise. There are loads of different things to be done in Aquastia, anything from smiths to resturants can be found here. Because of it being the capital of Merosa, there is definitly a large influx of sailers, and the like, so jobs that can be found on ships are especially prominent.


The government plays a really bog role in Aquastia, as does it in all of Merosa, due to the unstable nature of sea-fares such as fishing, the state has relativly high taxes, going upwards of 35%, this is so people who are without fortune in their jobs, don't have to suffer until the next influx of fish, or whatever else they may be depended upon.


Almost all of Merosas fleet stands ready to defend their capital from outside threats, no-one has ever tried to actually lay siege to the town. The town itself, is set up in layers of walls, having expanded over the years, it's outer wall is 15 feet tall, and has only 2 opening gates to go in and out. There are a considerable amount of guard stationed through the city.

Industry & Trade

The best shipmakers in the world are generally in Merosa, this is something a lot of different countries are very interested in getting their hands on.
In addition, the city is heavily reliant on the oceans resourses when it comes to simple trade of fish and other sea creatures.


The primary source of wealth in Aquastia and Merosa is anything to do with the sea, this could be simple fishing, construction of ships or the like, perhaps transport over-seas. This makes up a really large portion of the money of all of Merosa, epsecially in Aquastia. This means that there are a lot of fish shops around the place, but also that there a giant construction houses for ships and boats.


Other than being very talented at making boats and ships, Merosa is a generally very rich country in of itself, having very considerable material wealth in the form of gold.

Guilds and Factions

Bluesail has loads of pressence within Aquastia


Aquastia started out as a smaller city, but after the correlation of Cataracta, she had it become the new capital of Merosa, starting to make the city bigger and bigger. This happened over a multitude of years, so multiple walls were constructed around the city in times of lesser expantion. It has grown to have a total of 5 walls, creating different districts in town, but there was never really any difference between where in these wall you were placed, as there was a good sense of equality.


Aquastia's walls are constructed of bright stone bricks. as is Seafury, Castle of Aquastia. Most houses vary a lot in their style, as Merosa, and especially Aquastia is a very diverse place.


Aquastia is placed on the edge of an island of Merosa, it is placed on a relatively plain, there are no real mountains, and there is not a lot of forest in the genral vicinity of it. It's port leads right out into the ocean.

Natural Resources

There are no real resources to the city of Aquastia, it's primarily simply a port capital, this makes it a very defenceable place. People can, however, very easily acces water, for fishing and other purposes.
Alternative Name(s)
The port city, The grand port
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Distribution of races living in this city
50% Human
17 Elf
15% Half-elf
8% Orc
4% Half-orc
2% Dwarf
2% Gnomes
2% Other

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