Merosa - Ethicity Ethnicity in Parenthiaa | World Anvil
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Culture and cultural heritage

The people of Merosa are a proud bunch, you should never insult them for a potential weakness, as their bite is just as powerful as their bark, if not more so.   Everyone of Merosa are taught the basics of ships in their schools, so anyone can help operate a simple ship.

Common Etiquette rules

Be kind to one another, do not go around telling people ships are shit

Common Dress code

Merosa requires you to cover your gender parts......

Art & Architecture

Merosa is known for it's obsession with ships-like art and architecture, they have strange mergings of ships and houses at some places. Art can be found around and about, but it will almost always feature some ship, an ocean or their queen

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

It is customary for most public driking or eating spots to have ropes hanging around, for people to climb around on. This is especially common in bars and inns.

Coming of Age Rites

People in Merosa come of age when they go on their first real ship-ride, out and explore the ocean, and all it has to offer.

Funerary and Memorial customs

It is customary to be buried at sea, along with other recently diseased people. If you should choose, and have the fincances, you can be buried on a ship by yourself

Common Taboos

Looking down on things like magic or technology for no apparent reason.

Common Myths and Legends

Every child on Merosa knows the story of the eldridge tempel, all the unspoken horrors that lie inside, their parents tell them of what they do to children who don't behave themselves. This of course, has never actually been seen, but the children believe it none the less

Historical figures

Cataracta is famous in Merosa, for having been the queen that has put up the barrier against the eldridge tempel. Additionally, she is known as the most powerful ruler Merosa has ever seen. She is also known for having a strange anatomy, in comparison to her fellow water genasi, though it cannot be explained why that is.


Beauty Ideals

Most people from Merosa can be seen wearing sea clothes as regulair clothes, this comes from their predecesers having migrated from Acren by boats. They can be seen wearing long coats, and sometimes captains hats to formal events.

Relationship Ideals

We escaped Acren to get away from undeserved judgement, we're not gonna do that here.
Parent ethnicities
Diverged ethnicities
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