The First Fight Myth in Paranai | World Anvil
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The First Fight

At first, a huge Mountain was everything in the world. Its peak held up the sky and its deep roots continued forever. Nothing but the Mountain existed, and the Roof, or Sky, marked the end of the world. Above the roof, Chaos existed, forever changing and ever moving.   Then, two perfectly symmetrical cracks opened near the summit of the mountain, and two identical boulders formed and started rolling down the mountain sides. When these huge stones hit the ground, they each broke in four parts, like segments of a tangerine, which fell in the fourth directions that then became north, east, south and west. Even if both boulders fell at the same moment, one creature broke free from the stone before the other. They were Daardeonkar, the First. They saw the mountain and its roots but couldn’t see the peak, which they wanted to reach to see where they originated. They started moving on the mountain sides, but these soon became too steep. Annoyed, Daardeonkar bit off four rock shards from the Mountain and fused them with their body, creating four limbs, and resumed the climb. A second time, the mountain sides became too steep. Growing restless, Daardeonkar scraped his back on the Mountain side, and created a pair of strong, scaly wings. With these wings, Daardeonkar started flying towards the peak. When they reached the peak of the mountain, they made it its lair and started circling around it, admiring the immense blue plane that was the roof of the world.   At that moment, the second boulder broke and another serpentine entity emerged. They were Daaraxioi, the Second. Daaraxioix grew four limbs and two wings, just like his brother did, but when they reached the peak of the mountain they saw there was no place for a second lair, for the mountain peak was now too thin after these giant bolders broke off from it.   Daaraxioi tried to talk Daardeonkar into sharing the top of the Mountain and the Lair, but their brother answered that, as they were the older of the two, the peak of the world had to be theirs. Nonetheless, Daaraxioi tried to land near the brother’s lair, but Daardeonkar struck him with one of their enormous wings and made the Second Dragon crash down near the mountain’s feet. Blind with rage, Daaraxioi flew back towards their brother and the two ancestral deities coiled one on the other in what is now known as the First Fight.


This initial chapter of the Creation Myth is well known and conserved across most of the world's religions. The few exceptions are simpler faiths, like the totem based religion of the kobolds in the far eastern reaches of Scoragh's Garden, or the shamanic faith of forest goblins.

Variations & Mutation

Different cultures and pantheons vary in some detail but the core remains unchanged.
  • Western human religions (e.g. Enverdoon Kingdom) refer to both Daaraxioi and Daardeonkar as male dragons, which in their culture generally translates to a patriarchic system. Moreover, in Enverdoon and in the Duchy of Sealance Daaraxioi, the Second, acts out of jealousy and tries to take the Mountain Lair from his older brother with trickery instead of talking to him, but Daardeonkar is too smart to let this happen and the younger brother then starts the fight. In Evenfarm, Daaraxioix tries to talk with his brother but Daardeonkar doesn't listen and starts the fight. Culturally, this translates in older males being in charge most of the times in Enverdoon and Sealance and in a council of elders (of both genders) holding most power in Evenfarm.
  • Orcish religion: in the orcish version of this myth, Daardeonkar is a male and Daaraxioi is a female. Daaraxioi tries to convince Daardeonkar to share the Lair, and she instigates the fight at her brother's refusal. Because of the outcome of the First Fight (see The Breach of Chaos) and due to how orcs consider it, Daaraxioi is seen in a positive light. Culturally, this created a society in which the olderst female orc holds most power.
  • Dragonborn religion: in Daardaian mythology, after Daaraxioi broke the sky and let Chaos in, both brothers realized that this new entity forcing its way in the material world was evil. Together with the earth that generated them, the two dragon deities created Magic, an abstract force that they could use to control Chaos and reduce its effect on the world. After this variation, Daardaian myhtology goes back in line with most others.
    The effect that this variation had on the culture of the Daardai Empire was to elevate ALL magic to something divine, to be researched, expanded and most importantly used. 
Date of Setting
Before Time

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