Carmichael Character in Palimpsest | World Anvil


Carmichael is a shapechanging creature (possibly a Div) who sometimes appears as a creepy Ratfolk and who is sometimes a more monstrous purple demonic-looking thing. Due to a misunderstanding when first introduced, Connie Furr has been telling everyone she meets that the creature-type is a Carmichael, making it very difficult to research him. Going by his association with fake-Yvette and with Johann(a), Carmichael is possibly a member of the Patchwork Empire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Scrapday, Tinkermoon, 1313
Carmichael was living (/hiding out) in the room Johann(a) was renting from Loveheart's Sweetmeats. When Lindie Asklepa stole Johann(a)'s Notes from the room, she was disguised as Johann(a) so wasn't challenged by Carmichael at the time. Carmichael later informed Johann(a) that someone had gone through her stuff, causing them both to flee.
Takesday, Tinkermoon, 1313
Carmichael was next seen hiding out in one of the secret passageways of Yvette's Mansion. He attacked Connie Furr when she discovered one of the two Yvettes had been stashed in the basement with her throat ripped out. Connie fled, and he disguised himself as Ashlin, one of Yvette's Handmaidens, in order to discredit Connie's story. After Connie was able to convince another Handmaiden (Hessian) to come see the dead body, they were attacked again by Carmichael. He was eventually brought down by Hessiaen's Venomous Lipstick.   Carmichael was later released by Shanthi, who was working with Fake-Yvette, and he took over the Yvette Statue/security system in the mansion's entrance hall. With the help of Lindie Asklepa's Burglar Bracers, Connie was able to climb up the giant statue and enter the secret room where Carmichael was operating the attacking statue. He bit Connie's neck, causing the Wolf to emerge early (she would have transformed on the following Eclipseday, had Connie not been so badly hurt). Connie remembers the Wolf biting Carmichael but has no recollection whether he was actually killed by the Wolf.   Later, when Connie's dead body was then put out into the lawn for cleanup, a single other sheet-wrapped body and a pile of bones were left out with her. The bones were probably Yvette's missing doorguard (Leroy), and the sheet-wrapped body most likely the deceased (real) Yvette. It is therefore possible to assume Carmichael is either:
  1. Still alive somewhere,
  2. A spirit who has returned to his original plane,
  3. Dead, but was disposed of by other methods.

Has encountered Hugo Dargent in Human form.
Has encountered Connie Furr in Bunbun and Wolf form.