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List of languages

Major languages:
  • Reld: spoken on the isthmus and across a wide range of land to the north of the Nidari Reach, where it originated. Distantly connected to Edesenkol and other Sremic-family languages.
  • >>Eastern Reld: the languages spoken in Emshol, Felletoum, Molomet jungle, Sarlim and Seeltiom.
  • >>Western Reld: the languages of the core Commonwealth of Reld lands, such as Omboluc lagoon, Tharm, Zanarrol, and Lerinim.
  • >>Isthmus Reld: spoken on the Isthmus, in places like the Ozcan Wilds, Ylohom and Lacrestand
  • >>Kerrid/Alzig/Rellig Reld: the isolated and quite divergent Reldan tongues of The Giteri inclusions, as well as Kerrid. along with some minority dialects in remote areas, these are the main remaining traces of the pre-Seaspeak Reldan language that was once dominant across the entirety of The Giteri.
  • Pangol Language: only includes o and oo consonants, due to the limitations of the Pangol facial structure.
  • Lnrmng: no consonants
  • Dowo: the Lingua Franca of the great forest of Dow
  • >>Elritundi : a fusion of Seaspeak and Dowo, influenced by the original settlers of Elritund being Dowo.
  • >>language of the Scrivener culture
  • >>Island Dowo: the mixed dialect spoken by the Bamboo Dowo, incorporating heavy elements of Framca and Seaspeak.
  • Sremic: the many languages of The Srem tribes (exonym?)
  • >>Edesenkol: spoken in Edesenkol, Unathyr's Garden and Highwater.
  • Framca: the language of Caracar, originally from Yannasvaer , now fractured into regional languages. Keen on contractions – Framca itself is short for "Framech Caracar", and this tic flows over into Caracaran's speech in other languages.
  • Seaspeak: the Nidari language, spoken throughout the Reach and beyond.
  • >>Kelpese (exonym) is the western (Bindkelp Sea) variant, just barely mutually intelligible, and far more a trade language.
  • >>The Giteri speak a seaspeak variant as well.
  • >>Chaneritt is a more distant seaspeak relative.
  • Vorbishi: spoken in Sevesh and Vorbish, as well as the liturgical language of much of Gyrism.
      Minor languages:
  • Sigmenodan: the language of Sigmenod (exonym)
  • Hrakan: the Tchep language
  • Sky-sea language – an isolate
  • Skowan: lots of harsh-sounding words. Doesn't demark adjective vs noun (so Skowan speak Skowan in Skowan). spoken by the Turf-Trolls, while the rest of the Sokani Archipelago speak Seaspeak.
  • Northern Sphinx - influenced by Reld and by the languages spoken north of the Benguyar Mountains, but primarily a remnant of the pre-sremo-reldan language family of the area. related to Xikungese.
  • Xikungese: related to Sphinx, an even more isolated and "unchanged" remnant of the pre-sremo-reldan language family of the area. An associated blind-language, which works using an abacus-like device, is adapted for use by the blind well beyond Xikung itself.
  • Urchin languages (Exonym)
  • Mattihan - once the language of an empire; now, virtually extinct.
  • some semaphore/morse-code equivalent(s)? Mirror-based around the reach, and fairly rudimentary.
  Unsure:   Lodestone mtn   Labyrinth   Unathyr's garden       Language trees:   Sremic-Reld
  • Old Sremic
  • >>Desert Sremic
  • >>Edesenkol
  • >>Unathyr?
  • >>Labyrinthine?
  • Old reld
  • >>Eastern Reld
  • >>Western Reld
  • >>Isthmus Reld
  • >>Kerrid/Alzig/Rellig Reld
  • >>Sigmenodan?
  • Nidari variant
  • >>Giteri
  • >>Chanerit variant
  • Kelpese
  Framca   Dowo

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