Bothwick Gilchrist Swiles Character in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Bothwick Gilchrist Swiles

Seneschal Bothwick Gilchrist Swiles

Swiles is the trusted Seneschal of House Dargent. He signs his name "B.G. Swiles".

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Woundsday, Tinkermoon, 1313
Vizier Richard Dargent dispatched Swiles to the upper slums in a palanquin to conduct diplomatic negotiations with the gnolls. The meeting took place in the Lowest Rich Man Chapel where Swiles engaged in a conversation with Sky-Eyes, who had entered through a secret trapdoor in the floor so as to avoid suspicion. During the discussion, which was eavesdropped on by Hugo Dargent and his companions, it transpired that Richard was offering to equip Sky-Eyes with weaponry to defeat Flense, in the power vacuum that had been left by Roughpelt's death the previous day. The arrangement didn't turn out as well as Richard would have hoped, since Flense and Sky-Eyes ended up mutually killing each other in the showdown that took place at Barker's Menagerie the following day.


Family Ties

Havelocke Swiles: Swiles used nepotism (valued by followers of the Rich Man) to insert his son, Havelocke, into the position of personal valet to Subvizier Victor Dargent. When Victor ascended to Vizier under the Tailor, Havelocke was promoted to Seneschal for the new Dargent-Laureat Family.
Current Status
Seneschal for House Dargent
Currently Held Titles
52 years old
Date of Birth
Takesday, Richmoon, 1259
5 ft. 1 inch.
Other Affiliations