Bluesail Organization in Parenthiaa | World Anvil
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The flow of power goes as follows:
Exalted worker
Everyday worker
Intern (person who isn't allowed to help construct ships yet)


Public Agenda

The goal of Bluesail is to have Merosa keep being the most powerful navy on Parenthiaa. Because, that means Cataracta, the queen, will keep supplying them with all sorts of funding, in exchange for their services in creating ships. Additionally, they wish to keep their hold on the ocean so that Merosa can never be invaded, as it may set Bluesail in danger in of itself.


Bluesail is a very rich cooperation, it has been granted a lot of money by Cataracta, directly from the royal vault in exchange for their powerful ships.


Bluesail has existed ever since the settlers from acren first tred on the land of Merosa, it became the defacto royal ships producer when Cataracta came to power in her days. Her having recognised their unmatched skill in the art of shipcrafting.


Bluesail is responsible for the creation of many of the ships Merosa owns, therefore Merosa has an interest in keeping them safe.

Technological Level

Bluesail is amost exclusively responsible for Merosa having the most powerful sea force on Parenthiaa.


To enter Bluesail, one needs only their wil lto learn, anyone aged over 10 may, as per Bluesail internal law, begin work within the organisation. To be able to help with the construction of the ships however, one needs to be permitted, to do this, skill and intellect must be shown. 
Everyone in Bluesail has a certain knowledge on ships, no matter their position in the hierarchy. But if the person in permitted to help construct ships, the person is truely skilled in the art.
Should one ever be especially exceptionel, they will be permitted to join the highest ranking members, that construct special-type ships, directly for the queen, Cataracta.


Bluesail's factory in of itself is a large building, with it needing to construct multiple ships at a time. It is safe behind the defences of Merosa

We're literally the best at ships... This isn't a joke, we are

Corporation, Manufacturing
Alternative Names
The royal navy's guild, Merosa's jewels
Economic System
Market economy
Legislative Body
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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