Moskarus Settlement in Parenthiaa | World Anvil
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Moskarus is a military town, they value strength, be it physical or mental, it is very important to the people who reside there.


People in Moskarus are held accountable for their every action, faliure to abide by the laws are met with exile from the settlement.


Moskarus is the third best defended place in all of Merosa, this is because it needs to be defended, should the barrier around The great sea serpent's temple ever be breached or broken.
Moskarus stands ready with:
3Huge ballistas
7 Ballistas
  15 Catapults
300 malitia


Moskarus was established shortly after the barrier around The great sea serpent's temple was created. It has since become grown in size and power.


The construction of Moskarus is purely for defensive benefits.
Alternative Name(s)
The western bastion
Military, Base
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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