Warren Furr-Rabbinovitch Character in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Warren Furr-Rabbinovitch

Warren Furr- Rabbinovitch

Warren Furr, the husband of Winnie Furr and father of Connie Furr, is a practical and resourceful bunbun who enjoys tinkering, crafting and cooking. He resides in the Bunbun Warren and has a sizeable brood of "at least twelve" offspring. As a devout Brambleite, Warren has raised all of his children in the Bramble tradition.

Mental characteristics


While Winnie is away on scouting missions, Warren typically occupies himself in his workshop within the Furr residence. He relishes in tinkering and inventing, often utilising the items brought back by Winnie from her expeditions. Warren is a master of repurposing, creating useful and not-so-useful devices that contribute to the home's functionality and charm.


Family Ties

Despite being a caring father who instills Brambleite beliefs in his children, Warren struggles to keep tabs on them. He has a propensity for retreating to his workshop when he feels overwhelmed, upset, or emotional, leaving the children to their own devices. This lack of supervision has resulted in a somewhat disjointed household, with the children largely left to learn and grow under the guidance of the Bramble Church.   With so many children care for, Warren and Winnie take a "learn it once or don't learn it at all" approach to instruction. Each child receives a single lesson and is then left to figure things out for themselves, although if the task proves too dangerous, the parents may remove the child from the assignment. While the children enjoy plentiful food and comfort, their education is primarily supervised by the Bramble Church. Like most warren children, they attend school at the Petal Archive of the Rose, where they are indoctrinated in the Church's teachings by the archivists.   Given the limited amount of one-on-one time that Warren and Winnie have with each child, it is quite likely that neither of them have noticed that one of their daughters, Connie, has been absent from the Bunbun Warren for over two years.

Religious Views

LIke all bunbun in the warren, Warren is a Bramblite, who worships Brambleson, the Prince of Rabbits. He has a secret Brambleberry Tart recipe that he passes on to his children, although since he has so many of them, if they don't pick it up on the first go, it is unlikely that they will be given a second chance to learn it.   During one Berryfest, Warren's daughter, Connie, catastrophically botched her attempt to master the recipe, causing irreparable damage to the feast and reparable damage to the kitchen. Consequently, she was relegated to picking berries full-time and prohibited from participating in any further culinary activities.


Warren Furr-Rabbinovitch


Towards Winnie Furr


Winnie Furr


Towards Warren Furr-Rabbinovitch


43 years old
Date of Birth
Needleday, Tinkermoon, 1270
Winnie Furr (Wife)
Current Residence
Pale blue and wary
Short and curly blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Velvety beige