Pallo The Second Siege of Bastion

The Second Siege of Bastion

Military action


A massive Arkesian force of two warforged legions, his loyal Legion of Arkus, and a detachment of Mages. The siege would test Bastion's defenses until Yrmudoi ate the attackers during the Celestial Intervention.

Bastion was surrounded. From the southwest, the Black Legion marched and hunkered down for the siege. From the east, the Blue Legion marched, and cut off supply lines. From the south, Arkus marched with his Legion of Arkus. As they settled in, the city was surrounded. The Shield of Bastion glowed brightly, bolstered by the Chief Minister's Abjurers. Testing them, though, was something they weren't expecting. Arkus had brought a detachment of mages from his Cult of Arkus.   These mages specialized in evocation. Once Arkus' forces were set and ready, he had them begin a relentless barrage. From all sides, powerful spells smashed against the shield. Arkus smiled as the shield flittered and dimmed. This assault was constant, every day, for five years.   He left the siege under the leadership of his second in command, Commander Tessa Luthor . On his way back to the citadel, he hired the Burning Axes to seek and destroy any bastionne forces they could find.   The siege forced Oligarch Liam Elliott to make deals with underdark nations he wouldn't normally have. If it weren't for the underground movement, The Owl Society, and The Free Company, Bastion would have run out of supplies in 4 years. The Owl Society moved diplomats and mages into the underdark, working to make deals with nations who traded with Opal to grant supplies to Bastion. The Free Company worked as escorts for them as well as mercenaries to find or make supply lanes to Bastion.   In 2 OA, Ibrahim DeHaemer came from Opal to meet with Isla Darby and Liam Elliot. He was able to convince Commander Luthor that he and his delegation were there to attempt to convince the bastionne oligarch to surrender. When he met with them, though, he told them that everyone needed Bastion to hold out. Supplies were coming, and more relief efforts were being created. Isla Darby was worried that Bastion would not be able to repay Opal for the efforts, but an accord was reached that this was not something to be repaid.   As they schemed, hoping to find a way to end the siege, Commander Luthor was planning as well. A large force of warforged from both legions snuck their way to the main gate.   To maintain the ruse, Ibrahim was shackled, along with his delegation, and led out of the city by a chapter of Bastion Knights. Once the main gates were opened, and the delegation was led out of the city, The Battle of Bastion commenced.   Quickly, the hidden warforged ambushed the gates. They cut off the bastion knights, trapped outside of the city, and fought to take control of the main gate. As they pounced, Commander Luthor led the charge of the Legion of Arkus. The Opal delegation ran, getting away from the fighting without any casualties.   The warforged managed to capture the main gate control mechanisms and kept it open as more Bastion Guard and Bastion knights charged the gate. The Bastion knights who were trapped outside the main gate were surrounded and soundly defeated, leaving none alive. The evocations continued to bombard the shield as Arkesians flooded the main gate. The fighting was contained to the few blocks near the front gate. The bastionne forces were prepared for the tighter spacing and managed to hold the line for a few hours. Once the bastionne forces on the wall managed to recapture the main gate mechanisms, the Arkesians were forced to retreat. While the Arkesians inflicted a great many casualties, they were unable to maintain control of any part of the city.

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