Bastion Settlement in Pallo | World Anvil


The city of Bastion was the only holdout on Dracolia against the armies of Arkus. The Bastion Magic Academy is renown for it's powerful abjurer professors. The Chief Minister's Abjurers are a group of incredibly powerful wizards and sorcerers who work in tandem to maintain the legendary Shield of Bastion, work to strengthen it in times of conflict, and provide added protection to the people and soldiers of Bastion. But magic alone is not what make Bastion strong. Architects have designed incredible fortifications. The city has many towering walls. Many tradesmen, such as masons and architects, make their way to Bastion to become apprentices. Because of this safety, the people are generally happy.   The city of Bastion The polished stalwart of Vestur Never shall it falter -Bastionne haiku by Grig Rhys


Races 33% Human 18% Dwarf 17% Elf 15% Gnome 12% Mixed Race 5% Other   Wealth 20% Upper Class 60% Middle Class 20% Lower Class (includes homeless, unemployed)   Professions 20% Bastion mages 15% Soldiers/Guards 5% Shopkeeps 4% Smiths 3.5% City Administration Workers .5% Teachers


Constitutional Aristocracy Bastionnes have been an aristocratic society since its early days. In the colonization of Dracolia, the few nobility who came over settled inland. There, they built the epicenter of what would one day boom into the city of Bastion. As the colonization of Dracolia lead to greater conflicts, Bastion became more fortified. After the War of the Seven Tribes, Bastion's population boomed. Bastion became an independent city state. To help ensure that Bastion was as strong communally, as it was structurally, the people formed a constitution. The Aristocrats have the power of command, military, and elect the Oligarch of Bastion from the aristocrats. The people have the right to elect the chief minister, who must not be an aristocrat, and protest for new elections when they feel the current leadership is not satisfactory.   The aristocracy is made up of the currently 15 noble houses of Bastion.


Besides the mighty Shield of Bastion maintained by the Chief Minister's abjurers, the walls of the city are incredibly well built as well. The outer walls are thick, sturdy, and tall. Surrounding the military barracks and government buildings is a second wall that is equally as impregnable.


The city is relatively tightly constructed. There are courtyards and parks, but they are small. The sewer system is intricate and large. The system leads out of the city and has its own defenses in place. The Magic Academy and the Bastion Citadel are the two most striking buildings.   The citadel, home to the Chief Minister's Abjurers, is the heart of the Bastion military. The three branches of the Bastion military are headquartered there. The City Guard dispatch patrols and manage investigations. The Bastion Knights, now often working in smaller units of 6 to 20, are coordinated and tasked with operations. The Bastion Magi are given their assignments as detachments to units of Knights or City Guard, and sometimes are given other specialized tasks including research, arcane investigation, and more.
Alternative Name(s)
The Shielded City
Inhabitant Demonym
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Owning Organization
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