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Within the Empire there are three major ports that represent the triangle of trade that circles around the Inner Sea. The first, and by far the biggest and most important, is the Imperial City of Belyos, but the other two that vie for second place is the state capital of Hoat, Iseld, and the state capital of Iren, Llaris.   Considered one of the architectural highpoints of the old empire, Llaris is a city of high spires, open forum, and extensive docks and shipyards.   


The ultimate ruler of Llaris is the Elector Lord of Iren, whose primary residence is the High Spire castle in the town. However, fractional politics between the position of the Elector Lord, and the hereditary Princeps who rule the various provinces of Iren, means that the actual ruling of the city is undertaken by the Princeps of Llaris province. The Elector Lord spends their time either in Belyos on matters of Imperial business, or their rural holdings further along the peninsular.  


Whilst the docks of Llaris are not as expensive as those in Belyos, the shipyards are as big as their great rivals in Iseld, and occupy a large proportion of the coastline in both directions of the city.  


Founding Date
Unknown - early empire
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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Cover image: A View of Salerno and Vesuvius by Unknown


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