Cactus Character in Pallo | World Anvil


Though everyone fancies gold, information is her currency of choice.

(a.k.a. Cactus)

Ever since joining Captain Baron von Hafn back when he was just an ensign, Cactus abandoned her name, choosing only to go by her nickname. She is a capable spy and watchman. Her keen senses help any captain make better strategies. She is an invaluable member of any crew.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Her face has several scars from close encounters as a bounty hunter.

Specialized Equipment

  • Trident of Teleportation
  • 2 javelins of returning
  • Mantle of the Chameleon

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Illengal is home to eladrin who left the feywild seeking to make a new home where they came to aid in the fight against the Fraelings. The Ilengalese have somewhat lost touch with their fey ancestry, but the affinity with nature and somewhat prideful image have endured. Cactus grew tired of the attitude of some of her contemporaries. She trained in the art of spycraft in the hopes of leaving Ilengal for long periods of time. She proved incredibly capable as a spy. By happenstance, early in her training, nearby Amana was undergoing a large cultural shift. The three nations there were looking to unify into a single nation. Cactus was assigned to a mentor who was sent as a part of a diplomatic mission to assist with the formation of the new nation. She looked forward to getting field training. To her surprise, her mentor was a spy and intelligence officer currently on assignment as a diplomat. Before even reaching Amana she was already learning more skills.   While in Amana, she was tasked with keeping an open ear to many of the larger players. Her mentor advised her that it was important to understand the dynamics of all of these relationships and be on the lookout for future threats. Of particular interest to her were some of the immigrants who were travelling through Amana to Espiria. Of note, a group of theocrats passing through were troubled at the ailing state of one of their number. He suggested they continue on and he would follow them. His brother offered to stay with him but he insisted they all go. He never did follow them as he became intrigued at the changing state of Amana and stayed to offer support. He eventually became one of the founders of the Royal Armory.   Her time on Amana helped her hone her skills of observation, memory, and focus. Her mentor was pleased with her growth. When they returned to Ilengal she received training in statecraft, diplomacy, and espionage.   When she graduated she gained a seat as an embassador in the Wyld Embassy. Young and keen she was a welcomed change to the standard old men who usually filled the role. Many enjoyed the fact that she didn't have, nor like, the typical pompous Ilengalese attitude. But work in the embassy was far less thrilling than she hoped. She expected more mind games, manipulation, and conspiracy. Instead she found dull, ignorant representatives. She served her term and did not request a second one.   Instead, she joined the Ilengal Foreign Affairs Agency. She had her pick of assignments. In the end, she chose to serve in the Qakari navy. The intelligence she provided was a huge aid in the war, though wasn't able to save the Qakari navy from near constant defeat.   Early on she met a young ensign, Baron von Hafn. They both became fast friends, though they could not interact often due to the nature of her work. In the Battle of Kopa Reef  , Cactus was busy jumping ship to ship and signaling Qakari ships where to retreat. Their combined effort saved many lives and stopped tge war from ending there.   She continued serving Qakar, eventually catching wind of the mutiny and desertion of the Golden Harpy. She kept tabs on where they were going while performing her duties. When the war ended, so did her service to Qakar. The Grand Admiral of the Qakari Navy offered her a new job: track down and capture Baron von Hafn, Thriss Wyldscale, the Golden Harpy, and its crew. She could take the bounty for an incredible reward or accept a commission to track them, infiltrate their crew, and provide information to bounty hunters and the Qakari navy. She accepted the commission.   She eventually reached the Golden Harpy as it was assisting Dracolians in driving of Madranian forces. She immediately informed Baron of her assignment, which did not surprise him   In the years since she has fed mostly true information to Qakar, with the Harpy narrowly avoiding capture every time.


  • Ilengal Academy of Embassy and Espionage
  • Qakar Naval Academy
  • Employment

  • Spy/Informant
  • Ambassador
  • Intelligence Officer
  • Lieutenant in the Qakari Navy
  • Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Brokered cultural peace agreement regarding tensions between Sol Scala and Elmstead.
  • Medal of Distinguished Service for service in the battle of Kopa Reef.
  • Currently Boarded Vehicle
    Date of Birth
    1 Qakar, 149 OA
    Year of Birth
    149 OA 169 Years old
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale yellow
    5' 9"
    110 lbs


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