Goblins Species in Pakkiila | World Anvil


Goblins are rather thoughtful and energetic people. They are found in many places and are resilient to an absolute fault. Goblins are very in touch with the instinct that drives almost all creatures in this world, making their culture heavily intertwined with packs and finding one that suits the individual.   Goblins are rather creative, emotionally intelligent, and are generally great friends to have! (If you don't mind any hijinks, of course!) They are very social at their core, and those friendly to the Folk will often run wild in safe settlements, causing well-meaning mischief or making new friends.

Basic Information


Goblins are bipedal tetrapods, and are goblinoids. (Goblinoids being a family of Humanoids!) Goblins have paw-like hands and feet, with pawpads and retractable claws. They also have sharp teeth, built for tearing apart meat, and slit pupils which may expand and retract with the light.   Goblins have wildly varying ear shapes, but they are often very expressive and large. Goblins can be born with nub tails or without any tail! They also, rather surprisingly, are able to have plantigrade legs or digitigrade legs!

Genetics and Reproduction

Goblins reproduce physically, via viviparity, and their pregnancy lasts for 6 months. They usually have 1 or 2 young, but have been recorded baring 5 children safely!

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblins are all born Standard, or Normal-Kin, and will change as they mature. Shaped by those around them and their environment, Goblins become their final Kin at 8 spins. (However, this may not be true for some due to mutations or disorders) They then physically mature at 14 spins.   They are considered "mini-adults" at 17, being allowed to wander and go off to be mostly independent at that time, and are then considered actual, full adults at 21. (The age they're allowed to take recreational drugs, alcohol, etcetera)

Ecology and Habitats

Goblins can adapt to any environment and happily exist there before 8 Spins have passed, as where they live determines their Kin. Even if they are older than 8 Spins, they can potentially live lives that are undeterred by their environment. However, some Kins may pose problems to the Goblin and make it harder to live there without assistance.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goblins are Mesocarnivores by build, but are much more varied than their build may suggest (Seeing as they are... a sapient species!)

Additional Information

Social Structure

Goblins' life and society views are often based heavily on packs, though for those of Folk-kin they are usually out of touch with this strong value. Goblins believe that it is a vital part of one's emotional growth to find a pack they fit in the most with. Their ideal pack is one in which those will stay by your side through thick and thin, and bonds shared by packmates are more important than anything else. A Goblin will usually never leave a pack they've picked unless they had been pressured to join it or realize a sudden change that they cannot overlook, even with their special and deep bond in mind.   Goblins also don't have a real hold on the concept of property. They mostly see things as up for grabs, no matter what, as long as it'll get what needs to be done, done. They understand others may have emotional attachments and will always return things if those exist, but have a hard time even grasping that this is not a universal opinion.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goblins have much clearer sight and hearing compared to humankind, seeming to have originally evolved to be Nocturnal! But other than that, they are simply very similar to their humanoid cousins and other goblinoids in sensory capabilities.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Goblins have often short and simple names, be it the name of a creature, object, or a made-up word. This is not to say intricate names are absolutely unheard of, but they are rather rare. Goblins do not usually have last names, and instead are given titles that reflect a characteristic of that goblin.   Goblin First Names: Roach, Waterfall, Babble, Harami, Chitter
Goblin Titles: The Rude, The Kind, The Cowardly, The Naive, The Altruist

Beauty Ideals

Goblins do not typically care for beauty. If others want to improve their appearance? Sure, go ahead! But mostly what they see is what someone can do, what they've done, or how they treat others, especially pack members.

Gender Ideals

Goblins don't quite have a hard grip on gender, all they care about is if it makes the other happy. If a goblin has been called something all their life, but decide one makes them happier? Great, they'll switch right over.

Courtship Ideals

Goblins court their partners by finding something pretty, something that reminds them of that potential mate, and presenting it to them after making it into an accessory. If they also give the other an accessory soon after, it means they've accepted.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Goblins all know Goblinish, though based on their Kin or where they grew up they may have an accent or they may know more than just Goblinish.

Common Etiquette Rules

Goblins are expected to respect the decisions of others and not to shame those for how they choose to grow or live.

Common Dress Code

Goblins do not particularly care for shoes and how they feel on their paws, but aside from that they don't have much of a dress code or anything like that.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Goblins will often celebrate births in a pack with a party or gift the young with objects that they believe may fit the adult the young will grow into. They will also settle down, if nomadic, to raise the young one. Goblins also celebrate the anniversary of a pack's founding with uproarious applause and all kinds of festival-like fun.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Goblins could care less who their fellow goblin may be partners with. Whatever they may be, all they truly care about is how those who they are closest to feel. Just be happy, and your pack will celebrate the relationship as they would normally.

60 - 85 Spins
Average Height
3'4" - 4'11"
Average Weight
40 - 80 lbs

Articles under Goblins

Goblin (Normal-kin)

Ability Score Increase +2 Dex, +1 Con
Size Small
Speed 30 ft. Walking

Age. Goblins reach physical maturity at 8 Spins, mentally mature at 21 Spins, and live up to 60 to 85 Spins.   Alignment. Goblins are typically of the chaotic alignments, be they good, evil, or somewhere in the middle.   Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in the darkness as if it were dim light.   Fury of the Small. When you damage a creature with an attack or spell and the creature's size is larger than yours, you can cause the attack or spell to deal extra damage to the creature. The extra damage equals to your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.   Nimble Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of your turns.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Goblinish and Common.