Sphinxes Ethnicity in Panessence | World Anvil
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the term "Sphinx" refers to two unrelated peoples of sentient, flying, cat-like beasts that dwell in the lands near the Nidari Reach - one in the Commonwealth of Reld (specifically, Zanarrol) and one in The Giteri.     Northern Vs Southern sphinxes:
  • Northern (Reld): giant sentient cat-bats with prehensile forepaws, 20-30ft in length.
  • Southern (The Giteri): bird-infused beasts with human-infusions (head/face). A variety of Maneater, typically 5-10ft long.

Northern Sphinxes

  Larger and more organised than their southern equivalents, Northern Sphinxes arrange themselves into "claws", which are variously clans, families and/or battalions. If only one member of a claw exists, they are known as a loneclaw and can be referred to as "the Claw of ____". They also have their own ancient language , now semi-formal rather than a living tongue, and a network of vast thermal pyres that allow wide navigation and extend beyond the Commonwealth, including (formerly) into Emshol and even across the Benguyar mountains to the north. They especially like to fly over the natural updrafts of Molomet, and use this area for races and other competitions.   Claws are highly egalitarian, very family-based, with no internal concept of money. In general, Northern Sphinxes are uninterested in money, though they do earn and spend it externally in order to complete the tasks and projects they desire. this gives them a reputation among other peoples for being profligate.   known Claws:  

Southern Sphinxes

Southern Sphinxes are a less clearly-identified ethnicity than those in the north, instead being a variety of maneaters often arising from when wild bird-beasts become infused with human essences after consuming a human. they are more bestial and untamed than the northerners, but they are similarly grouped around navigational aids - wind-hubs like Rhythonze. In recent centuries, with the scale of death on battlefields and the like providing ample unburied corpses, stable breeding-populations of these one-off oddities have been able to survive, even forming a pseudo-society of their own alongside the other peoples of The Giteri. As with many Maneaters, they are associated with death, and they have embraced this identity for themselves, ritualising the eating of their foes and commonly serving as auxiliary troops, scouts, executioners and the like.   Subtypes:
  • harpies
  • jackals
  • lions
  • hyenas

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  • Tuveek

Masculine names

  • Fuuvyo
Encompassed species
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