Sovereign of the ocean Rank/Title in Parenthiaa | World Anvil
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Sovereign of the ocean


Must be a citizen of Merosa Usually people who are given this titel are children of the previous, and are therefore highly learned folks. Usually in some sort of military


18 years of age


A person who is qualified for this rank, when it is granted to them, must go out into the ocean, and bring back 10 hostile creatures, or one great hostile creature, after that, the corelation commences.


Taking care of the people of Merosa, alongside being the ultimate person in their chain of command


Lots of political power.   The best fleet in the world.   Lots of money and wealth.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Political games can dethrone this person, but they must be killed or retire.
Form of Address
His/Her supremacy
Equates to
Source of Authority
The people of Merosa
Length of Term
A person can serve as the King or Queen their entire life, or until they give up the throne to one of their descendants
Related Organizations

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